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Faculty of Environment and Resources Development
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P.O. Box 536-20115 EGERTON

2014: Ph.D., Environmental Science - University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.

2002: M.Sc. in  Natural Resources Management - Egerton University, Kenya.

1995: B.Sc. in  Natural Resources Management - Egerton University, Kenya

1984: Diploma in Ranch Management - Egerton College (Now Egerton University)


Biodiversity conservation

  • SEPT 2019: Appointed Chairperson of the Department of Environmental Science
  • MAY 2015: Senior Lecturer Department of Environmental Science
  • May 2015: Member of Faculty post graduate committee
  • May 2013: Appointed Team Member for the implementation of ISO 14001 (EMS)
  • 2012: Appointed the coordinator of Environmental Impact Assessment training course in the Department of Environmental Science, Egerton University
  • March-April 2012: Short listing Panel member for the Long Term Awards Australian Awards for Africa
  • 2011-2014: Faculty Representative to Board of Graduate School, Egerton University
  • Oct. 2010-April 2015: Lecturer Department of Environmental Science
  • 2003-2010: Assistant lecturer, Department of Environmental Science,  Egerton University
  • 1988-2002: Senior Technologist,  Egerton University
  • 1984-1987: Technical Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kenya
  1. FAO-2017-Migration and energy access in the context of climate change: A case study of the drivers and impacts of rural-urban migration and charcoal production in Samburu County, Kenya
  2. FAO-2015-Assessment of Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) in Marsabit, Meru and Kitui Counties, Kenya-
  3. Australian Govt-2012-Selection of Msc students for Australian African Award Scholarships-Nairobi
  1. Hillary Barasa Walela1* , Millicent A Mokua1 , Moses O Esilaba1 2021. Factors influencing the implementation of environmental management practices among small and medium sized enterprises in Nakuru town, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research and Development: Volume 6; Issue 2; ISSN: 2455-4197. 2021
  2. Wendy Jemeli Tirop1*, Moses Esilaba2 , Oscar O. Donde2.  2020. Patients related factors influencing the clients’ satisfaction on maternal healthcare services: a case of Rongai Sub-County Health Institutions of Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. Tirop WJ et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2020 Aug;7(8):2886-2892 pISSN 2394-6032 | eISSN 2394-6040.
  3. Akala, H, Makindi, S.M. and Esilaba, M.O. 2018. Effects of Climate Variability on Foraging Behaviour of Bees: A Case Study of Marigat and Ratat locations in Baringo County, Kenya. Elixir Earth Science 122 (2018) 51690-51693
  4. Walela, H.B., Mokua, M.A., Esilaba, M.O and Chege, M.G. 2018.  Environmental management practices among small and medium manufacturing enterprises in Nakuru Town, Kenya.  International Journal of Academic Research and Development. Volume 3; Issue 4. Page 179-182
  5. Jebiwott, A., Ogendi, G.M., Makindi, S.M. and Esilaba, M.O. 2016. Drivers of Forest Cover Change and Indicators of Climate Change in Katimok Forest Reserve. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. Vol. 2, Issue 11, 2016
  6. Bett, J.K., Esilaba, M.O., Makindi, S.M. 2016. Assessment of Solid Waste Management among Households in Kaptembwa Location in Nakuru West Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Recent Research in Interdisciplinary Sciences (IJRRIS). Vol. 3, Issue 1. 2016
  7. Bidali, F., Esilaba, M.O., Makenzi, P.and Nyamao, W. 2016. The effectiveness of Kenya’s Forest policy in Forest Rehabilitation: A case study of Mau Forest Complex, Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Forestry
  8. Elizabeth Kiptoo1*, Moses Esilaba3, George Kobia1 and Raphael Ngure2. 2015. Factors influencing low immunization coverage among Children between 12-23 months in East Pokot, Baringo County, Kenya. International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination. Vol. 1 Issue 2
  9. Millicent A. Mokua, Stanley M. Makindi, Moses Esilaba. 2014 The Cost-Benefit Analysis of Fisheries Management Systems in Kenya: The Case of Lake Victoria. Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review Journal, Vol. 30 No. 2. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  10. Esilaba, M.O., Obwoyere, G.O.O., Tangus, J.K. and Mokua, M.A. 2014. Resource use conflict resolution  and poverty alleviation among pastoral communities in Samburu, County, Kenya. Palgo journal of Education Research. 2: 108 – 115.
