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Nancy W. Mungai is a professor of soil science with research interests in biological nitrogen fixation in grain legumes, biological agricultural inputs, and relevance of soil-based approaches for adaptation & mitigation to climate change. She has successfully coordinated twelve research projects and several student internship programs. Nancy is currently involved in a project titled "Transforming African Agricultural Universities to meaningfully to contribute to Africa’s growth and development (TAGDev) a partnership of Egerton university with Gulu University funded by Mastercard Foundation through RUFORUM. The project has supported over 110 undergraduate and 110 postgraduate students to pursue various agricultural related disciplines including agronomy, horticulture, agribusiness and food nutrition and security. TAGDev has piloted an innovative model for agricultural training that facilitates agricultural students to work closely with rural communities to foster food system transformation. Community action research approaches have been at the center of TAGDev project implementation.

Nancy is also a member of a research consortium lead by Michigan State University dubbed “Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Rural Economic Transformation (SAIRET+)” that is developing longer term proposal to support increased agricultural productivity through sustainable fertilizer use in Africa.

Nancy has supervised over 20 graduate students and has published 72 publications in internationally refereed and peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings and technical reports.

Administratively, Nancy is the Ag. Director in charge of Research and Extension at Egerton University since March 2020. Previously she served as the Director in charge of undergraduate studies and field attachment programs for 9 years.

Google Scholar
  • Ph.D. 2004, University of Missouri, Columbia MO, USA. Major: Soil Science. Dissertation title: Distribution of soil organic carbon and nitrogen fractions, enzyme activities and microbial diversity in temperate alley cropping systems. 
  • M.Sc. 1995, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania. Major: Soil Science. Thesis title: Decomposition and nutrient release patterns of Sesbania sesban and Lantana camara green manures and the use of lantana as a green manure source in vegetable production.
  • B.Sc. 1992, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya. Major: Agricultural sciences.

Rhizobiology, C and N cycling and nutrient management

  • Training in pedagogy of higher education
  • October 2019 to 30 March 2020 - University of Stellenbosch, DIES/CREST online training course for supervisors of doctoral candidates at African Universities -
  • May 23-25, 2018 - Association of African Universities (AAU) workshop on the 21st century leadership of Africa higher education institutions at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
  • April 4-6, 2018 - Staff retooling workshop on agripreneurship and innovation delivery methodologies, Egerton University
  • March 7-9 2018 - Staff retooling workshop on the use of case studies in teaching, Egerton University
  • September 19-20, 2017 - Staff retooling workshop on community engagement and experiential learning, Egerton University
  • February 8, 2017 - Training on agri-entrepreneurship, TAGDEV-EARTH university, held at CMRT, Egerton university
  • Acting Director, Research, Division of Research and Extension: March 2020 to date
  • Professor, Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils: September 2021 to date. Duties include teaching, supervision of PhD, Masters and Undergraduate research projects, coordination, mplementation of research projects and academic leadership in soil science
  • Associate Professor, Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils: April 2013 to August 2021. Duties include teaching, supervision of PhD, Masters and Undergraduate research projects, coordination and implementation of research projects
  • Director, Board of Undergraduate Studies, Egerton University: February 2012 to March 2020.

Responsibilities included monitoring of undergraduate curricula adherence to university approved format for academic programs, promotion of interdisciplinary collaboration at undergraduate level during curriculum development and review, overseeing the publication of the university catalogue of academic programmes, coordination and facilitation of Field Attachment (FA) and Teaching Practice (TP) placement and assessment, supervision of 7 BUGS secretariat staff, over 25 FA/ TP coordinators and facilitation of a 22-member Board of senior academic staff.

