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I am a lecturer at Egerton University Department of Mathematics. I am actively involved in teaching Statistics courses at both undergarduate and graduate level. My main interest is in the area of research methods. I have offered consulting services to researchers, Ph. D. students and Msc students in designing, analysing and interpretation of experimental data.  

  • May 1994: PhD. in Statistics , Dept of Mathematics,University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Thesis: “Parametric and Semi-parametric Models for the analysis of Proportion in Presence of over/under Dispersion”.
  • September 1984: MSc. in Statistics, 1984, University of Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada.
  • August 1978: BSc.Statistics and Chemistry (Second Upper division), University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya



  • Estimating functions
  • Overdispersed data
  • Time series models
  • missing values techniques
  • Estimation and Testing of Hypothesis


April 2013 to date Position: Associate Professor, Mathematics Department, Egerton University

Duties:  Lecturing undergraduate and Master students

  • Supervision of MSc. and PhD students
  • Doing Research
  • Students’ academic advisor
  • Curriculum development

1997 - 2013 Position: Senior Lecturer , Mathematics Department, Egerton University

Duties: Lecturing undergraduate and Master students

  • Supervision of MSc. and PhD students
  • Doing Research
  • Students’ academic advisor
  • Curriculum development

1995-1996 Position: Lecturer, Mathematics Department, Egerton University

Duties: Lecturing undergraduate and Master students

  • Supervision of MSc. and PhD students
  • Doing Research
  • Students’ academic advisor
  • Curriculum development

1978-1988 Position: Biometrician: Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), NAL and Mtwapa Research Stations

Duties:  Assist Researchers in all aspects of agricultural experimentation

  • Offered consulting services to researchers in Kenya
  • Organize training to researchers in statistical research methods

  • Estimating Function
  • Over-dispersed data
  • Time Series Models
  • Missing data
  • Sampling Methods
  • Bayesian Modeling 


