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Prof. Anthony Mwangi Kibe

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Faculty of Agriculture
Directorate / Dept
Crops, Horticulture and Soils
Office Extension No.
CHS Department, P.O.Box 536-20115, Egerton, Kenya

Prof. Anthony M. Kibe is an associate professor and an Agronomist specialized in nutrient and water management for irrigated wheat (PhD) and forage oats (MSc).  My interests have been on training in research on best crop production practices for various field crops, i.e., Irish potato, maize, wheat, sorghum, oats and rice; chickpea, beans and cowpeas and in understanding their value chains.

  1. D.Agronomy:1998-2003 Major: Agronomy (Nutrient & Water Management).
    • Minors: Environmental Science (Simulation of Eco-physiological Processes; Soil and Water Pollution & Crop ecology) and Agricultural Statistics & Plant Physiology.
    • Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India. 
  2. MSc. Agronomy: 1988-1991 Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Science (formerly Allahabad Agricultural Institute (AAI)) (UP), India.
  3. BSc. Agriculture: 1985-1988 Sam Hagginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Science, India. 
  4. Diploma: Crop Management Research Training 1996 (6months), Egerton University. 
  1. Agronomist: Specialized in Nutrient and Water Management, Field Crop Production and Crop Weather Modeling.
  1. Environmental Impact Assessment / Environmental Audit LEAD EXPERT. (2011) License Registration no. 2997, NEMA (K). 
  2. Certified SACCO director. 2014, 17th October. Cooperative University College of Kenya, Nairobi

Administrative duties

  1. Deputy Director, University Welfare Services July, 10th 2017 to Oct 2020
  2. Associate Dean, Faculty of Agriculture (FOA) Jul 2013 to Nov 2014           
  3. Secretary: Standing Committee on Lord Egerton Castle   Museum  May 24th 2006 to 2011                      
  4. Coordinator: Field Attachment (Agro): 1996-1998 & 2003 to Dec 2010

Academic duties

  1. Associate Professor of Agronomy - April 4th 2013 to date                         
  2. Senate Representative, FOA - Nov 2010 to June 2013                      
  3. Senior lecturer - June 5th 2007 to April 4th 2013           
  4. Lecturer - March 1994 to 2007, June 4th           
  5. Assistant lecturer - April 1992 to 1994                               
  6. Examinations officer (Agronomy Dept.) - July 2003 to Dec 2005                        
  7. Coordinator: Field Attachment (Agro) - 1996-1998 & 2003 to Dec 2010
  8. Supervisor of Thesis: MSc. 11; PhD - 3. - July 2007 to date

Periodic duties

  1. Acting Dean: Faculty of Agriculture
  2. Acting Chairman: Crops, Horticulture and Soils Department

Other Personal Engagements

  1. Board Director, Greenblade Ltd: December 2018 – to date
  2. Board Director, Egerton University SACCO: April 5th 2013 – 30th March 2017 
  3. Patron, Chapel Students Fellowship (2015 to date)