  • Acting Director, Board of Undergraduate Studies, Egerton University: January 2011 to January 2012. Performed all the duties specific to Director Board of Undergraduate Studies
  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University: October 2007 to April, 2013. Duties include; teaching the following courses: soil biology, soil fertility and plant nutrition and other introductory soil science courses (at undergraduate level), soil microbiology and biochemistry, and advances in soil fertility and plant nutrition (Post graduate level); supervising and advising undergraduate and graduate students on research projects; and conducting research in various aspects of soil microbial ecology as related to sustainable development.
  • Lecturer, Department of Soil Science, Egerton University Kenya, October 2004 to September 2007.
  • Assistant Lecturer, Department of Soil Science, Egerton University: July 1997 to September 2004
  • Postdoctoral Fellow: June to August, 2004, University of Missouri, Columbia MO USA.
  • Responsibilities included data processing, analysis and write-up of research findings in microbial ecology and C and N cycling in agro ecosystems using Bt corn and glyphosate resistant soybeans.
  • Graduate Research Assistant: September 2000 to January 2004, University of Missouri, Columbia MO USA. Responsibilities included conducting research in C and N cycling in temperate alley cropping practices.
  • International Agricultural Ambassador at Walt Disney World, Epcot Orlando, Florida, USA March to June 2000. Responsibilities included providing information about soil fertility, livestock, and gender issues in Africa to guests visiting Epcot Theme Park.
  • Technical/training Assistant with Crop Management Research and Training (CMRT) Project August 1996 to June 1997, Duties included teaching a soil microbiology course and overseeing accounts management of funds coming to and through CMRT.
  • Research Assistant with Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Programme (TSBF) October 1994 to January 1996. Duties included literature search and review of different journal articles (and/or book chapters) relevant to soil biology and fertility, editorial work of different publications and coordination of laboratory analysis of soil and plant materials.
  • Trainer with Kenya Institute of Organic Farming (KIOF) June to September, 1992. Duties included training farmers on different organic farming techniques.

Ongoing Multidisciplinary Research

  1. Mungai, N.W; Mshenga PM in collaboration with RUFORUM, and Gulu University (Beginning July 2016 to 2024). Transforming African Agricultural Universities to meaningfully contribute to Africa’s growth and Development. Funded by Mastercard Foundation through RUFORUM US $ 26.4 m, 6.2 m for Egerton University