  1. Nthiwa, J., Islam, A., and Kihara, P. (2021). Nonparametric Penalized Spline Model Calibrated Estimator in Complex Survey with Known Auxiliary Information at Both Cluster and Element Levels. Science Journal of Applied Matematics and Statistics, Vol. 9, No. 1, 20-32.
  2. Nthiwa, J., Islam, A., and Kihara, P. (2020). Population Total Estimation in a Complex Survey by Nonparametric Model Calibration Using Penalty Function Method with Auxiliary InformationKnown at Cluster Levels. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, Vol. 9, No. 4: 162-172.
  3. Kathomi, I., Obwoge, J., Islam, A., and Wanyonyi, R. (2020). Bayesian Estimation of the shape Prameters of Mcdonald GeneralizedBeta-Binomial Distribution. Open Access Library Journal, Vol. 7, Issue 8, 1-14.
  4. Nickson, C., Orawo, L., and Islam, A. (2019). Predictive Analyses of Logarithm Non-Homogneous Poisson Process in Software Reliability using Bayesian Approach with Informative Priors. American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 9(2): 57-65.
  5. Nickson, C., Orawo, L., and Islam, A. (2018). Bayesian Predictive Analyses for Logarithmic Non-Homogeneous Poisson Pocess in Software Reliability. Open Access Library Journal, 05(08): 1-13.
  6. Matiri, G., Nyongesa, K., and Islam, A. (2017). Sequentially Selecting between two Experiments for Optimal Estimation of a Trait with Misclassification. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 6, 79-89.
  7. Matiri, G., Nyongesa, K., and Islam, A. (2017). Consecutively choosing between three Experiments for Estimating Prevalence Rate of a trait with imperfect Tests. International Journal of Statistics and Applications. 7(2) 93-106.
  8. Mutunga, T.N., Islam, A.S., Orawo, L. (2015). Implementation of the Estimating Functions Approach in Asset Returns Volatility Forecasting Using First Order Asymmetric GARCH Models. Open Journal of Statistics, 5, 455-463.
  9. Mwangi, C., Islam, A., and Orawo, L. (2014). Efficiency of the Adaptive Cluster Sampling Designs in Estimation of rare Population. Open Journal of Statistics, (4): 412-418.
  10. Mwangi, C., Islam, A., Orawo, L., and Wanjeri, O. (2014). Statistical Modelling of Electricity Prices using Time series Model. International journal of science and research, (3): 1405-1409.
  11. Janiffer, N.M., Islam, A., and Luke, O. (2014). Estimating Equations for Estimation of Mcdonald Generalized Beta-Binomial Parameters. Open Journal of Statistics, (4): 702- 709.
  12. Akuno, A.O., Orawo, L.A., and Islam, A.S. (2014). Two-sample Bayesian predictive Analyses for an Exponential Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process in Software Reliability. Open Journal of Statistics, (4): 742-750.
  13. Akuno, A.O., Orawo, L.A., and Islam, A.S. (2014). One-sample Bayesian Predictive Analyses for an Exponential Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process in Software Reliability. Open Journal of Statistics, (4): 402-411.
  14. Kariuki, V., Orawo, L., and Islam, A.S. (2014). Likelihood Based Estimation of the parameters of a log-linear Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process. International journal of science and research, (3): 200-1204.
  15. Mutunga, T.N., Islam, A.S., Orawo, L. (2014). Estimation of Asymmetric Garch Models: The Estimating Functions Approach. International Journal of Applied Science and technology, Vol 4. No. 5, page 198-209.
  16. Wagala, A., Ali, S.I. and Nassiuma, D.K. (2012): Efficiency Evaluation when Modelling Nairobi Security Exchange Data using Bilinear and Bilinear-Garch (BI-GARCH) Models. . International Journal of Applied Science and technology, Vol 2. No. 6, page 37-48, 2012)
  17. Mohamed, E. S, Mwangi, J.W., Islam, A.S., Otieno R. O. (2012). Improving Hansen-Hurwitz Estimator under adaptive cluster sampling with a data driven stopping rule.East African Journal of Statistics, Vol.5 No2, 24-35.
  18. Wagala, A, Nassiuma, D.K, Islam , A.S, Mwangi, J.W(2012). Volatility Modeling of the Nairobi Securities Exchange Weekly Returns Using the Arch-Type Models. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology. Vol. 2 No. 3, 165-174.
  19. Otieno, M.O., Mwangi, J.W., Islam, A.S. (2012). Forecasting Performance of ARMA and ARFIMA Models in Short Time Series: An Analysis of Kenya Political Opinion Poll Data. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2 No. 9, 111-123
  20. Paul, S.R. and Islam, A.S. (1995): Analysis of proportions based on parametric and semi- parametric models. Biometric 51, p1400-1410.
  21. Paul, S.R. and Islam, A.S.: test for homogeneity of proportions in toxicology in presence of beta-binomial over dispersion. (David Williams Volume: Statistics in Toxicology, Oxford University Press).
  22. Paul, S.R. and Islam, A.S.: Joint estimation of the mean and dispersion parameters in the analysis of proportions: A comparison of efficiency and bias. The Canadian Journal of Statistics vol. 26: No. 1 1998, pages 83-94.
  23. Seif, A.A. and Islam, A.S.: Population densities and spatial distribution patterns of Toxoptera Citricida (Cirk Aphididae) in Citrus at Kenya Coast. Insect Sci. Appl. Vol. 9, No. 4, pp 535-538 (1988) ICIPE Science press.

  1. 1988, CIP-Workshop, Nairobi
    Paper presented: “Evaluation of Germplasm for Adaptation to the coastal conditions of Kenya”- Venue: Tigoni Research Station
  2. 1994, KARI - Workshop
    Paper presented: “Review of Experimental Designs”- Venue: Mtwapa research Station, Kenya
  3. 2002, DAAD, Egerton University Conference
    Paper presented: “Issues in Quantitative Research and Data collection” Venue: Egerton University
  4.  21st -23rd September, 2011, 6th Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo
    Paper presented: “Interval Estimation for the Beta-Binomial Dispersion Parameter”-Venue: Egerton University
  5. 21st -23rd September, 2011, 6th Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo
    Paper presented: “Determination of Efficient Estimators under Adaptive Cluster Sampling”- Venue: Egerton University
  6. 12th -14th October, 2011, 1st Kabarak Annual International Research Conference
    Paper presented: “Improving Hansen-Hurwitz Estimator under Adaptive Cluster Sampling”- Venue: Kabarak University
  • 1982-1984: Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship to pursue Master Studies
  • 1989-1993: CIDA (Canada International Development Agency) Scholarship to pursue Ph.D studies
  • 2012: The best Lecturer of the year (evaluated by students)



