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Paul Kimurto is a Professor at Egerton University, Faculty of Agriculture and currently the Director of Markerking and Resource Mobilization and also the Agro-Science Park (GOK, Vision 2030 Flagship Project) and Head of Egerton University Seed Unit and Team Leaders Seeds of Gold communication Platform. He has over 15 yrs experience in academia and research. He is a Professionally Dryland research and drought stress physiology/Breeding specialist with enormous experiences in dryland development and validation of breeding and variety development techniques, Application of molecular breeding techniques, Irrigation, fertility and water use and management and seed systems in ASALs, Training and curricula development, scientific writing and reporting. He has attended several International courses offered by ICRISAT, CIMMYT, Generation Challenge Program-GCP, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), IFS, BECA/ILRI and Germany-DAAD in breeding, Genetics, Application of molecular breeding techniques, Bio-Saline and Drought Technology and Seed systems. He hold a PhD in Crop Science (Crop Physiology/Breeding), and a Master of Science in Crop Science & a BSc in Agriculture. He has authored/co-authored over 20 papers in refereed journals and over 50 Conference proceedings in various fields. production, Application of biotechnology and molecular breeding in Agriculture, climate change resilience, modeling among others. He is/has been supervisor of several Msc.& PhD Students in local and other universities. He has won several grants in research in development of resilient high yielding crop varieties of Beans, Chickpea, Finger millet, wheat, Sorghum funded by several International Donors like Gates Foundation AGRA, CIAT, ICRISAT etc.


2008: Ph.D  Crop Physiology, Sandwich PhD of Egerton University & University of Potsdam (ATB), Germany 

2000: Master of Science Crop Sciences, Egerton University, Kenya.

1995: Bsc Agriculture (Agronomy), Egerton University, Kenya


Dryland resource management, drought physiollogy, crop breeding for against climate change, seed systems, networking, rural development expertise


Prof Kimurto is a professionally Dryland research and drought stress physiology/Breeding specialist with enormous experiences in dryland development and validation of breeding and variety development. Paul has wide experiene in seed systems, agronomy, community and rural development and business developmnt skills for agriculture development.ii) Undertaking other recognized responsibilities within the University:

  1. Principal Investigator/Co-PI of 15 grants and consultancies (2010-2021)
  2. Collaborating Researcher/Consultant of 19 grants and consultancies (2010--2021)
  3. Programme Academic Leader (PAL) for  PhD Dryalnd Agriculture & Resources management10. Programme Academic Leader (PAL) for  Msc Dryland griculture
  4. Has served in several University committees (2012-2021)Steering Committee Member for Lord Egerton Agricity Agro-industrial Park

PROFESSIONAL/CONSULTING/INDUSTRY (Networking & collaborating with external organizations)

  1. MoU Between Egerton Univ and ICRISAT
  2. MOU Between Egerton Univ andKilimo Trust 
  3. Mou between Egerton and KALRO of variety exchange 
  4. MoU between Egerton and Seed Companies-Agrosoy
  5.  MoU between Egerton and BOKU, LINCOLN
  6. Referee for professional periodicals 
  7. Reviewer for Frontiers in Plant S  cience, African Crop Science journal among others

Appointment to national, regional or international board as consultant:  

  1. Mentorship of BOIE_Egertonn student Excahnge 2 students 2020 
  2. Board of Directors KEPHIS Board
  3. Consulting for external academic/professional bodies/institutions:
  4. external examiner to African Universities (BOKU, Ghana and Mozambique) 
  5. External examiner to Kenyan Universities KU, UOE, MOI Universities

June 2021 to Date: Director Marketing and Resource Mobilization, Egerton University

Oct 2015-date: Director Agro-Science Parkof Innovation Centre, Egerton University

2012 to date: Team Leader Seeds of Gold Agricultural Information and Communication platform, Nation Newspapers (Saturday Edition)

July 2021 to date: Professor Crop Physiology/Breeding, Egerton University

April 2009-Sept 2013: Senior Lecturer, Dept of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University

2005-2009: Lecturer, Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University

2005-2007: Research Fellow, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Njoro, Kenya

2001-2004: Assistant Lecturer, Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University, Kenya

2002-2004: Research Fellow KARI Njoro

1996-2002: Assistant lecturer/Research Assistant, Department of Crops, Horticulture and Soils, Egerton University, Kenya


Resource Mobilization (Research Grants, Consultancies)

