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Samuel Mwonga is an associate professor of soil science in the Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils. He holds a PhD (Soil Science) from Cornell University (USA), a MSc (Soil Science) from the University of Nairobi and a BSc (Agric) from McGill University (Canada). His current duties include teaching, research and outreach in soil fertility and related fields. He has guided and supervised several MSc and PhD students in the field of agronomy. He was a trainer on crop management research in CMRT, Egerton-CIMMYT-KARI project for training entry-level crop management researchers from National Agriculture Reesearch Organizations form the region. He has been a past chair of the Department of  Crops Horticultre and Soils and Faculty representative to the Senate at Egerton University. His research interests include development and testing of agricultural technologies focusing on improvement of low input smallholder production systems and management of soil health. He has wide experience in on-station, on-farm research and in research implementation and management. He has and continues to be involved in several multi-stakeholder research projects focusing on technolgy development and diffusion in smallholder settings. He is currently the Directore of the Crop Management Research Training Project (CMRT) and also the Deputy Centre Leader of the World Bank funded African Centre of Excellence (ACE II) project (CESAAM, Egerton University), focusing on strengthening the quality of teaching and research at Egerton University.


Ph.D. (Soil Science): Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (USA). May 1991.

M.Sc. (Soil Science): University of Nairobi, Kenya. December 1987.

B.Sc. (Agriculture): McGill University, Montreal, Canada. June 1984.

Diploma (IAR4D) - Integrated Agriculture for Research and Development: (ICRA – International Centre for development oriented Research in Agriculture. Wageningen – The Netherlands. June 2005.


  1. Desert Agrobiology. International Course on desert Agrobiology. Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research (November 1996-January 1997). Ben-Gurion University of the Nagev, Beersheba, Israel.
  2. Identifying and Classifying Local Indicators of Soil Quality. Training of Trainer Workshop, March 2001. Arusha, Tanzania.
  3. Professional Capacity Building Programme in Agricultural Research for Development. Post-graduate Diploma. International Centre for development oriented Research in Agriculture (ICRA). 2005. Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  4. Advanced Course on Quality and Safety of Horticultural Crops. Nanjing Agricultural University. September 2006. Nanjing, China.
  5. Design and Management of Learning Programmes for Rural Innovations. International Centre for development oriented Research in Agriculture (ICRA). September, 2009. Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  6. Value Chain Mapping and Analysis. Agri and Co-operative Training and Consultancy services (ATC) of the Co-operative College of Kenya (June 2012) and International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) (October /November 2012).

1. NuMaRice-UAV Project

Title: Nutrient management of paddy rice fields in South-Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo – Using UAV-imaging for a precision agricultural approach

Description: The project has three partners: Egerton University (EgU), Université Catholique de Bukavu (UCB) and Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) in Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Austria, respectively. The aim of the project is to create a stable basis for cooperation between Austrian and African Universities through promotion of new contacts and deepening of existing scientific cooperation.

Responsibility: Project Coordinator and student supervision

Funding: Austrian Agency for Education and International Cooperation (OeAD-GmbH).


2. KCSAP Sorghum Project

Title: Validation of Climate-Smart Sorghum Technologies for Increased Productivity and Improved Livelihoods.

Description: A multi-institutional project among research partners in university, agricultural research institutions and farmer groups to validate and promote technologies and innovations of recently released sorghum varieties.

Responsibility: Principal Investigator

Funding: World Bank though the Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP)


3. EaTSANE Project

Title: Education and Training for Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition in East Africa (EaTSANE). A collaborative project between Egerton University, Makerere University, University of Hohenheim and Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany) and KIT (Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, The Netherlands) which seeks to enhance sustainable farming practices and improve diets of households in Kenya and Uganda by diversifying the food system with a participatory action learning approach.

Responsibility: Coordinating Conservation Agriculture implementation in Kenya

Funding: National Research Fund (NRF), under LEAP-Agri programme of the EU, 2018-2021


4. CESAAM African Centre of Excellence (ACE II) Project

Title: Center of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM), Egerton University.

Description: A World Bank project for the establishment of regional African Centres of Excellence (ACE) in Agriculture in institutions of higher learning. The aim of the project is to contribute to regional food security by focusing on technical capacity development, innovative agricultural research, incubation and transfer of technologies, and evidence-based policy development.

Responsibility: Deputy Centre Leader and PI, and Soil Science thematic leader.