  11. Mokua, M.A., Makindi, S.M. and Esilaba, M.O. 2014. Management of Fisheries Resources In Lake Victoria: An Assessment of Institutional Capacity in the Kenyan Fisheries Department. J. of Envt. And Nat. Res. Mgt and Soc. (JENRS) Vol. 2. Issue 1. Pp.91 – 99.
  12. Rotich, B., Makindi, S.M. and Esilaba, M.O. 2014. Sengwer Community and their dependency on Kapolet Forest Resources of Cherangany Hills Kenya. J. of Envt. And Nat. Res. Mgt and Soc. (JENRS) Vol. 2. Issue 1. Pp. 81 – 90.
  13. Tangus, J., Esilaba, M.O. and Mokua, M.A. 2014. Influence of Enterprise Diversification on Risk Management amongst Samburu Pastoralists of Kenya. J. of Bus. Man. & Admin. Res. (JBMA). Vol.2 (1): pp.1 – 6.
  14. Esilaba, M.O., Maara, T.N. and J.K. Tangus. 2007. Impact of Human-Wildlife Conflict Resolution on Wildlife Conservation and Socio-economic Welfare of Pastoral Communities. Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review Journal, Vol. XXIII, No.2 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  15. Esilaba, M.O. 2005. Household Production and Risk Management among pastoral communities in Samburu District, Kenya. Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review Journal, Vol. XXI No. 2. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • October 2018: Faculty of Science International Conference, Obafemi Awolowo University Campus, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Papers presented: “Effects of climate variability on foraging behavior of bees, a case study of Marigat and Radat locations in Baringo County, Kenya” and “ Assessment of beekeeping practices- Bee pests, status of pest and factors that influence their prevalence, a case study of Marigat and Radat locations of Baringo County, Kenya.
  1. Brian Rotich Kanyongi: M.Sc thesis entitled “Unsuitable Forest management and Forest Use Conflicts in Kapolet Forest, Cherangany Hills, Kenya”.
  2. Dorothy Musimbi Evalia: M.Sc thesis entitled “Assessment of Socio-Economic and Physical Environmental Factors affecting the adoption of Zero Grazing Technology in Samia Sub-County, Kenya.
  3. Elizabeth Kiptoo: Msc. Thesis entitled “Factors Influencing Low Immunization Coverage in East Pokot, Baringo County” Kenya
  4. Joel k. Bett: Msc. Thesis entitled “Assessment of solid waste management among households in Kaptembwa location in Nakuru west sub-county, Nakuru county”, Kenya
  5. Flora Bidali:Msc Thesis entitled “The effectiveness of Kenya’s Forest policy in Forest Rehabilitation: A case study of Mau Forest Complex, Nakuru County, Kenya”
  6. Akala, Haron: Msc. Thesis entitled “Effects of Climate Variability on Foraging Behaviour of Bees: A Case Study of Marigat and Ratat locations in Baringo County, Kenya”.
  7. 7. Walela Hillary Barasa: Msc. Thesis entitled “Environmental management practices practices among small and medium manufacturing enterprises in Nakuru, Kenya”
  8. 8. Nicholas Kipkurui Bii: MSc, Thesis entitled “Child oriented environmental education and its influence on the implementation of best environmental practices by students in Laikipia North Sub-ounty, laikipia County, Kenya
  9. 9. Magdalene Cheptum: Msc. Thesis entitled “Effects of Lantana Camara l. on the floristic composition and diversity of selected indigenous plant species in Oldonyo-Sabuk National Park, Machakos County, Kenya
  10. 10. Jerusha Njeri Gichuru: Msc Thesis entitledAnthropogenic Influences on The Ecological Integrity of The Wildlife Habitat Along Kiserian-Isinya Wildlife Migratory Corridor In Kajiado County, Kenya”
  11. Martin Njoroge Kimani: MSc. Thesis entitled “Assessment of determinants of adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies among rural households in Njoro Constituency, Nakuru, Kenya”
  12. Wendy Jemeli Tirop: MSc  Thesis entitled “Assessment of influence of quality maternal healthcare services on client satisfaction: A case of Rongai Sub County, Nakuru, Kenya”
  13. Bartena Kimosop Samuel: MSc. Thesis entitled “Assessment of factors affecting implementation of Community Health Strategy in Mogotio Sub County, Baringo County, Kenya”
  1. Khatir Hammad Teben Saeed: PhD Research Study entitled “Assessment of impacts of Climate Variability and Change on vegetation diversity and ecosystem services in savanna woodlands of Sudan” (ongoing).
  2. Catherine K. Kariuki- PhD Research Study entitled” Impacts of anthropogenic stressors on anguillid assemblages occurring along two east-flowing rivers Kenya” (Ongoing)
  3. Zilpher Agnes Nyakwara-"Gender perspective in mitigating Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) towards environmental and food systems resilience in Bomet County, Kenya" (Ongoing)
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