Completed research projects

  1. Mungai N.W, Opiyo AM and Korir H (2019-2020)- Enhancing African rural transformation: University based strategies for driving application and uptake of grain legumes and dry land cereals innovations under the GLDC Innovation Fund at Egerton University. Funded by RUFORUM US $ 22,300.  Completed in 2021
  2. IITA (Nigeria), Mungai N.W (Egerton), KEPHIS, collaborators from Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Ghana (Beginning June 2012). Institutionalization of Quality Assurance Mechanism and Dissemination of Top-Quality Commercial Products to Increase Crop Yields and Improve Food Security of Smallholder Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa-COMPRO II. Funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation US 7 M, 200,000 to Egerton. Completed in 2018
  3. Birech R, Mungai N.W, Lelo FK, Bebe BO, Nyaanga DM, Kitaka N, African Center for Technology Studies (ACTS as lead Institution) and Others (Beginning June 2012) . East Africa Climate Change Innovation Network. Funded by World Bank US $ 1.3 M. Completed in 2013
  4. Lelo FK, Chiuri W, Mungai N.W, Kariuki ST, Bebe BO, Ngigi M, and Kamuru SM (Beginning August 2010). Building adaptation capacities for climate change in Kenya through participatory research, training and outreach. Funded by Rockefeller Foundation US $ 483,900. Completed in 2016
  5. Mungai N.W and Ngigi M (Beginning October 2009) Incorporation of Lablab purpureus as a soil fertility amendment for improved maize production on degraded land parcels in Nakuru, Kenya. Funds by International Foundation for Science US $ 12,000. Completed 2012
  6. Mungai, N.W, Abaya SG, Vuai SAH (Tanzanian) and Ibembe JD (Ugandan) (Beginning Jan 2007) Socio-economic and ecological impacts of periodic sedimentation on the livelihoods of flood plain communities of Lake Victoria basin. Funds by VicRes US $ 48,000 annually. Completed 2012
  7. Mungai, N.W (Beginning 2006) Sustainable Bean Production Using Rhizobia Inoculants (~US $ 2000, Funded by Egerton University, Research and Extension Division) - Completed in 2009.
  8. Mugendi D, Karega GMR, Mungai NW, Cheruiyot EK, Wanyera R (Beginning October 2006). Linking farmers to value markets through participatory scaling -up of soil management techniques in the Kenyan highlands. Funded by IDRC (US $ 17,000 annually for three years – Completed in 2009.
  9. Mungai, N.W (Beginning 2006) Cover Crops Management in Relation to Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Small Farms (US $ 3000, funded by TSBF-CIAT) - Completed in 2009.
  10. Mungai, N.W, Nakhone LW, Lagat JK, Opiyo, AM and Mumera LM (Beginning June 2006). Case Study on Inter-Cropping versus Mono-Cropping and Role of Indigenous Leafy Vegetables in Mwingi and Bondo Districts, Kenya. Funded by the FAO –Netherlands Partership Programme (FNPP) US $ 12,000 - Completed in 2008.
  1. Competitiveness of native rhizobial strains in bean and soybean production systems
  2. Soil nutrient management, testing of various fertilizer formulations
  3. Assessment of various liming materials and lime requirement to manage acid soils
  4. .Sustainable agricultural systems with special emphasis on soil C and N cycling
  5.  Workinng with rural communities to adopt appropriate agricultural technologies that are sustainable at the farm level
  1. Tracyline JM, Kimurto PK, Mafura JJ, Mungai NW and Ojulong (2021) Farmer preference for selected finger millet (Eleusine coracana) varieties in Rift Valley, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural DevelopmentVol.13 (1), pp. 82-93DOI:  .
  2. Oduor SO, Mungai NW. and Owido SFO (2021) Zai Pit Effects on Selected Soil Properties and Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Growth and Grain Yield in Two Selected Dryland Regions of Kenya. Open Journal of Soil Science, 11,39-57.
  3. Iraboneye N,  Charimbu MK. & Mungai NW (2021) Effect of canola and compound fertilizer on potato (Solanum tuberosum l.) bacterial wilt management. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences. 10.24018/ejfood.2021.3.1.130