  1. 2021-2022 Kilimo Trust-IKEA  Rice project on Reduce-Reuse-Recycle Rice Initiative for Climate Smart Agriculture (R4iCSA) Project
  2. 2021-2023-FAO-IKEA Foundation funded, Groundnut Value ch ain approach for economic integration and self-r eliance of refugees & host comm unities in East Africa-Turkana County in Kenya.
  3. 2020-2022; Sustainable Participatory Enhancement of Finger Millet value chain in Bomet, Kericho and West Pokot counties (SuPa-ENHANCE FINGER MILLET). World Bank Funded Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP). Ref Number: FP04-4/1- 2020-2022  (C0-PI)
  4. 2020-2022; Pigeon pea Technologies, Innovations, Management Practices For Enhancing  Productivity, Food and Nutrition Security of Smallholder Communities in Kenya. World Bank Funded Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP). Ref Number: FP01-6/1- 2020-2022  (PI)
  5. 2017-2018; Supporting the production and availability of certified bean seed in required quantities among the farmers in the Rift Valley Region for the Nakuru Beans Consortium (NABECO)and North Rift Beans Consortium
  6. 2019-2021;USAID-Feed the Future Accelerated Value Chain Development Phase II Program (AVCD 2) ICRISAT/Egerton Drought Tolerant Crops Value Chain Component in Kenya (Team Leader) 2008-2022
  7. 2014-2016; Grain Legumes CGIAR Research Program-CRP: Competitive Grants Scheme 2014/2016: Enhancing pigeon pea production and seed systems in 4 semi-arid areas of Eastern and Southern Africa Co-PI Prof Mulwa , Towett & Gatongi
  8. 2014-2016; Alliance for Green Revolution for Africa (AGRA) Funding to support Egerton Seed Unit and & seed production systems in Central and South Rift Counties of Kenya (PI)
  9. 2012-2015; AGRA-PhD student funding for Application of Molecular breeding Techniques in Chickpea at University of Ghana under West Africa Institute for Crop Improvement (WACCI) and Egerton University, Kenya. Funded by AGRA and Generation Challenge Project (GCP)
  10. 2009-2014; Improving Tropical Legume Productivity for Marginal environments in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia using Modern Breeding approaches: Phase II. Funded by Generation Challenge Program (GCP) 
  11. 2016-CIAT BEAN value chain development in  Rift valley Ksh 0.7m12. 2019-2020-ICRISAT project on Crop-Livestock Integration in Rift valley,
  12. Kilimo Trust-IKEA  Rice project on Reduce-Reuse-Recycle Rice Initiative for Climate Smart Agriculture (R4iCSA) Project  for facilty development at Agropark, Egerton University


  1. Kimurto P.K.,  Karwitha MC, Owino TC, Lilian J, Njogu N, Towet B.K. 2020. KCSAP Bean value chain consultancy for Nyeri, Ksh 2,3 million
  2. Kimurto P.K.,  Karwitha MC, Owino TC, Lilian J, Njogu N, Towet B.K. 2020. KCSAP Bean value chain consultancy for Nyeri, Ksh 2.9 million
  3. Kimurto P.K and Towet B.K. 2020. Kilimo Trust Bean value chain and system development in Central rift, in Kenya 2.23 M4. Kimurto and Noah Kibet 2016. Self Help Africa consultancy on Value chainmapping in Marsabit county

Dryland research and drought stress physiology/Breeding specialist, Breeding for biotic stress and nutrition (drought,  heat, nutritional qualitiesa),  variety development techniques, Application of molecular breeding techniques, Irrigation, fertility and water use and management and seed systems in ASALs. Major crops of interest Beans, Finger millets, groundnuts, chickpeas, pigeon peas, Tef, Greengreams etc