Funding: World Bank, 2017-2022



Title: Diversifying Food Systems: Horticultural Innovations and Learning for Improved Nutrition and Livelihood in East Africa

Description: A GlobE (Global Food Security programme) project whose objective is to support the development of sustainable agriculture in African countries in order to secure a stable food supply for the rural and urban poor. HORTINLEA focuses on indigenous vegetables.

Responsibility: Soil health research and student supervision

Funding:  BMZ Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany through the GlobE Programme, 2013 -2018.


6. Multipurpose Legume Project (MLP)

Title: Multipurpose legumes and management strategies for reinvigorating and maintaining the health and productivity of smaller holder mixed farming systems

Description: The aim of the project is the sustainable integration of multiple species and cultivars of legumes into the smallholder farming systems of western Kenya.

Responsibility: Co PI (Egerton University Team), student supervision and soil fertility/management research.

Funding: McKnight Foundation through the East and Horn of Africa Community of Practice (EHAf CoP), 2011 – 2015 and 2015-2018.


7. IAR4D Initiative in Kenya

Title: Integrated Agricultural Research for Development in Kenya

Description: a multi-institutional effort to promote integrated agricultural research for development involving nine institutions including universities, agriculture sector ministries, agricultural research institutions and famer advocacy organization. The initiative developed an forum to advocate for integrated research for Agriculture, FIARD (Forum for Integrated Agricultural Research for Development)

Funding: support for research activities through ICRA form 2005 to 2010


8. Dry Grain Pulses CRSP Project

Title: Using Improved Crop Productivity to Reinvigorate Smallholder Mixed farming Systems in Western Kenya.

Description: A collaborative project between Cornell University (USA), KARI, Egerton University, Moi University, University of Nairobi and CIAT.

Responsibility: Co-PI and collaborating researcher and student supervision.

Funding: USAID through the Dry Grain Pulses CRSP programme of Michigan State University, 2008 to 2010.


9. SUCAPRI Project

Title: Strengthening University Capacity for Promoting, Facilitating and Teaching Rural Innovation Processes.

Description: A project aiming at strengthening of university and research staff in rural innovation skills. Partnerships include Makerere University (PI), ICRA, Egerton University, JKUAT and Kenyatta University and University of Nairobi.

Responsibility: Team leader for the Multi-stakeholder Training Activities

Funding: EU through the ACP-EU Cooperation Programmes in Higher Education (EDULINK) – 2008 to 2011.