  4. Bakari, R, Mungai N, Thuita M and Cargele, M. 2020. Impact of soil acidity and liming on soybean (Glycine max) nodulation and nitrogen fixation in Kenyan soils. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science.
  5. Iraboneye N, Mungai NW. &  Charimbu, MK (2020) Effects of compound fertilizer and canola green manure onnutrient use efficiency, growth and yield of potato tuber (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Nakuru, Kenya. Fundamental and Applied Agriculture
  6. Mshenga, PM, , Ayuya,OI, Okello, DO, Mwangi, D, Ouma D, Jabu J and Mungai, NW (2020). Influence of entrepreneurship education on Egerton University’s graduates’ intention to start a business. African Crop Science Journal Vol 28: 273-288
  7. Ondiege, EO, Mutuku, M and Mungai, NW (2020) Farmer-preferred learning methods and utilised teaching approaches by Egerton University, Kenya. African Crop Science Journal Vol 28: 187-198
  8. Kariuki,GW, Mungai, NW, Otaye, DO, Thuita, M, Muema, E, Korir, H and Masso, C (2020) Antagonistic effects of biocontrol agents against Phytophthora infestans and growth stimulation in tomatoes. African Crop Science Journal Vol 28: 55-70
  9. Chepkoech W, Mungai NW, Bett HK, Stöber S, Lotze-Campen H (2020) Toward Climate-Resilient African Indigenous Vegetable Production in Kenya. In: Leal Filho W. (eds) Handbook of Climate Change Resilience. Springer, Cham.
  10. Chepkoech W, Mungai, NW, Stöber S and Lotze-Campen H (2019). Understanding adaptive capacity of smallholder African indigenous vegetable farmers to climate change in Kenya. Climate Risk Management 27 (2020) 100204
  11. Kisiangani BW, Ayuya OI, and Mungai, NW (2019) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) of A Holistic Extension Programme: Case Study of Farm Attachment Programme in Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice 10: 102-112
  12. Chepkoech W, Mungai NW, Stöber S, Bett HK, Lotze-Campen H (2018) Farmers’ perspectives: Impact of climate change on African indigenous vegetable production in Kenya. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management Vol. 10 Issue: 4, 551-579,
  13. Mungai NW, Kisiangani BW and Ayuya O. 2018. Innovative engagement of rural communities through students attachment programme at Egerton University. RUFORUM Working Document Series, No. 17 (1): 107-119. Available from
  14. Mulu-Mutuku M, Tarus RJ, Otieno EO, Mungai NW (2017) Farmers’ perceptions regarding Egerton university community engagement activities. African Journal of Rural Development 2: 523-534
  15. Omondi, JO,  Mungai NW, Ouma JP,  and Baijukya FP (2017) Shoot water content and reference evapotranspiration for determination of crop evapotranspiration. African Crop Science Journal 25 (4), 387-403
  16. Korir H, Mungai NW, Thuita M, Hamba Y, and Masso C (2017) Co-inoculation effect of rhizobia and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on common bean growth in a low phosphorus soil. Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 141
  17. Mungai NW and Njuguna VW (2016) Linking universities to communities: The case of Egerton University. RUFORUM Working Document Series 14 (1), 415-420
  18. Mungai NW, Ambula M, Ombati J, Opiyo AM, Bebe BO, Ayuya OI, and Wambua T.  (2016) Experiential learning for agricultural students in institutions of higher learning: The case of Egerton University. African Journal of Rural Development 1 (3), 229-237
  19. Omondi JO, Mungai NW, Ouma JP and Baijukya FP (2015) Mitigating mid-season drought effect in soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) in Western Kenya. Legume Research 38 (4), 477-483
  20. Opiyo AM, Mungai NW, Nakhone LW, Lagat K (2015) Production, status and impact of traditional leafy vegetables in household food security: a case study of Bondo district-Siaya county-Kenya. ARPN J. Agric. Biol. Sci 10 (9), 330-338
  21. Kamuru SM, Kariuki ST, Mungai NW, Bebe BO, Chiuri W, Ngigi M and Lelo FK (2014) Food Management Strategies for Coping with Food Insecurity in a Changing and Variable Climate by Smallholder Farmers in Kenya. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies 9 (2), 797-807.