  1. Crop models and remote sensing for water management in agricultural systems (2020-21 Ongoing). Tailor made Training (TMT). In collaboration with FutureWater and HiView (Nuffic Funded (The Netherlands)
  2. Establishment of a Climate and Water Smart Agriculture Center (CaWSAC) at Egerton University, Tatton agricultural Park (TAP) sponsored by SNV-Kenya 2019. KShs. 1,113,450 (11,100 Euros).
  3. Short term Scholar in LSU (14th – 31st Oct 2018) USDA Scientific Cooperation Research Program - 2016/17: Additional Capacity Building to Alleviate Postharvest and Marketing Constraints Facing Small-Scale Horticultural Crop Farmers in Kenya”. US $ 40,000 – ended 2019.
  4. Short Term Scholar in Louisiana State University (LSU 3rd – 23rd Oct 2016) sponsored by USDA Scientific Corporation Research Program (SCRP - 2018/19) under the grant award titled “Capacity Building to Alleviate Postharvest and Marketing Constraints Facing Small-Scale Horticultural Crop Farmers in Kenya, US$ 40,000.
  5. Enhancing access to high quality seed potato for improved productivity and income of smallholder farmers in Nakuru County. Principal Investigator (2017-21). RUFORUM - MasterCard Foundation (US$ 200,096). Extended by 8 months due to covid-19 pandemic.
  6. Irrigation Acceleration Platform for Smart Water for Agriculture in Nakuru County, Kenya, collaboration with SNV Netherlands Development Corporation; 2017 – ongoing (EURO 65,000).
  7. Product Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction Survey for Egerton University Savings and Credit Cooperative (EUSACCO), Jan 21st – 4th June 2014. US$ 7,100.
  8. Analyses of the Maize, Banana, Tomato and Dairy Value Chains in Kenya: August 2013 – March 20th 2014, by Kenya Agribusiness and Agro-industry Alliance (KAAA - KEPSA). US$ 5,814.
  9. USDA (USAid) Trilateral Project between Egerton, Punjab & Ohio State Universities. 2012 – 2015.
  10. Consulted for FAO Project (IIER): OSRO/KEN/103/SWE.2012-13: Improving Impact of Emergency Respon  The adoption (or non adoption) of drought tolerant crops in Kenyan arid and semi-arid lands.  
  11. Egerton University Competitive Grants (2005): US$ 2,000.  Effect of Tillage and Sowing Dates on Water Use Efficiency and Yield of Kabuli Chickpea in Naivasha, Kenya.

I ‘am an Agronomist specialized in nutrient and water management for irrigated wheat (PhD) and forage oats (MSc).  My interests have been on training in research on best crop production practices for various field crops, i.e., Irish potato, maize, wheat, sorghum, oats and rice; chickpea, beans and cowpeas and in understanding their value chains. Current interest evolve around community action research with an emphais on experiential learning (see website,  