  1. Moletsane Malekhooa S. Kimurto Paul K. and Oyoo Maurice E. 2021. Effects of different light exposure regimes on pre-sprouting and yield performance on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) seed in Central Rift, Kenya. 2021.  African Journal of Agricultural Reseach. 17(7); 1039-48. DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2021.15622
  2. Jayo Manyasi Tracyline, Paul K. Kimurto and Joseph J. Mafurah 2021. Characterization of Diversify and Pathogenicity of Pyricularia  grisea affecting Finger Millet in Kenya. African Journal of Microbiology Research. Vol. 15(11), pp. 320-332, May 2021. Received 8 Feb 2021; Accepted 5 May 2021
  3. Ruth Muruiki , Paul Kimurto,  Bernard Towett, Gangarao Rao. 2021. Yield performance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes under supplemental irrigation regimes in semi-arid tropics Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science 14(2021) 123-128. Academic Journals DOI: 10.5897/JPBCS 234569. ISSN: 2006-9758
  4. Britany Font , Anne Osano , Paul Kimurto , Cyprian Syeunda , Jaya Manyasi Tracyline and Joshua Ogendo. 2020.  Analysis of Nutrient Profile of Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.) for Baby Food Formulation Using Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) as Protein Source. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B 10 (2020) 308-316 doi: 10.17265/2161-6264/2020.05.005 Sibuti Mwita, Kimurto P.K and Ogendo j.O 2020. Effectiveness of Imazapyr Resistant IR) Coated Hybrids and Selected Striga-tolerant Varieties on S. hermonthica Control and Maize Yield Performance in Western Kenya. Advances in Applied Physiology 6(1): 1-8.
  5. Tracyline J.M,  P. K. Kimurto, J. J. Mafurah , N. W. Mungai and H. Ojulong. 2021.Farmer preference for selected finger millet (Eleusine coracana) varieties in Rift Valley, Kenya Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural DevelopmentVol.13(1), pp. 82-93 January-March 2021 DOI: 10.5897/JAERD2020.1187 Articles Number: D129FFD66236 ISSN: 2141-2170
  6. Syeunda, C.O., Anyango, J.O., Faraj, A.K, Kimurto P.K 2020. In vitro Protein digestibility of finger millet complementary porridge as affected by compositing precooked cowpea with improved malted finger millet. Journal of Food Science and   Technology (2020) Springer, Published: 15 June 20204. Rebecca Jerop, George Owuor, Patience Mshenga & Paul Kimurto. 2020. Effects of finger millet innovations on productivity in Kenya. Journal of Cogent Food & Agriculture, 6:1, 1830476, DOI: 10.1080/23311932.2020.1830476 
  7. Esther Waruguru Kimu,Stephen Wambugu Maina & Paul Kimurto. 2020. Influence of Extension Services on Chickpea Production among Small-Scale farmers in Karaba Ward of Embu County 2020. Journal  International Journal of Social Science and Technology 5: 312-22.
  8. Juliana J. Cheboi, Miriam G. Kinyua, Paul K. Kimurto, Oliver K. Kiplagat and NVPR Gangarao. 2019. Assessment of phenotypic and genetic variation against pod borer among a subset of elite pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) genotypes in Kenya. Australian Journal of Crop Science 13(02): 221-227. ISSN:1835-2707 doi: 10.21475/ajcs.19.13.02.p1270.7.Juliana J. Cheboi, Miriam G. Kinyua, Paul K. Kimurto, Oliver K. Kiplagat, Fredrick Ng’an’ga and Sita R. Ghimire. 2016 Biochemical composition of pigeonpea genotypes in Kenya. Australian Journal of Crop Science 13(11):1848-1855 doi: 10.21475/ajcs.19.13.11.p18869.
  9. Cheboi J. J., P.K. Kimurto and M. G. Kinyua. 2019. Variability in Morpho-biochemical Traits Associated with Pod Borer (Helicoverpa armigera) Resistance in Pigeon pea Pods. Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 31(3): 1-7, 2019; (ISSN: 2457-0591).
  10. Juliana J. Cheboi, Miriam G. Kinyua, Paul K.Kimurto, Oliver K. Kiplagat, Bernard K.Towett, Stella C. Kirui, Gaudencia J. Kiptoo and N.V.P.R Gangarao. 2016. Yield potential and adaptability of medium duration Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) genotypes in dry parts of North RifValley, Kenya. International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR) Vol. 9, No. 2, p. 47-56, 201623. Cheboi, J.J., Kimurto, P.K., Kinyua, M.G., Kiplagat,O., Towett, B.K., Kiptoo, J.J., Kirui, S.C., Kimno, S and Gangarao, N.V.P.R. 2015. Evaluation of selected Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) genotypes for resistance to insect pest complex in dry areas of North Rift Valley, Kenya. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 10 (5): 1–9. 
  11. Rajeev K. Varshney, Mahendar Thudi, Manish Roorkiwal, Weiming He, Hari D. Upadhyaya, Wei Yang, Prasad Bajaj, Philippe Cubry, Abhishek Rathore, Jianbo Jian, Dadakhalandar Doddamani, Aamir W Khan, Vanika Garg,, Annapurna Chitikineni, Dawen Xu, Pooran M. Gaur, Narendra P. Singh, Sushil K. Chaturvedi, NVPR Gangarao, Lakshmanan Krishnamurthi, G. P. Dixit, Asnake Fikre, Paul Kimurto, M. S. Sheshashayee, Chellapilla Bharadwaj, Shailesh Tripathi, Jun Wang, Suk Ha Lee, David Edwards, PB Kavikishor, R. Varma Penmetsa, Jose Crossa, Henry T. Nguyen, Kadambot H. M. Siddique, Timothy D Colmer, Tim Sutton, Eric von Wettberg, Yves Vigouroux, Xin Liu, Xu Xun. 2019. Whole genome resequencing of a reference set provides insights into genome diversity and candidate regions for domestication, post-domestication diversification and agronomic traits in chickpea. Nature Genetics 51(5): May 2019 Maina C., Kimurto P.K. Oduori C., Towett. B.K. Jeptanui L and Ojulong. H. 2019. Sources of Resistance to Blast Disease (Pyricularia grisea L.) in Finger Millet (Eleusine Coracana) Germplasm. Journal of Life Sciences 12;23-33. 
  12. Rebecca Jerop , Peter Dannenberg , George Owuor , Patience Mshenga & Paul Kimurto. 2018. Factors affecting the adoption of agricultural innovations on underutilized cereals: The case of finger millet among smallholder farmers in Kenya Maximilian Willkomm3 and Gideon Hartman. African Journal of Agricultural Research 13(36), pp. 1888-1900, 6 September, 2018.
  13. Lagat N, P.K. Kimurto, O. Kiplagat , B. K. Towett , L. Jeptanui , I. Gatongi, N. Njogu , H. Ojulong , E. Manyasa and Siambi. 2018. Evaluation Of Genotype x Environment Interaction And Stability Of Grain Yield And Related Yield Components In Pearl Millet (Pennisetum Glaucum (L.) R.Br.).  Journal of Experimental Agriculture International 21(1): 1-18, 2018; Article no.JEAI.24311
  14. Sameer Kumar V, Ganga Rao NVPR, Saxena R K, Saxena K B, Upadhyaya H D, Moses Siambi, Silim SN, Reddy K N, Hingane A J, Sharma Mamta, Sharma Shivali, Lyimo SD, Rose Ubwe, Makenge M, Kananji GAD, Kimurto Paul.K, Manuel Amane, Kanenga K, Yuventino Obong, Emanuel Monyo, Ojiewo Chris, Nagesh Kumar MV, Jaganmohan Rao P, Prasanthi L, Sudhakar C, Singh IP, Sobhan Sajjan and Rajeev K Varshney. 2018. Pigeonpea Improvement: An Amalgam of Breeding and Genomics Research 2018. Plant breeding 3(7) 12-24.
  15. Gaur Pooran M, Srinivasan Samineni, Mahendar Thudi, Shailesh Tripathi, Sobhan B. Sajja, Veera Jayalakshmi, Durdundappa M. Mannur, Adiveppa G. Vijayakumar,  Nadigatla N. Ganga Rao, Chris Ojiewo, Asnake Fikre, Paul Kimurto, Robert O. Kileo, Nigusie Girma, Sushil K. Chaturvedi, Rajeev K. Varshney and Girish P. Dixit. 2018. Integrated breeding approaches for improving drought and heat adaptation in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L). Journal of Plant Breeding 00:1–12.