  22. Omondi JO, Mungai NW, Ouma JP, and Baijukya FP. (2014) Effect of tillage on biological nitrogen fixation and yield of soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) varieties. Australian Journal of Crop Science 8 (8), 1140
  23. Vuai SAH, Ibembe JD, Mungai NW (2013) Influence of land use activities on spatial and temporal variation of nutrient deposition in Mwanza Region: Implication to the atmospheric loading to the Lake Victoria. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 3 (02), 224
  24. Ouma KO, Mungai NW, Kitaka N (2013) Temporal Variation of Sedimentation from Surface Runoff from Agricultural Land Uses in Sondu-Miriu Basin, Kenya. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 5 (10), 577-590
  25. Vuai SAH, Ibembe JD and Mungai NW (2012)  Spatial variation of Nutrients in Sondu-Miriu and Simiyu-Duma Rivers: Implication on sources and factors influencing their transportation into the Lake Victoria  Journal of Earth Science & Climate Change Vol 3 (2)
  26. Wasike VW, Vanlauwe B, Mungai NW, Hermann L, Wachira FN, Mumera LM, Sanginga N, Wagner M, Mburu HN, Malala P, Wasilwa L and Lesueur D (2012) The competitiveness of Bradyrhizobium spp strains on promiscuous and specific soyabean varieties in Kenyan soils. Kenya Science Technical and Innovation Journal Vol 2:14-29
  27. Mungai NW, Njue AM, Abaya Samuel G, Vuai Said AH and Ibembe John D (2011) Periodic Flooding and Land Use Effects on Soil Biochemical Properties in the Lake Victoria Basin. African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 6(19) 4613-4623.
  28. Bakibinga-Ibembe J.D., Vuai S. A and Mungai, NW. 2011. Environmental laws and policies related to periodic flooding and sedimentation in the Lake Victoria Basin (LVB) of East Africa. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 5(5): 367-380.
  29. Ouma KO, Mungai NW, Vuai SAH, Ibembe JD (2011) Spatial-temporal variation of nitrogen, phosphorus and sediments in surface runoff and adjacent river system in Sondu-Miriu basin, Kenya. Natural Resources Management and Land Use. Proceedings of the Cluster Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya, 30th November-2nd December 2011. VICRES
  30. Mungai NW and Karubui N (2010) Effectiveness of Rhizobia isolates from Njoro soils (Kenya) and commercial inoculants in nodulating common beans (phaseolus vulgaris). Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology Vol 12 (1): 47-59.
  31. Mungai NW, Bationo A and Waswa B (2009) Soil properties as influenced by soil fertility management in small scale maize farms in Njoro, Kenya. Journal of Agronomy 8(4): 131-136.
  32. Wasike VW, Mburu HN, Vanlauwe B, Wachira FN, Mungai NW, Mumera LM, Sanginga N, Owuoche JO and Lesueur D (2009) Environmental influence on the genetic diversity of indigenous Bradyrhizobia nodulating promiscuous soyabean in Kenya. East Africa Agriculture Forestry Journal 75(2): 109-119.
  33. Wasike VW, Lesueur D, Wachira FN, Mungai NW, Mumera LM, Sanginga N, Mburu HN, Mugadi D, Wango P and Vanlauwe B (2009). Genetic diversity of indigenous Bradyrhizobium nodulating promiscuous soybean [Glycine max (L) Merr.] varieties in Kenya: Impact of phosphorus and lime fertilization in two contrasting sites. Plant and Soil 322: 151-163.
  34. Mungai NW, Motavalli PP and Kremer RJ (2006) Soil organic C and N fractions in long-term temperate alley cropping practices. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 37(7-8):1-16.
  35. Mungai NW and Motavalli PP (2006) Litter quality effects on C and N dynamics in temperate alley cropping systems. Applied Soil Ecology 31(1-2):32-42.
  36. Mungai NW, Motavalli PP, Nelson KA and Kremer RJ (2005) Differences in yields, residue composition and N mineralization dynamics of Bt and non-Bt maize. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 73:101-109.
  37. Mungai NW, Motavalli PP Kremer RJ and Nelson KA (2005) Spatial variation of soil enzyme activities and microbial functional diversity in temperate alley cropping practices. Biology and Fertility of Soils 42(2): 129-136.