  1. Areas of research interests in these crops have varied from pre-breeding work to evaluation of growth and yield; yield prediction using crop production functions (models) developed for various crops under varying crop management practices; and agricultural value chains analyses
  2. Specialized areas of research have included the determination of drought tolerance for coastal maize landraces; managing angular leaf spot in beans by use of crop mixtures; water use efficiency of maize, sorghum chickpea, as influenced by sowing dates and tillage practices and crop evapotranspiration (ETc); identification of new wheat stem rust (Puccinia graminis fsp. tritici) races of Ug99 in Northern Rift of Kenya and their control; and WUE for sorghum and cowpea intercrop in a dry area, amongst others.  
  3. Iam able to Coordinate development of multi-stakeholder platforms with the aim to increase access to technology, support knowledge sharing amongst stakeholders and creating linkages to organizations working in smart water technologies.
  4. Consultancies: I have been a Consultant for the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on evaluating the Adoption (or Non Adoption) of Drought Tolerant Crops, under the project titled, “Improving Impact of Emergency Response” (IIER) Project OSRO/ken/103/SWE. (2012)
  5. Consultant on evaluation of color and hot Chili for Sinthite Co. India. (2012-2013).
  6. Consultant. Development of Training of Trainers Module for Best Practices in Arid and Semi Arid Lands.  International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) and FAO Write-Shop. 28th Jan to 1st Feb 2013. 
  7. Consultant: Optimal Exploitation of the Agricultural Potential of East Africa’s Lake Victoria Basin: A Case Study of Nyanza Province of Kenya. AICC, Arusha, Tanzania, 19th 03-2013.  
  8. Principal researcher: Value chain analyses on the Gaps and Opportunities in the Maize, Banana, Tomato and Dairy. Kenya Agribusiness and Agro-Industry Alliance. Aug 2013/ Mar 2014.
  9. Lead researcher: Product Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction Survey for Egerton University SACCO, May 2014.
  1.  Kilonzi Jackson Mutuku, Mafurah Juma Joseph, Nyongesa Moses Wabomba, Kibe Antony Mwangi (2021). Efficacy of Trichoderma asperellum Seed Treatment and Ridomil® application in Managing Late Blight on Potato.  World Journal of Agricultural Research, 2021, Vol. 9, No. 2, 42-52.  Science and Education Publishing 
  2. Andrew Waaswa , Agnes Oywaya Nkurumwa , Anthony Mwangi Kibe & Joel Ngeno Kipkemoi (2021): Climate-Smart agriculture and potato production in Kenya: review of the determinants of practice, Climate and Development, Taylor and Francis. abstract click here
  3. Anthony M. Kibe and Rahab W. Ngumba (2020). Establishing and Scaling the Seed Potato Community Action Research Multi-Stakeholder Platforms: Lessons & Experiences from KenyaInternational Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge, Volume-5 Issue-12, December 2020, ISSN-2213-1356
  4. Redempter Mbula Mutinda1, Edith Wambui Gathungu1, Dennis Kyalo Wambua1 and Antony Mwangi Kibe (2020).  Factors Influencing Agripreneurs’ Participation and Investment Levels in Clean Seed Potato Enterprises in Nakuru County, Kenya.  African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 28 Issue Supplement, ISSN 1021-9730/2020.
  5. M.J. Ong’ayo, E.O. Gido, A.O. Ingasia, M. Mwangi1 and A.M. Kibe (2020). Role of Networking Capability, Socio-Economic and Institutional Characteristics on Adoption Tendencies of Cleanseed Potato Agri-Enterprises in Central Rift Valley, Kenya. African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 28 Issue Supplement, s1 pp. 1 - 9 ISSN 1021-9730/2020.
  6. K.J. Chore, M. Mwangi, S.M. Karori and A.M. Kibe (2020). Changes in Carbohydrates Associated with Senescence of Cut Gladiolus Spikes under Pulsing and Wet Cold Storage Durations. African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 28 Issue Supplement, S1 Pp. 41 – 53. and
  7. Community Action Research Case study 1 (2019). Enhancing Seed Potato Production 
  8. Community Action Research Case Study 3 (2019) Developing the Nakuru County Potato Sector through Multi-stakeholder Collaboration. 
  9. S. M. Muti, A. M. Kibe, W. Nge’tich and E. Muindi (2017).  Effects of Coir Dust Mulch on Evapotranspiration of PH4 Maize in Coastal Region of KenyaJournal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International 10(3): 1-16, 2017; Article no.JAERI.29611ISSN: 2394-1073. SCIENCEDOMAIN international click 
  10. Charles Nyambane Onyari, Antony Mwangi Kibe and Samuel Mwonga (2017). Inter-seasonal Effects on Selected Maturity Parameters of DK8031 Maize Grown under Varying Irrigation and Nitrogen Levels in Embu County, Kenya. Asian Research Journal of Agriculture, 2456-561X,Vol.: 5, Issue.: 3. 

  11. Kirui K.R., Kibe A.M., Wagara I.N., Thagana M.W. (2016).  Effect of Genotype Resistance and Fungicide Rates on Fusarium Wilt Incidence of Chickpea. Advances in Plants Agriculture Research Volume 5(5): 00193. DOI: 10.15406/apar.2016.05.00193