  16. Ruth Muruiki, Paul Kimurto, Vincent Vandez, Rao Gangarao, Said Silim and Moses Siambi. 2018.  Effect of drought stress on Yield performance of parental chickpea genotypes in semi-arid tropics (SAT). Journal of Life Sciences 12(2018) 159-168
  17. Silas O. Ongudi, M.W. Ngigi & P.K. Kimurto. 2018: Determinants of Consumers’ Choice and Willingness to Pay for Biofortified Pearl Millet in Kenya: East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal Vol 1; 1-12: Wiley & Sons.
  18. Nganga J.N., P.K. Kimurto, J.M. Muthamia, B.K. Towett and S.O. Ochola, 2017. Optimization of the spray schedule in management of ascochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei L.) of chickpea (Cicer arientinum L.).
  19. Asian J. Plant Pathol., 11: 10-1720. Oluwafemi A. Alaba, Jessen V. Bredeson,  Chiedozie N. Eges, Williams Esuma, Lydia Ezenwaka, Morag E. Ferguson, Cindy M.,  Megan Hall,  Liezel Herselman, Elly Kafifiriti ,  Arthur Karugu, Robert Kawuki, Bernadetha Kimata, Paul Kimurto, Peter Kulakow, Heneriko Kulembeka, Paul Kusolwa ,Esther Masumba, Albe van de Merwe, Geoffrey Mkamilo ,Ahamefule Nwaogu,. Inosters Nzuki, Bunmi Olasanmi, Onyeyirichi Onyegbule, James O. Owuoche , Anthony Pariyo, Simon E. Prochnik , Walnut Creek, Ismail Y. Rabbi, Daniel S. Rokhsar, Steve Rounsley, Kasele Salum, Kahya S. Shuaibu, Caroline Sichalwe and Mary Stephen. 2015. High-Resolution Linkage Map and Chromosome-Scale Genome Assembly for Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) from 10 Populations. 
  20. International Cassava Genetic Map Consortium (ICGMC), 1:133-143. do:10.1534/g3.114.01500.21. Felix Kiprotich, Paul Kimurto, Paul Ombui, Bernard Towett, Lillian Jeptanui Ojulong Henry  and Nicholas Lagat. 2015. Multivariate analysis of nutritional diversity of selected macro and micro nutrients in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) varieties. African Journal of Food Science Vol 9: 21-31.
  21. Rajeev K. Varshney, Himabindu Kudapa, Lekha Pazhamala, Annapurna Chitikineni, Mahendar Thudi, Abhishek Bohra, Pooran M. Gaur, Pasupuleti Janila, Asnake Fikre, Paul Kimurto, and Noel Ellis.2015. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 34:169–194, ISSN: 0735-2689 print/ 1549-7836. Taylor & Francis©.
  22. Mahendar Thud, Hari D. Upadhyaya, Abhishek Rathore, Pooran Mal Gaur, Lakshmanan Krishnamurthy, Manish Roorkiwal, Spurthi N. Nayak, Sushil Kumar Chaturvedi., Partha Sarathi Basu, N. V. P. R. Gangarao, Asnake Fikre, Paul Kimurto, Prakash C. Sharma, M. S. Sheshashayee, Satoshi Tobita, Junichi Kashiwagi, Osamu I, Andrzej Killiana, 2014. Genetic Dissection of Drought and Heat Tolerance in Chickpea through Genome-Wide and Candidate Gene-Based Association Mapping Approaches. PLoS ONE 9(5):21-23: doi:10.1371/journal. pone. 0096758.
  23. Rachit K. Saxena, Eric von Wettberg, Hari D. Upadhyaya , Vanessa Sanchez, Serah Songok, Kulbhushan Saxena, Paul Kimurto, Rajeev K. Varshney. 2014. Genetic Diversity and Demographic History of Cajanus spp. Illustrated from Genome-Wide SNPs. PLoS ONE 9(2): 12-19. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.
  24. Mahendar Thudi, Pooran M Gaur, Lakshmanan  Krishnamurthy, Reyazul Rouf Mir, Himabindu Kudapa, Asnake Fikre,  Paul Kimurto, Shailesh Tripathi, Khela Ram Soren, Richard Mulwa, Chellapilla Bharadwaj, Subhojit Datta, Sushil K.Chaturvedi, Rajeev K Varshney. 2014. Genomics-Assisted Breeding for Drought Tolerance: A Dream Comes True in Chickpea. Functional Plant Biology, 2014, 41, 1178–1190. CSIRO PUBLISHING.
  25. Okech S. Ongudi, Ngigi, M., Kimurto, P.K., Obare, G. & Kibet Noah. 2014. One And One Half Bound Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Of Consumers’ Willingness to Pay For Pearl Millet Products: Evidence From Eastern Kenya. Asian Journal Of Agricultural Sciences Vol 3(6) 34: 34-55.28.
  26. Oketch S., Ngigi, M., Kimurto P.K., Obare G, Kibet N, and Mutai B.K. 2014. One and One Half Bound Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation of Consumers’ Willingness-to-Pay for Pearl Millet Products: Evidence from Eastern Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 9(42):3146-3155. http:// www. academicjournals. org/ journal/AJAR/article-full-text-pdf/CD994.
  27. Kimurto PK, Mulwa RMS, Towett BK, Cheruiyot EK, Gangarao R, Silim S, Rutto DK, Kirui G, Gaur PM, Varshney RK. 2014. Screening for drought and pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) tolerance in selected chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) germplasm in semi-arid areas of Kenya. Egerton J Sci Technol 9:23–
  28. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  29. Kimurto P.K, Towett B.K., Mulwa R.M.S.,  Njogu N., Jeptanui L., Gangarao N.V.R.O., Silim S., Kaloki P.K., Korir P.K. & Macharia J.K. 2013. Evaluation of chickpea genotypes for resistance to Ascochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei) disease in the dry highlands of Kenya. Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2013) 52, (1); 613−611.
  30. Jean-Claude Rubyogo, Mula Camma, Hakeem Ajeigbe, Alpha Kamara, Steven Boahen, Robin Buruchara, Hari D Upadhyaya, Janila Pasupuleti, Patrick Okori, Haile Desmae, Ousmane Boukar, Christian Fatokun, Ousmane Coulibaly, Clare Mukhankusi, Steve Beebe, Pooran M Gaur, Ganga Rao NVPR, Chris Ojiewo, Sameer Kumar CV, Hesham Agrama, Robin Buruchara, Omari Mponda, Juma Mfaume, Phillipo Mashamba, Stephen Lyimo, Rose Ubwe, David K. Okello, Yuventino Obong, Robert Kileo, Paul K Kimurto, Asnake Fikre, Million Eshete, Justus Chintu, Geoffrey Kananji, Francis Maideni, Albert Chamango, Virginia Chisale, Manuel Amane, Amade Muitia, Candidus Echekwu, Amos Miningou, Nicholas Denwar, Ondie Kodio, Mamadou Touré, Haruna Mohammed, Issa Drabo, Bruce Mutari, Goodwill Makunde, David Karanja, Sostene Kweka, Michael Kilango, Magdalena Williams, Michael Ugen, Stanley Nkabulo, Kidane Tumsa, Jandeka Mahasi, Frederick Baijukya and Emmanuel S Monyo. 2016. Integrated seed systems delivering on the promise: experiences from Tropical Legumes II-167; In: Monyo ES and Varshney RK, eds. 2016. Seven seasons of learning and engaging smallholder farmers in the drought-prone areas of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia through Tropical Legumes, 2007–2014. Patancheru 502 324, Telangana, India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. ISBN 978-92-9066-568-7. 236 pp
  31. Ganga Rao NVPR, Said N Silim, Chris Ojiewo, Emmanuel S Monyo, Moses Siambi, Joseph Joachim, Paul K. Kimurto, Bernard Towett, Wilson Thagana and David Macharia 2016: Enhancing the productivity and production of chickpea in Eastern and Southern Africa, 102: In: In: Monyo ES and Varshney RK, eds. 2016. Seven seasons of learning and engaging smallholder farmers in the drought-prone areas of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia through Tropical Legumes, 2007–2014. Patancheru 502 324, Telangana, India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. ISBN 978-92-9066-568-7. 236 pp