Publications- book chapter in a university-level refereed scholarly book/ Editorship of a book or conference proceedings

  1. Mungai NW (2011) Agrobiodiversity and Soil Quality, p 63-74 In: Mungai NW (Ed.) Agrobiodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use in Enhancing Food Security: A Training Manual. Tonaz Printers, Nairobi, Kenya

Publications - Peer-reviewed conference proceedings, laboratory and field manuals

  1. Masso C, Mitiku G, Shimber T, Abaidoo RC, Mungai N, Yusuf AA, Mhaiki K, Tumuhairwe JB (2016) Availability of knowledgeable personnel and improved laboratory capacity for assessing commercial agricultural products. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria
  2. Masso C, AbdelGadir AAH, Thuita M, Tarus D, Mitiku G, Shimber T, Abaidoo RC, Mungai N, Yusuf A, Mhaiki, K and Tumuhairwe JB (2016) Training manual for product screening and inspection. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria.
  3. Kariuki ST, Mungai N, Ngigi M, Kamuru S, Lelo F, Bebe B and Chiuri, W (2015). Smallholders’ Perceptions of Climate Change Impact on Biodiversity: A Case Study of Farmers in Varied Agroecological Zones in Kenya, 131-147 In: Isutsa, D.K. Proceedings of the First International Research Conference held in Chuka University, 29th to 31st, 2014, Chuka, Kenya, 500 pp.
  4. Mungai NW, Ambula MK and Opiyo AM (2015) Egerton University Field Attachment Manual. Board of Undergraduate Studies and Field Attachment Programs in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture, Egerton University
  5. Mungai NW, Mwangi M, Ouma JP, Nakhone LW and Mutai M. 2010. Research and Management Skills for Women in Agricultural and Natural Sciences. Published proceedings of a workshop sponsored by UNU-INRA, IFS and Egerton University.
  6. Mungai NW, Nakhone LW, Lagat JK, Opiyo AM, and Mumera LM. 2008. “Role of traditional leafy vegetables and associated cropping systems: A case study of Bondo District, Kenya. Amu Press, Nakuru
  7. Udoto MO, Mungai NW, Ngoda BJM and Ondiek J.O. (Eds) (2006). Proceedings of a policy forum on agroforestry and integrated natural resources management curriculum in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions, November 24-26, 2005, Stem Hotel Nakuru, Kenya. Egerton University Press.
  8. Mungai NW, Motavalli PP and Kremer RJ (2004) Soil organic C and N fractions in long-term temperate alley cropping practices. pp. 196-205. In: S.H. Sharrow (Ed.) Proceedings of the Association for Temperate Agroforestry (AFTA) 2003 8th North American Agroforestry Conference. Agroforestry and Riparian Buffers for Land Productivity and Environmental Stability Symposium, June 23-25, 2003, Oregon State University, Corvallis Oregon. [CD-ROM].
  9. Wangari, N and Msumali GP (2000) Decomposition of Sesbania sesban and Lantana camara green manures: effect of the type of green manure and rate of application, p 13-20. In: Proceedings of the 15th Annual General Meeting of the Soil Science Society of East Africa, 19-23 August, 1996, Nanyuki, Kenya.
  10. Mungai NW, Kamau AK and Macharia CN (1999) The effect of organic-inorganic phosphorus inputs and time of split application of nitrogen on grain yield of maize, p 253-255. In: CIMMYT and EARO Maize Production Technology for the Future: Challenges and Opportunities: Proceedings of the 6th Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Maize Conference, 21-25 Sept 1998., Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  11. Macharia CN, Kamau AK, Shiluli M, Wangari N and Ogendo JO (1997) The effects of tillage and organic residues on maize grain yield. In: Adipala et al. (Eds) African Crop Science Proceedings 3:483-485.
  12. Palm CA, Wangari N and Mwenja G (1995) Selection of organic inputs for soil fertility management. In: Waddington, SR (Ed) Soil Fertility Network for Maize-Based Farming Systems in Selected Countries of South Africa: Research results and Network Outputs in 1994 and 1995, p. 19-24.
  13. Woomer PL, Wangari N, Kinyanjui M and Ndungu A. (1994) The Biology and Fertility of Tropical Soils: Bibliography and Abstracts: Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Program, pp 225.