  12. Kibe, M. Antony and Stephen M. Karanja (2015).  Manipulation of intercrop (cowpea) density and row orientation to regulate seasonal ETc, WUE and Yields of Sorghum – Cowpea Intercrop. In Chesterman, S. and Neely, C. (Eds) 2015. Evidence and policy implications of climate-­smart agriculture in Kenya. CCAFS Working Paper no. 90. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Copenhagen, Denmark. Available online at:
  13. Kamithi K. D., Kibe A. M. and Wachira F. (2015).  Effect of different priming methods and priming durations on enzyme activities in the germinating chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.).  American Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,  Vol-1, no 1, 2016.  
  14. Kamithi K. D., Kibe A. M. and Wachira F. (2015). Effect of different initial soil moisture on desi chickpea ICCV 95107 (Cicer arietinum L.) dry matter production and crop growth rate.  International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research Vol-1, Issue-6, October- 2015. or  
  15. Kamithi K. D., Kibe A. M. and Wachira F. (2016).  Effect of priming and different initial soil moisture on desi chickpea ICCV 95107 (Cicer arietinum L.) dry matter production.   International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, Vol:4 No.2, 2016. or 
  16. Thuranira J.K., Kibe, A.M. Ouma, J.P., Kamau, C.K. (2015).  Effects of Cutting Time and Varieties on Fodder Grain Yields and Yield Components of Sorghum under Semi Arid Environments of Makueni County in Kenya. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research pp. 309-324. 
  17. Charles Nyambane Onyari, Antony Mwangi Kibe and Samuel Mwonga (2015). Growth Parameters of DK8031 Maize Variety as Affected by Varying Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates in Embu County, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering A 4 (2015) 432-444, 