  1. Kimurto P.K., Towett B.K. Owino T.C. Lilian Jeptanui, and Gatongi I. 2019. Release of 1 finger millet (Snapping ) for Commercial Production in low and medium altitudes of Kenya. KEPHIS Reports, 2019 and Kenya Gazette Vol  5(3), 2019.1.
  2. Kimurto P.K., Towett B.K. Owino T.C. Lilian Jeptanui, and Gatongi I. 2019. Release of a finger millet (EUFM 401 Super early) for Commercial Production in low and medium altitudes of Kenya. KEPHIS Reports, 2019 and Kenya Gazette Vol  5(3), 2019.
  3. Kimurto P.K., Towett B.K. Siambi Mand Gatongi I. 2018. Release of 1 Red seeded Groundnut variety (EUGV 02 Red) -Mwangaza for Commercial Production ASALs of Kenya. KEPHIS Reports, 2018 and Kenya Gazette Vol  3(3), 2018.
  4. Kimurto P.K., H. Ojulong, Towett B.K. Lilian Jeptanui and Gatongi I. 2019. Release of a finger millet (EUFM 503-1702) for Commercial Production in low and medium altitudes of Kenya. KEPHIS Reports, 2019 and Kenya Gazette Vol  5(3), 2019. 
  5. Kimurto P.K., Towett B.K. Siambi M and Gatongi I. 2018. Release of 1 Large Seeded Groundnut variety (EUGV 01-White) -Ndovu for Commercial Production ASALs of Kenya. KEPHIS Reports, 2018 and Kenya Gazette Vol  3(3), 2018.
  6. Kimurto PK. Towett,  Mulwa & Siambi 2019. High yield & Nutritious Pigeon pea variety,  Fusarium wilt reistant, Egerton Mbaazi M3 (EUMDB3) Mwongozi5. Kimurto PK. Towett,  Mulwa & Siambi 2019. High yield & Nutritious Pigeon pea variety,  Fusarium wilt reistant, Egerton Mbaazi Egerton Mbaazi M4  (EUMDB 4) 