Technical reports

Over 20 technical and project reports

  • December 3-11, 2021 -7th African Higher Education Week & RUFORUM Triennial Conference, Cotonou, Benin
  • November 24-26, 2020 - 13th Egerton University International Biennial Conference under the theme Innovation, Research and Transformation for Sustainable Development, Coordinated virtually from Egerton University, Kenya
  • July 21-22, 2020 - 4th National Forum for Universities, TVETs and Industry Players in the Agricultural Sector Coordinated virtually from Egerton University, Kenya
  • December 1-6, 2019 - RUFORUM AGM University of Cape Coast, Ghana
  • October 22-26, 2018 - The 6th African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference, KICC, Nairobi
  • October, 16-23, 2016 The 5th RUFORUM Biennial Conference and Launch of the TAGDev Project, Cape town, South Africa
  • January 13-15, 2013: 1st SAC meeting for COMPRO II project, Naivasha, Kenya
  • October 22-26, 2012: Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Africa: From microbes to markets. Scientific conference held in Safari Park Hotel Nairobi
  • June 20-22, 2012: 1st International Conference, Laikipia University College, Kenya
  • May 15-17, 2012: COMPRO II Planning and Launching Meeting in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
  • March 26-30, 2012: KIA Transformative Leadership Course held at CMRT, Egerton University
  • March 1-2, 2012, COMPRO II Partnership Development meeting, Safari Park, Nairobi
  • November 3, 2011: Egerton University workshop on Integrity Promotion held at ARC Hotel, Egerton University
  • October 30 – November 2, 2011 VicRes cluster meeting for Natural Resource Management and Land Use Clusters. Methodist Guest House, Nairobi, Kenya
  • October 3-5, 2011 BMGF Proposal writing workshop for COMPRO II, DoubleTree Hotel, Zanzibar, Tanzania
  • September 21-27, 2011 AWARD Women’s Leadership and Management Course, Arusha, Tanzania.
  • September 13-15, 2011 BMGF Proposal writing workshop Trib Hotel, Village Market, Nairobi Kenya.
  • June 9-10, 2011: Training on Statistics in Applied Climatology for Academic Supervisors and Managers. Egerton University and Walker Institute for Climate System Research, University of Reading. Training held at CMRT, Egerton
  • May 24-26, 2011 4th Scientific Advisory Committee meeting for BMGF project in Lake Nakuru Lodge, Kenya
  • February 26-28, 2011 Climate Adaptation Project team retreat at Soi Lodge, Baringo, Kenya
  • February 7-11, 2011 Mid-term Evaluation of VLIR-Moi University Program, Eldoret and Kisumu Hotel, Kisumu, Kenya
  • October 3-7, 2010 3rd Scientific Advisory Committee meeting for BMGF project in EIAR, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • August 23-27, 2010: Mentoring Orientation Workshop for AWARD. CGIAR Gender & Diversity Program, Mombasa Kenya
  • June 2, 2010: Training on writing policy Briefs for Agricultural Researchers, Egerton University, Faculty of Agriculture. Training held in IBIS Hotel, Nanyuki, Kenya
  • April 12-16, 2010: 2nd Scientific Advisory Committee meeting for BMGF project in IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria.
  • December 15-19, 2008: Research and Management Skills for Women in Agricultural and Natural Sciences. IFS/UNU-INRA Workshop, Egerton University, Njoro Kenya
  • May 27-31, 2008: VICRES Annual Forum. Arusha, Tanzania May 27-31, 2008: VICRES
  • Annual Forum, Arusha, Tanzania
  • March 25-29, 2008: Conceptualization and preparation of research proposals. IFS/UNU-INRA workshop, Accra, Ghana
  • May 2003, Superior Graduate Student Achievement Award, University of Missouri, peer-nominated for excellence in research and representation of Soil Science graduate students at the University-wide Graduate Students Association.

Teaching materials

  1. SOIL 750 - Advances in soil fertility and plant nutrition, MSc level - Power point notes
  2. SOIL 730 - Soil microbiology and biochemistry, MSc level - PowerPoint notes
  3. SOIL 461 - Farm level nutrient flows and management (4th year course) - PowerPoint notes and e-module notes.

Academic advising and student mentoring

  1. Programme Academic leader for BSc Soil Environment and Land use management - 2019-2022
  2. Formed a WhatsApp group for academic advising and career opportunities for MSc Soil Science (2019 class)