  18. Sigei K. Geoffrey, Ngeno K. Hillary, Kibe, M. Antony, Mwangi Mariam & Mutai C. Mary (2014). Challenges and Strategies to Improve Tomato Competitiveness along the Tomato Value Chain in Kenya.  International Journal of Business and Management. Vol. 9, No. 8; 2014. 
  19. Zipporah Muthoni Kimani, Omondi Ogutu and Anthony M. Kibe (2014). The Prevalence and Impact of Obstetric Fistula in Women of Kaptembwa – Nakuru, Kenya. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology. Vol. 4, No. 3, May 2014. or 
  20. Antony M. Kibe (2014). Optimal Exploitation of the Agricultural Potential of East Africa’s Lake Victoria Basin: A Case Study of Nyanza Province of Kenya. Presented in Arusha in 2014 by the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI).  
  21. Karanja, S.M., Kibe A.M., Karogo, P.K. and Mariam Mwangi (2014). Effects of Intercrop Population Density and Row Orientation on Growth and Yields of Sorghum -Cowpea Cropping Systems in Semi-Arid Rongai, Kenya.  April, Vol 6 No. 5, Journal of Agricultural Sciences (
  22. Antony Kibe and Mary Mutembei (2013).  Improving Resilience through Best Practices in Livelihood and Food Security in ASALs: Crop and Pasture Production Best Practices for Dry Lands.  Chapter in Trainers Module, International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR & FAO).
  23. Ndiso J.B, Mugo S., Kibe A.M. and Pathaka R.S.  (2013). Phenotypic diversity in local coastal maize landraces in Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural Science. ISSN: 2167-0447 Vol. 3 (10). Pp 053 -059, December 2013.
  24. Maureen N. Situma, Mariam Mwangi, Richard M. Mulwa and Antony M. Kibe (2013). Influence of Gibberelic Acid and Benzyladenine Pre-treatments on Growth and Flowering Characteristics of Oriental Lily (Lilium longiflorum) Bulbs. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary. 1 (6) July 2013. ISSN: 2320 – 5083. Click 
  25. Improving Impact of Emergency Response: Appropriate Methods of Ensuring Adoption of Best Practices on Improved Drought Tolerant Crop Production in Marginal Agricultural Areas of Kenya.  In FAO-UN, IIRR and SIDA Report, FAO (May, 2013).
  26. Ismail, S. G., Kinyua, M. G., Kibe, A. M. and Wagara, I. N. (2012). Wheat Stem Rust Severity and Physiological Races in North Rift Region of Kenya. Asian Journal of Plant Pathology, ISSN 1819-1541 / DOI: 10.3923/ajppaj. November 2012.
  27. Ndiso, J. B., Kibe, A. M., Mugo, S. and Pathak, R. S. (2012). Influence of Drought Stress on Growth, Yield and Yield Components of Selected Maize Genotypes in Costal Lowland Kenya. International Journal of Agricultural SciencesISSN: 2167-0447. Vol.2 (6), pp. 178-185, June 2012. Available online at
  28. Onyari, C. N., Ouma, J. P. and Kibe, A. M. (2010). Effect of Tillage method and Sowing Time on Phenology, Yield and yield Components of Chickpea (Cicer aerietinum L.) under Semi-arid Conditions in Kenya. Journal of Applied Biosciences, 34: 2156-2165
  29. Muti S. M. and Kibe A. M. (2009). The Effects of East African Low Level Jet on Food Security in Horn of Africa: A Case Study of Coastal Region of Kenya. African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development. Vol. 9, No. 8: 1761-1777.
  30. Ndiso, J.B., Kibe, A. M., Mugo, S., Pathak, R. S. and Likhayo, P. (2008). Screening Kenyan Coastal Maize Landraces for Resistance to Drought Stress and Storage Pests. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 8:10-28.
  31. Kibe, A. M. and Onyari, C. N. (2008). Production Functions and Their Use in Predicting Chickpea Biomass Yields When Grown Under Varying Tillage and Sowing Dates in Naivasha, Kenya. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.8:88-103.
  32. Kamithi, D.K., Kibe, A.M. and Akuja, T. (2008). Effects of Nitrogen and Plant Population Density on Dry Matter Production of Desi Chickpea (Cicer aerietinum) in Naivasha Dry Highlands of Kenya. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.8:104-117.
  33. Mwangi M., Kibe A. M. and Bhattacharjee, S. K. (2008). Influence of Wet and Dry Cold Storage and Holding Solutions on the Respiration Rate and Post Harvest Life of Cut Flowers. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 10(1):43-55.  
  34. Kibe, A. M. and Kamithi D. K. (2007). Production Potential of Desi Chickpea Grown Under Various Nitrogen and Planting Densities at Naivasha, Kenya. Agricultural Journal 2 (4):520-525. 
  35. Kibe, A. M., Singh S. and Titus S. (2006). Effect of Irrigation, Nitrogen and Zinc on Nitrogen and Zinc Content and Uptake in Late Sown Wheat Biomass. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology, 6:157-169  
  36. Kibe, A. M. and Kamithi D. K. (2007). Production Potential of Desi Chickpea Grown Under Various Nitrogen and Planting Densities at Naivasha, Kenya. Agricultural Journal 2 (4):520-525 
  37. Kibe, A. M., Subedar Singh and Naveen Kalra (2006). Water-Nitrogen Relationships for Wheat Growth and Productivity in Late Sown Conditions. Agricultural Water Management, 84: 221-228. Elsevire,  Kibe, A. M. and Subedar Singh (2003). Influence of Irrigation, Nitrogen and Zinc on the Productivity and Consumptive Use of Late Sown Wheat. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 48 (3): 186-191
  38. Kibe, A. M., S. Singh, N. Kalra, and A. K. Singh (2003). Response of Late Sown Wheat to Varying Levels of Irrigation, Nitrogen and Zinc, I: Water-Nitrogen- yield relationships Under Adequate and limited Water Supply Conditions. Journal of Water Management, Vol. II (1):12-17.
  1. Anthony M. Kibe and Rahab W. Ngumba (2019). Establishing and Scaling the Seed and Ware Potato Community Action Research Multi-Stakeholder Platform: Lessons & Experiences. Poster presentation at RUFORUM 23rd AGM, Cape Coast University, Ghana, 2-6th Dec 2019.
  2. Promoting Irrigated Agriculture Community Engagement through the Nakuru Acceleration Platform (IAP) in Kenya. Poster presentation at the International Symposium on Global, Community Engaged Learning at Volta Serene Hotel, Ho, Ghana. June 24 – 29th, 2019.
  3. Learning visit and workshop on farmer-led irrigation development in Meru County from Wednesday 29 may to Friday 31 may, 2019.
  4. Climate risk assessment workshop 29th- 30th April, Waterbuck, Nakuru, SNV-Kenya. 
  5. Business to business opportunities in smart water solutions and potato sector: Farmer Field day: Hosts: Kasambara Bidii Irrigation Community Based Organization (CBO), NASFA and Egerton University. Location: Mbaruk, Gilgil Sub County; Date: Tuesday, 17th July 2018 Kibe, M. Antony and Stephen M. Karanja (2014).  Manipulation of intercrop (cowpea) density and row orientation to regulate seasonal ETc, WUE and Yields of Sorghum – Cowpea Intercrop.  Kenya National Climate Change and Agriculture Workshop: Sharing Evidence and Experience on Climate-Smart Agriculture in Smallholders’ Integrated Crop Livestock-tree Systems. 8-9th October 2014, World Agro-forestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya.
  6. Kibe, A.M., (2014).  Optimizing Crop Production through Prudent Agricultural Practices: Opportunities for the insurance sector. Presented in, Agriculture Insurance – A Building Block for Resilience in Agriculture (2014). 4th Swiss Re Agricultural Insurance Workshop held at the Safari Park Hotel & Casino, Nairobi Kenya. 17th – 18th July 2014. 
  7. Manipulation of intercrop (cowpea) density and row orientation to regulate seasonal ETc, WUE and Yields of Sorghum – Cowpea Intercrop.  Kenya National Climate Change and Agriculture Workshop: Sharing Evidence and Experience on Climate-Smart Agriculture in Smallholders’ Integrated Crop Livestock-tree Systems. 8-9th October 2014, World Agro-forestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya. In Chesterman S, Neely C, (Eds.). 2015. Evidence and policy implications of climate-smart agriculture in Kenya. CCAFS Working Paper no. 90. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Click here 