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers

  1. Kosgei AJ, Kimurto PK , Gaur PM , Yeboah MA , Offei SK , Danquah EY , Muriuki RW , Thudi M , Varshney RK. 2017. Introgression of drought tolerance traits into adapted Kenyan chickpea varieties using marker assisted backcrossing (MABC). InterDrought-V Conference, 21-25 February, 2017, Hyderabad, India
  2. Okech-Ongudi, S, Ngigi, M and Kimurto, P.K 2015. Determinants of consumers’ choice and potential willingness to pay higher prices for biofortified pearl millet products in Kenya. World food system conference, tackling world Food System Challenges: Across Disciplines, Sectors, and Scales ,June 21-26, 2015 Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland.
  3. Juliana J. Cheboi, Miriam G. Kinyua, Paul K. Kimurto, Oliver K. Kiplagat, Fredrick N’gan’ga and Sita Ghimire. 2018. Phytochemical variability in pigeonpea seeds of varied genotypes. RUFORUM Biennial Conference, 22-26 October, 2018, Nairobi, Kenya.
  4. Cheboi, J.J., Kinyua, G.K., Kimurto, K.P., Kiplagat, K.O, Rotich, G., Ganga Rao, N.V.P.R and Odeny, D. 2016. Assessment of phenotypic and genetic variation among a subset of elite pigeonpea genotypes in Kenya. Pan African Grain Legume and World cowpea conference. 28th February- 4th March, 2016. Livingstone, Zambia
  5. Cheboi, J.J., Kimurto, P.K., Kinyua, M.G., Kiplagat, O., Towett, B.K., Kirui, S.C and Gangarao, N.V.P.R. 2016. Evaluation of Selected Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) Genotypes for Resistance to Insect Pest Complex in Dry Areas of North Rift valley, Kenya. Pan African Grain Legume and World cowpea conference. 28th February- 4th March, 2016. Livingstone, Zambia.
  6. Kosgei , A.J., Gaur, P.K., Kimurto , P.K, Danquah , E.Y., Yeboah, M.A., Offei , S.K., Thudi, M and Varshney, R.K. 2018. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for yield and its related traits in chickpea under drought conditions in Kenya. Machakos University 1st Annual International Conference held from 17th – 19th April, 2018, Machakos, Kenya 
  7. Cheboi, J.J., Kinyua, G.K., Kimurto, K.P., Kiplagat, K.O, Rotich, G., Ganga Rao, N.V.P.R and Odeny, D. 2016. Assessment of phenotypic and genetic variation among a subset of elite pigeonpea genotypes in Kenya. Pan African Grain Legume and World cowpea conference. 28th February- 4th March, 2016. Livingstone, Zambia March, 2016. Livingstone, Zambia.      