  1. Enock Kwizera (KM14/09041/20) MSc. Effect of Different Combinations of Biochar and NPK Fertilizer on Growth, Quality and Yield of Beet Root in Nakuru County, Kenya. 
  2. Doreen Mbabazize (KM13/13613/19) MSc. Integration of Biochar and inorganic Fertiliser to Enhance Nutrient Use Efficiency and Potato Tuber Yield in Nakuru County, Kenya. Defended at the faculty level, 
  3. Sillus Otieno Oduor (KM / / 18) Effects of “Zai” Pit Technology on Soil Moisture Conservation for Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Production in Dryland Areas of Kenya. 
  4. Norbert Iraboneye (KM121/14577/18) Effect of Canola Green Manure and Compound Fertilizer on Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Growth, Yield and Bacterial Wilt Management. 
  5. Selphine Oduor Omondi (KM121/14576/18) MSc. Effect of Fertilizer Rates on Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Tuber Yields and Cassava Brown Streak Disease in Nakuru and Migori Counties. 
  6. Innocent Telewa Sangura (KM/13/12157/17) MSc. Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management nn Growth and Yield of Hybrid Maize (Zea mays L.) in Bungoma and Busia Counties, Kenya. 
  7. Godelieve Nyirahategekimana (KM13/12099/17) MSc. Evaluating Competitiveness of Native Rhizobia Strains and Rhizobia Inoculants on Productivity of Climbing Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris) in Nakuru County. 


  1. Rukia Bakari Khamis (KM13/13581/14) MSc. Effects of Inoculation and Liming on Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation of Soybean (Glycine Max) in Selected Acidic Soils of Kenya. Graduated in July 2021
  2. Benjamin Wamalwa Kisiangani (KM15/14389/15) MSc. Role of Farm Attachment Program on Technology Adoption among Small Holder Farmers in Baringo and Nakuru Counties, Kenya. Graduated November 2019
  3. Grace Waruguru Kariuki (SM15/3044/11). MSc. Effects of Biological agents (antagonistic fungi) Formulations on Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum ) Late Blight Caused by Phytophthora infestans. Graduated in December, 2016
  4. Hezekiah Korir (KM13/3342/12) MSc. The Effectiveness of Native Rhizobia Strains and Selected Commercial Products on Soybean Yields and Biological Nitrogen Fixation. Graduated in December, 2016
  5. Kennedy Ochieng Ouma (SM18/2450/09). MSc. Spatial–Temporal Variation of Nitrogen and Phosphorus, And Sedimentation on Upper and Middle Sondu–Miriu River, Kenya. Kennedy graduated in December 2015
  6. Ruth M. Mutie (KM 12/2534/09). MSc. Community Level Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change: Participatory Evaluation of Agronomic Strategies in Mbeere District. Ruth graduated in December 2015
  7. Joseph Mhango (KM13/3352/12) Efficacy and Competitiveness off Indigenous Bradyrhizobia Strains on Soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merr.) Productivity in Malawi. Graduated in June 2015
  8. John Okoth Omondi (KM12/2509/09). MSc. Effect of tillage and varieties on mid-season drought, biological nitrogen fixation, growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril) in Western Graduated in July 2013
  9. Annette M. Njue (NM12/1521/05), MSc. Environmental Sciences. Thesis title “         Effects of periodic sedimentation on soil biochemical properties in the Lake Victoria basin” Annette graduated in November 2010


  1. Winifred Chepkoech. PhD. African Indigenous Vegetables in the Face of Climate Change: A Socio-Economic Analysis of Adaptation Strategies in Kenya. Graduated November 2019 at Humboldt University, Germany.
  2. Victor W. Wasike (KD12/0164/05), PhD. Thesis title “Genetic diversity of dual-purpose soybeans [Glycine max (L.)] Bradyrhizobium spp. (TGx) isolates and their potential to fix nitrogen in Kenya” Victor graduated in May 2012


  1. Nancy Waitherero Chege (ED23/0398/13), PhD. Digital Knowledge Pack Innovation Effectiveness In Enhancing Experiential Learning Abilities Among Students On Farm Attachment Programme Of Egerton University. Submitted thesis for external examination
  2. Hezekiah Korir (KD13/13031/17) PhD Native Rhizobia and Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria as Biofertilizers for Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Writing thesis
  3. Pauline Karimi Maina (ED23/13085/17) PhD. Enhancing Capacity in Participatory Monitoring And Evaluation Among Egerton University Community Engagement Stakeholders In Nakuru County, Kenya. Data collection
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