    Symposium to Create Shared Value in Kenyan Agribusiness. The maize, tomato, banana and dairy value chains in Kenya.  20 – 21st March, 2014, by Action Platform (Kenya Agribusiness and Agro-Industry Association (KAAA) at the Safari Park Hotel, on 20-21st March, 2014.  
  8. Linkage of Industry with Academia (LIWA) Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment Sector Board Forum, held at LICO, Grand Regency Hotel on  February 27th & 28th, 2014: Theme: - “Enhancing Industry – Academia Partnership for Sustainable Development and Food Security”. 
  9. Agriculture Policy Roundtable, held at the Norfolk Fairmount Hotel, Nairobi, on 13th March 2014. Organized by Virtual Livelihood School Africa (VLSA). 
  10. Community Outreach (Extension) Activities I’ve Organized & Reports submitted after last promotion to Assoc. Professor (4th Apr 2013). Over 6,000 farmers have been reached and trained on good agricultural practices for irrigated agriculture and potato production

  11. Brief to The Netherlands Ambassador to Kenya (2021). Ongoing (24th Feb to 31st Mar 21) Crop Models and Remote Sensing for Water Management in Agricultural Systems Tailor Made Training (TMT) on 22nd March 2021, Nakuru.

  12. Quarterly Narrative Report (2020) for the project titled “Enhancing Access to High Quality Seed Potato for Improved Productivity and Income of Smallholder Farmers in Nakuru County”, for the period 1st January to 30th November 2020.

  13. Mid-term Summary Report (2019), Seed Potato Value Chain Community Action Research Project+ (SPVC CARP+) for period 2018 to 2019.