Soil health management

Low input sutsinable agriculture technologies

Conservation agriculture

  1. Gbollie, S. , Mwonga, S. and Kibe, A. (2021) Effects of Calcium Nitrate Levels and Soaking Durations on Cocopeat Nutrient Content. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment10, 372-388. doi: 10.4236/jacen.2021.103024.
  2. Obondo, K., Lelei, J. J., & Mwonga, S. M. (2021). Soil properties and maize (Zea mays L.) growth and yield response to water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) compost application in Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management, 12(1), 17-28.
  3. Orandi, J., Mwonga, S., Ojiem, J., & Lauren, J. (2021). Effect of phosphorus fortified compost on growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) and Lablab (Lablab purpureus L.) intercropped maize in acidic soils of Western Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 17(2), 329-336.
  4. Kipngetich, S. C., Mwonga, S. M., & Ojiem, J. O. (2021). The effect of multi-component fertilizer and lime application on yield of common bean in Western Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 17(1), 112-117.
  5. Fashaho A., A.O. Musandu, J.J. Lelei, S.M. Mwonga and G.M. Ndegwa. (2020)Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer Rates on Maize (Zea mays L.) Growth and Yields in Terraced Lands of Medium and High Altitude Regions of Rwanda. Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer Rates on Maize (Zea mays L.) Growth and Yields in Terraced Lands of Medium and High Altitude Regions of Rwanda. Agricultural Science Digest. 40, 242-248
  6. Fashaho A., G.M Ndegwa , JJ Lelei, A.O. Musandu and S.M. Mwonga . (2020). Effect of land terracing on soil physical properties across slope positions and profile depths in medium and high altitude regions of Rwanda. South African Journal of Plant and Soil 2020: 01–10. 10.1080/02571862.2019.1665722
  7. Fashaho, A, G.M. Ndegwa, J.J. Lelei, A.O. Musandu, S.M. Mwonga. (2019). Variations in Soil Chemical Properties, Bacteria and Fungi Populations Along Slope Positions and Profile Depths in Terraced and Non-terraced Lands of Rwanda highlands. Agricultural Science Digest. Vol 39 (3). 10.18805/ag.D-149                      
  8. Kurgat, BK., Ngenoh, E., Bett, HK., Stöber, S., Mwonga, S., Lotze-Campen, H., Rosenstock, TS. (2018). Drivers of sustainable intensification in Kenyan rural and peri-urban vegetable production. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 16: 385-398
  9. Kurgat, BK., Stöber, S., Mwonga, S., Lotze-Campen, H. and Rosenstock, TS. (2018) Livelihood and climate trade-offs in Kenyan peri-urban vegetable production. Agricultural Systems. 160:79-86.
  10. Kitonga, L.M., Moturi, W.N., Mwonga, S.M. and Taabu I. (2018). Assessment of physico-chemical characteristics of groundwater among different farm sizes in Ainabkoi sub-county, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 12 (11), 408-416
  11. Macalou, S., Musandu, A., and Mwonga, S. (2018). Cassava genotypes NPK nutrient uptake in leave and its growth and yield parameters regression under inorganic NPK (15-15-15) application rates in southern Mali, West Africa. Advances in Agricultural Science: 6 (4), 42-51.
  12. Njuguna V. W., Cheruiyot E. K., Mwonga S. and Rono J. K. (2018). Effect of genotype and environment on grain quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) lines evaluated in Kenya. African Journal of Plant Science. 12: 324-330
  13. Onyari1, CN, Kibe, AM and Mwonga, S. (2017). Inter-seasonal Effects on Selected Maturity Parameters of DK8031 Maize Grown under Varying Irrigation and Nitrogen Levels in Embu County, Kenya. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture. 5: 1-13.
  14. Onyari1, CN, Kibe, AM and Mwonga, S. (2015). Growth Parameters of DK8031 Maize Variety as Affected by Varying Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates in Embu County, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering. 4: 432-444.
  15. Khaemba, MJ, S.M. Mwonga, L.M. Mumera and L. Nakhone. (2011). Forage legume-cereal double cropping in bimodal rainfall highland tropics: The Kenyan case. In A. Bationo et. al. (eds.). Innovations as key to the Green Revolution in Africa. Pp271-279. Springer Science +Business Media BV. New York
  16. Kiiya, WW, Mwonga, SM, Obura, RK and Ngugi, JG. (2010). Effect of incorporation of legumes on selected soil chemical properties and weed growth in a potato cropping system at Timboroa, Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 5: 2392-2398.
  17. Onwonga RN, Lelei JJ, Freyer B, Friedel JK, Mwonga SM. (2010). Short rain season fallow: window of opportunity for integrating improved fallow legumes into the farming system of molo district, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science. 5:10-18
  18. Onwonga, R.N., J.J. Lelei, B. Freyer, S.M. Mwonga and P. Wandahwa. (2008). Low cost technologies for enhancing N and P Availability and maize performance on acid soils. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 4: 862-873.
  19. Cheruiyot, E.K, S.M. Mwonga, L.M. Mumera, I.M. Tabu, J.K. Macharia and J. K. Ngugi. (2007). Rapid decay of dolichos (lab lab purpureus L. Sweet) residue leads to loss of nitrogen benefit to succeeding maize (Zea mays L.). Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 47: 1000-1007.
  20. Masinde, J.K., J. Ahenda, S.M. Mwonga, L.M. Mumera and L. Nakhone. (2006). Evaluation of germination capacities of selected forage legume seeds from the Kenyan Highlands. Egerton Journal. 6:103-116.
