2021 to date Senior Lecturer,Crops Horticulture and Soils Department, Egerton University. Current duties include:-Lecturing in the various areas of crop production and protection to both under- and post-graduate students. Supervising postgraduate projects and final year undergraduate projects. Conducting research. Involved in curriculum development, student advising and other committees in the department and faculty.
2006-2021 Present: Lecturer, Crops Horticulture and Soils Department, Egerton University. Current duties include:-Lecturing in the various areas of crop production and protection to both under- and post-graduate students. Supervising postgraduate projects and final year undergraduate projects. Conducting research. Involved in curriculum development, student advising coordinating field attachment and other committees in the department and faculty.
2002-2006: Assistant Lecturer, Crops Horticulture and Soils Department, Egerton University. Duties included:-Lecturing in the various areas of crop production to under- graduate students. Was involved in curriculum development, student academic advising and supervising final year projects.
1992-2002: Senior Technician, Crops Horticulture and Soils Department, Egerton University. Duties included teaching and conducting practicals in crop production.
1986-1992: Agricultural Officer 3, Ministry of Agriculture, Nakuru District. Duties included organizing and conducting Training sessions of Technical Assistants and farmers on crop husbandry in various divisions of Nakuru District.