  14. First quarter report (2018), on the Seed Potato CARP+ Value Chain Report for the Period September 2017-January 2018 Project Title: “Enhancing Access to High Quality Seed Potato for Improved Productivity and Income of Smallholder Farmers in Nakuru County”

  15. Technical Report (2018).  Nakuru Irrigation Acceleration Platform (IAP) for the period 1st November 2017 to 31st May 2018 & Activity Plan: 1st June 2018 – 31st May 2019

  16. University Faculty Workshop (2013). To Review Training Modules on Building Resilience through Best Practices in Livelihood & Food Security in Asals of Kenya, for Training of Trainers for FAO. Held in Lukenya Gateway, Machakos, Kenya from 22nd to 27th April 2013. International Institute For Rural Reconstruction (IIRR).

Promoted to Associate Prof. (4th April 2013)

  1. First National Pastoralist Education Conference: The Past, Present and Possible.  Held at the Kenya Institute of Education, Nairobi from 19-21st February 2013.
  2. Training of Trainers Write-Shop on Best Practices for Arid and Semi-arid Lands. Held at the All Africa Conference of Churches, Waiyaki Rd., Nairobi on 28th Jan -1st Feb 2013. Organized by IIRR and FAO.
  3. Adoption or Non-adoption of Drought Tolerant Crops and Status of Irrigation Schemes in Kenyan ASALs. The National Workshop Programme on Research Findings on Best Practices. Held at the Nairobi Safari Club, Nairobi, Kenya on 29th – 30th November 2012.
  4. Ishmail, S.G., Kibe, A.M., Wagara, I. and Kinyua, G. (2010). Effects of Rates and Time of Application of Silvacur (Tebuconazole 250 g/l + Tridimenole 125g/l) Fungicide in Control of Wheat Stem Rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp tritici). 5th Annual Research Week and International Conference. 22nd -24th September 2010, Agricultural Resource Center, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya. 
  5. Seventh (7th) National Fertilizer Conference held on 9th – 10th February 2012 at Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), Nairobi, Kenya. 
  6. Presentation of the World Bank Study Findings on the “Global Competitiveness of the Kenya (Horticulture) Industry” workshop on Tuesday 29th November 2011 at the Kenya Global Development Learning Centre, Nairobi.
  7. Kamithi, D. K., Kibe, A. M. and Akuja, T. E. (2009). Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Plant Population on Growth, Yield and Harvest Index (HI) of Chickpea (Cicer aerietinum) under dryland conditions in Kenya. Conference in Cape Town South Africa November, 2009.
  8. Ndiso, J.B., Kibe, A. M., Pathak, R. S. And Mugo, S. (2008). Phenotypic Diversity for Morphological Traits in Kenyan Coastal Maize Landraces. Insect Resistant Maize for Africa (IRMA) Project. Consolidating Experiences from IRMA I and II: Achievements, Lessons and Prospects. IRMA Project End-of-Phase II Conference, 28th-30th October 2008, Nairobi, Kenya.
  9. Ndiso, J.B., Kibe, A. M., Pathak, R. S. And Mugo, S. (2008). Phenotypic Characterization of Kenya Local Coastal Maize Landraces. Insect Resistant Maize for Africa (IRMA) Project. Consolidating Experiences from IRMA I and II: Achievements, Lessons and Prospects. IRMA Project End-of-Phase II Conference, 28th-30th October 2008, Nairobi, Kenya.
  10. Muti S. M. and Kibe A. M. (2008). East African Low Level Jet Effects on Food Security in Coastal and Eastern Kenya. Kenya in the Context of Globalization: Challenges and Prospects. OSSREA Conference, Kenya Chapter: 2nd – 4th July 2008, Kenya Institute of Education, Nairobi.
  11. Ndiso, J.B., Mugo, S., Kibe, A. M., Pathak, R. S. and Likhayo P. (2007). Characterization for Phenotypic Drought Tolerance and Resistance to Storage Pests in Local Coastal Maize Landraces in Kenya. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, Vol. 8 pp. 245-250. El-Minia, Egypt.
  12. Kibe, A.M., Onyari, C.N., Ouma J.O. and Kariuki, J.N. (2007). Intra-Seasonal water use efficiency of chickpea grown in a semi-arid environment of Naivasha under varying tillage and sowing dates. Research week and International Conference held at ARC, Egerton University from 16th – 20th July, 2007.
  13. Kamithi, D.K., Kibe, A.M. and Akuja, T. (2007). Effects of nitrogen and plant population density on dry matter production of desi chickpea (Cicer aerietinum) in Naivasha dry highlands of Kenya. Research week and International Conference held at ARC, Egerton University from 16th – 20th July, 2007.
  14. Kibe A. M. and Kamithi, D. K. (2006). Production potential of desi chickpea grown under various nitrogen and planting densities at Naivasha, Kenya. Research week conference held at Egerton University, ARC. June 2006.
  15. Kibe, A. M. and Onyari C. N. (2006). Production functions and their use in predicting chickpea biomass yields when grown under varying tillage and sowing dates in Naivasha, Kenya. Research week conference held at Egerton University, ARC. June 2006.
  16. Kibe, A. M. and Kamithi D. K. (2006). Economic Analyses of growing desi Chickpea under Varying Nitrogen application and Plant Densities in Naivasha, Kenya. Poster Presentation in Research week conference held at Egerton University, ARC. June 2006.
  17. Kibe, M., Subedar Singh and Naveen Kalra (2004). Consumptive Use of Water, Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency by Wheat (Triticum aestivum) in Relation to Irrigation and Nitrogen. 12th Regional Wheat Workshop for Eastern, Central and Southern Africa, Held at Merica Hotel Nakuru, Kenya on 22nd -26th November 2004.
  1. African Alliance Partnership (AAP) travel grant worth $2,500 towards the costs participation to attend the 2019 Symposium on Global Community-Engaged Learning scheduled for 24-29th June in Ho, Ghana.
  2. Best presented paper in Agricultural Sciences at the 3rd International Research Week and Conference Held at Egerton University. June 2007
  3. Indo-Kenya Cultural Scholarship (PhD. Agronomy studies). 1998-2003