Non-Reviewed Conferences and Workshops

  1. Kimurto P.K. Seed sytems in Kenya. CIMMYT-Seed Companies Workshop on deployment of conventional varieties from 3rd- 4th October in Nairobi and Kiboko, Kenya
  1. International Training course on “Breeding approaches for enhancing genetic gains in Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals”, from 10-18th Oct 2019 at The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST), Arusha, Tanzania.
  2.  NUFFIC Scholarship Award -Crop models and remote sensing for water management in agricultural systems Wed 24 Feb 2021 to 31st March 2021 E-training workshop.3. APSIM Crop Modelling Course, Dares Salaam, 25Feb -Marc 2nd 2014.  - Personal contribution to thirteen (13) graduate students fellowships (2012-2021)
  3. Training on Plant Genetic Resources and Innovations Stockholm, Sweden 29th April to May 29th 2018
  4. Training of Crop-livestock Resource uses in Nexus in East Africa under Australian Scholarship awards in University of Sydney 19th June to 20th July 20156.
  5. Multi-Year course on Integrated Breeding in Zaragoza, GCP program Spain 201-2016
  6. Training workshop on Multi-Environment trial (MET) data analysis, October 15-19, 2012, at the Laico Regency Hotel, in Nairobi, Kenya. 

Annual Crops, Dryland Agriculture, Stress physiology, Seed Science and Technology, Contemperry issies in Agriculture, Field crops


Masters Supervision

  1. Muriuki Ruth Wangari Registration No.KM12/3066/11. June 2021. Evaluation Of Roots Traits Linked To Drought Tolerance In Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) (Co-supervisors Dr Vincent Vadez-ICRISAT India) To Graduate June 2021. Submitted Thesis
  2. Lilian Jeptanui KM12/2810/10. 2016. Evaluation of Pearl Millet (Pennisatum Glaucum L) genotypes for Resistance to Head Smut Disease (Tolyposporium Penicillariae Bref.)  in Dry Areas Of Kenya (Co-supervisors-Prof Otaye and Dr Mary Mgonja-ICRISAT). Funded by ASERECA Pearl Millet Project. Graduated Dec 2016
  3. John Nganga Reg Km12/3355/12. 2016. Management of Ascochyta Blight (Ascochyta Rabei) of Chickpea using fungicides in the dry highlands Of Kenya (Co-Supervisors-Prof Otaye) Partially supported by ICRISAT-Chickpea Project. Graduated Dec 2016
  4. Collins Maina Msc Crop Protection 2015. Evaluation for Sources of Resistance to Blast Disease (Pyricularia Grisea) in Some finger Millet (Eleusine coracana) Genotypesin Western Kenya. (Co-supervisors Dr Chris Oduori-KALRO Kakamega). Funded by HOPE-Gates Foundation project. Graduated Dec 2015. 
  5. Esther Waruguru Kimu Rg No. EM12/2984/11. June 2021. Influence Of Selected Factors On Chickpea Production Among Small-Scale Farmers In Karaba Ward Of Embu County, Kenya (Co-supervisors Dr Maina -Aged Dept). To Graduated June 2021-Submitted Thesis
  6. Chemweno Jacob Kiprop Reg No. A143/Ce/26671/2011. 2016. Evaluation of Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Genotypes for Host Plant Resistance to Ascochyta Blight (Ascochyta Rabiei) In Elgeyo-Marakwet, Uasin-Gishu and Baringo Counties of Kenya-Kenyatta University (Co-supervisors Dr Duncan Kirubi-KU). Partially supported by ICRISAT-Chickpea Project. Graduated on July 2016.
  7. Kurgat Kiplagat Reg (AGR/PGB/15/13). 2017. Evaluation of Chickpea Genotypes for Resistance to Ascochyta Blight in North Rift Valley, Kenya (CO-Supervisors Prof Dr. Oliver Kiplagat & Prof. Julius Ochuodho), University of Eldoret-UOE. Graduated Nov 2017. Currently PhD Student Egerton University supervised by Prof Cheruiyot Funded by Sorghum KCSAP project.8. Nicholas K. Lagat Reg AG/PGB/017/11. 2016. Evaluation of Genetic Variability and Stability of Selected Pearl Millet  Genotypes (Pennisetum Glaucum (L.Br.) in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of North Rift, Kenya (Co-supervisors Dr Oliver Kiplagat, University of Eldoret). Graduated Nov 2016. Currently PhD student Plant Breeding funded by CSAAM supervisors Prof Owuoche & Dr Oyoo