  21. Cheruiyot E.K., L.M. Mumera, L.N. Nakhone, and S.M. Mwonga. (2003). Effect of legume-managed fallow on weeds and soil nitrogen in following maize (Zea mays L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crops in the Rift Valley highlands of Kenya. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 43:597-604.
  22. Cheruiyot E.K., L.M. Mumera, L.N. Nakhone and S.M. Mwonga (2001). Rotational Effects of Grain Legumes on Maize Performance in the Rift Valley Highlands of Kenya. African Crop Science Journal. 9: 667-676.
  23. Belsky, A.J., S.M. Mwonga and J.M. Duxbury. (1993). Effects of widely spaced trees and livestock grazing on understory environments in tropical savannas. Agroforestry Systems. 24: 1-20.
  24. Belsky, A.J., S.M. Mwonga, R.G. Amundson, J.M. Duxbury and A.R. Ali. (1993). Comparative effects of isolated trees on their undercanopy environments in high- and low-rainfall savannas. Journal of Applied. Ecology. 30: 143-155.
  25. Mochoge, B.O. and S.M. Mwonga. (1991). Differences between soil properties of land under continuous cultivation and fallow in three soil types in Kenya. Discovery and Innovations. 3: 77-83.
  26. Coleman, D.C., A.L Edwards, A.J. Belsky and S.M. Mwonga. (1991). The distribution and abundance of soil nematodes in East African savannas. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 12: 67-72.
  27. Belsky, A.J., J.M. Duxbury, S. Riha, S. Mwonga, R.G. Amundson, D.C. Coleman and A.R. Ali. (1989). Trees – regulators of grassland productivity in a semi-arid savanna in Kenya. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 68: 261.
  28. Belsky, A.J., R.G. Amundson, J.M. Duxbury, S.J. Riha, A.R. Ali and S.M. Mwonga. (1989). The effects of trees on their physical, chemical and biological environment in a semi-arid savanna in Kenya. Journal of Applied. Ecology 26: 1005-1024.
  29. Mwonga, S.M. and B.O. Mochoge. (1989). The effects of cultivation upon some chemical properties of three Kenya soils. Pp. 38-50. In. D.B. Thomas, E.K. Biamah, A.M. Kilewe, L. Lundgren and B.O. Mochoge (eds.). Soil and Water Conservation in Kenya. Proceedings of the 3rd National Workshop. University of Nairobi and SIDA.
  30. Mochoge, B.O. and Mwonga, S.M. (1988). The effects of tillage on organic carbon and other physical and chemical properties of a semi-arid soil in Kenya. Pp 382 – 384. In. Challenges in Dryland Agriculture – A Global perspective. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Dryland Farming. Amarillo/Bushland, Texas USA.
  • Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Use
  • Waste management in Soils
  • Conservation agriculture and organic farming
  1. Samuel N. Guto. (1997). Integration of chickpea and common beans into wheat based cropping systems. M.Sc. Thesis, Egerton University.
  2. Erick Cheruiyot. (2000). The effect of legumes on nitrogen dynamics and performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) in a legume-cereal cropping sequence in the Kenya highlands. MSc Thesis, Egerton University.
  3. Michael Orangi Onchabo. (2002). Effects of lime, phosphorus and rhizobium inoculation on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) growth and yield in an acid molic andosol. MSc Thesis, Egerton University.
  4. Julius Khaemba Masinde. (2003). The contribution of selected pasture legumes to soil fertility and wheat yield in a cereal based cropping system in the highlands of the Rift Valley Province, Kenya. MSc Thesis, Egerton University.
  5. Wilson Dufitumikiza. (2011). Effect of lime and NPK fertilizer formulations on soil chemical properties, tea yield and leaf total polyphenols in Gisovu, Rwanda. MSc Thesis, Egerton University.
  6.     Alex Agutaa Adama. (2015). Effect of Crop Rotation Pattern on Soil Bacterial Wilt (Ralstonia solanacearun) and Potato     (Solanum tuberusu L.) Yield. MSc Thesis, Egerton University.
  7. Monica A. Okumu. (2016). Effects of P-Fortified Compost Manure on Growth and Yield of Maize in Smallholder Mixed Farming System of South Nandi District. MSc Thesis, Egerton University.
  8. Salouma Macalou (2018). Effect of NPK Inorganic Fertilizer on Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Yield in Ultisols of Sikasso, Mali. MSc Thesis, Egerton University.
  9. Virginia W. Njuguna (2018). Evaluation of Selected Industrial Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor L. Moench) Lines for Suitability to Different Agro-Ecological Environments in Western Kenya. MSc Thesis, Egerton University.
  1. Wycliffe Wabwile Kiiya. (2008). Use of legumes and lime to improve soil fertility and control sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella L.) weed in potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Timboroa, Kenya. PhD. Thesis, Egerton University.
  2. Charles N. Onyari (2017). Effects of Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels on Water and Notrogen use Efficiency and Yield of Drought Tolerant Hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) in Embu County, Kemya. PhD Thesis, Egerton University.
  3. Lydiah Mbula Kitonga (2018). Nitrogen Loading and Ground Water Nitrogen Contamination: Comparison among Different Farm Systems in Ainabkoi Sub-County, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. PhD Thesis, Egrton University.
  4.  Zachary Gichuru Mainuri (2019). Effect of Land Use Practices on Soil and Water Quality in the Middle River Njoro Sub-Watershed, Kenya. PhD Thesis, Egerton University.
  5.  Aloys Fashaho (2020). Evaluation of Soil Properties and Response Of Maize (Zea Mays L.) To Bioslurry and Mineral Fertilizers in Terraced Acrisols and Lixisols of Rwanda. PhD Thesis,Egerton University.
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