  1. MSc. (Statistics). Obwoge, J.O. Title: Estimation and Testing of the over-dispersed data.
  2. MSc. (Statistics). Rutto, J.K. Title: Model-based Assessment of trends of communicable diseases in Kenya.
  3. MSc. (Statistics). Muchiri, E.W. Title: Epidemiology of Malaria: Prediction and Monitoring.
  4. MSc. (Statistics). Bodicha, H.H. Title: Forecasting of Market Share Prices for selected companies at Nairobi Stock Exchange based on Econometrics.
  5. MSc. (Statistics). Omwenga, V.O.Title: Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix as an Imputation Technique.
  6. MSc. (Statistics). Wagala, Adolphus. Title: Efficiency Evaluation in Modelling Stock data using Arch and Bilinear Models.
  7. MSc. (Statistics). Thiga, M.M. Title: Bandwidth Demand Modelling and Estimation of Different types of internet
    users: The case of Egerton University, Kenya.
  8. MSc. (Statistics). Siele, D.C. Title: Interval Estimation for the Beta-Binomial Dispersion parameter.
  9. MSc. (Statistics). Mohamed Esha Salim Title: Efficient Determination of Estimators under Adaptive Cluster Sampling.
  10. MSc (Statistics). Micheal Oduor Otieno Title: Short Time Series modeling: An application to political opinion polls and the Nairobi Stock Exchange market data.
  11. MSc (Statistics). Medrine O. Mmayi Title: Determination of Market Efficiency, Volatility and Asymmetric Effect at Nairobi Stock Exchange.
    Status: Graduated (2013).
  12. MSc (Statistics). Albert Orwa Akuno Title: Bayesian Predictive Analysis for Exponential Non-homogeneous Poisson Process in Software Reliability
  13. MSc (Statistics). Mwangi Charles Wambugu. Title: Determination of an Efficient sampling Design for Rare and Clustered Population using Design based Estimators
  14. Timothy Ndonye Mutunga. Title: Prameter Estimation of the Asymmetric Garch Models using Estimating function - Graduated 2015
  15. Janiffer Mwenda Nthiwa - Title: Estimation of Parameters of the McDonald Generalized Beta-Binomial Distribution Using Estimating Functions
  16. MSc. (Statistics). Olivia Wanjeri Mwangi - Title: Construction of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals for Proportions Using Group testing With Groups of Unequal size - Graduated (2016).
  17. MSc. (Statistics). Bichanga Lawrence Areba - Title: Testing for Homogeneity of Proportions Using New Mcdonald Generalized Beta-Binomial Distribution - Graduated 2016
  18. MSc. (Statistics). Kariuki Veronica Waithira - Title: Estimation of Parameters of a Log-linear Non-homogeneous Poisson Processs - Graduated (2015).
  19. MSc. (Statistics). Nickson Chruiyot - Title: Bayesian Predictive Analyses for Non-homogeneous Poisson Process in Software Reliability with Musa-Okumoto Intensity Function. Graduated (2019).


  1. MSc (Statistics). Francis Kariuki - Title: Two-Stage Negative Binomial Group Testing Model for Estimating Prevalence of a rare Trait. 
  2. MSc (Statistics). Immaculate Kathomi Murithi - Title: Bayesian Estimation of the Mcdonald Generalized Beta-Binomial Distribution parameters. (Ready to defend her thesis)
  3. MSc (Statistics). Beatrice N. Mwangasha. Title: Modelling Tourist Arrivals to Kenya. (completed but she has fees problem)
  4. MSc. (Statistics). Anastasia Wanjiru. Title: Estimating finite Population means using Modified Exponential ratio estimators in Systematic and one stage Cluster Sampling. (completed but she has fees problem)



  1. Ph. D (Statistics). George M. Matiri. Title: Sequential comparison of three or more Experiments for Estimating the Preference rate of a trait in a Population - Graduated 2018.
  2. Ph.D (Statistics). Mwangi, Jesse Wachira. Title: Parameter Estimation for Non-linear Time Series models using Estimation Function. - Graduated 2007.


  1. Ph. D (Statistics). Janiffer Mwenda Nthiwa. Title: Nonparametric Model –Calibration Estimation of Finite Population Total in Complex survey. (we have published 2 papers numbers 1 & 2).
  2. Ph. D (Statistics). Mutunga Timothy Ndonye. Title: Feature Selection in Over-dispersed Supervised Machine Learning Models based on Penalized Estimating Functions. (He is ready to defend his proposal).


Prof. Dankit K. Nassiuma - VC

Africa International University

P.O. BOX 24686, 00502 , Nairobi-Kenya

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Prof. Sogomo K.C.

Dept of Mathematics, Egerton University

BOX 536, 20115 Egerton

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Dr. Gathia, P.W. - Chair person

Dept of Mathematics, Egerton University

BOX 536, 20115 Egerton

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