Ongoing Msc supervision

  1. Stella Jepkosgei Msc agronomy
  2. Amayu Trihana Msc Agronomy
  3. Chris Gikonyo Msc Agronomy
  4. Jael Mwongela Msc Agronomy

External supervsion in other Universities

  1. External Examiner Post graduate Plant Science, Kenya University (KU) 2018- to Date
  2. Examiner non-supervising 4 students  
  3. Reviewer for scientific journals (African Journal Of Plant science, Frontiers in Plant science) 
  4. External Examiner UOE

Academic advising & student mentoring   

  1. Participated as one of the Professors in Finger millet  project to advise 2 USA-Bowie State Univ-Egerton Global Engagement Research Experience for undergraduates in special research mentorship program-2 students from six US Universities   
  2. 3 PhD studentships and academic/research mentorship ( Dr Rhoda Jerop, Dr Juliana Cheboi, Dr Alice Kosgei)) 3-ongoing (Nancy Njogu & , Philip Sitienei, )   
  3. 8 MSc studentships and academic/research mentorship (Collins Maina, Lilian Jeptanui, John Nganga, Ruth Muruiki, Esther Waruguru Kimu, Chemweno Jacob Kiprop-KU, Kurgat Kiplagat-UOE, Nicholas K. Lagat-UOE) to completion.
  4. Academic advising of BSc Agriculture 2014 class
  5. Training in pedagogy of higher education (CBC Training)     - Trained on competence based education (Nov. 21-23, 2017)  
  6. Mentorship of regional graduate students-1st CESAAM Summer School (Nov. 25-29, 2019)    
  7. Staff retooling on leadership and Governance 21-22Feb 2020

PhD Supervision

  1. Dr Rebecca Jerop Reg No. KD15/13606/14. 2019. PhD. Agricultural Economics  Role of Agricultural Innovations and Technologies on Productivity and Commercialisation of Underutilized Cereals Among smallholder Farmers In Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya, Egerton University (Co-supervisors Prof George Owour & Prof Peshnce Msenga). Graduated July 2020.
  2. Dr Alice Kosgei Reg no. 10325995/2014. 2014. PhD in  Plant Breeding University of University of Ghana-WACCI Developing Drought-tolerant Chickpeas using MARS and MABC for Kenya’s drylands (Co-supervisors- Prof Eric DANQUAH, Prof Samuel Kwame Offei, Dr Martin Yeboah-WACCI & Dr Pooran Gaur-ICRISAT India). GCP Chickpea Funded Project- I was Kenya PI, Co-Pis -Prof Mulwa, Dr Korir and Towett, Dr Gangarao. Graduated Dec 2014.
  3. Dr Juliana Cheboi, Reg. No.AGR/PhD/015/15. 2018. PhD Plant Breeding. Evaluation of Elite Pigeonpea Genotypes for Morpho-Biochemical and Genetic variation associated with Pod Borer (Helicoverpa Armigera) Resistance, University of Eldoret Co-Supervisors: Prof Kinyua, Dr Kiplagat (UOE). Graduated Nov 2018     

ONGOING PhD student Supervision

  1. Nancy Njogu PhD In Agronomy -Working on Falll armywaorm resistance in Sorghum
  2. Philip Sitienei-PhD in Crop Protection- Working on Tricodema in Control of Aflotoxin in Groundnuts
  1. Member of Plant Breeders Association of Kenya
  2. Member of Kenya agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK

Prof James Tuitoek,

Commissioner Lands Commision.


Dr Moses Siambi,

Director CIMMTY Nairobi, Kenya.


Dt Danniel Tan,

Faculy of Agriculture and Natural Resources,

University of Sydney Australia.


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"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"