2003 to Date:

  1. Case Studies on Seed potato community engagement: 
  2. Lectures given to PhD AGRO 850/833: Advances in Sustainable Agriculture & Eco-System Management;
  3. MSc courses taught: Cropping Systems- AGRO 718; Advance in Pasture and Fodder Management - AGRO 752; Advances in Annual Crops- AGRO 750; Dry land Farming AGRO 712 and Seminars
  4. BSc courses taught: AGRO 382-Cropping Systems; AGRO 402-Dry Land farming; AGRO 351: Annual Crops; Seminars

1992 onwards

  1. AGRO 351 / 352 -Pastures and Fodder Crops; Annual Crops I & II; AGRO 102 - Principles of crops production (Agronomy).
  2. Seminars: For both BSc and MSc students
  3. Diploma Courses: AGRO 0271-Pastures and Forage management; 0351 Annual crops

MSc (10 completed, 4 ongoing)  

  1. Redempter. Factors influencing agripreneurs’ participation and investments in clean seed potato enterprises in Molo, Nakuru County, Kenya, Graduated: Egerton University,  MSc Agri-Enterprise Development, 2020. 
  2. Kirui Kipngetich Rickson.  Evaluation of Chickpea (Cicer aerietinum L.) Genotypes for Fusarium wilt resistance and its management by seed dress fungicides.  Egerton University, MSc. Crop Protection - Graduated May 2017http:// 
  3. Julius K. Thuranira.  Fodder, grain yield and economic productivity of sorghum (sorghum bicolor (l) moench) as influenced by variety and cutting time under semi arid environments.  (MSc Dry land Farming). May 2016). 
  4. Zipporah Muthoni Kimani. The Effect of Obstetric Fistula Impact and Coping Strategies of Women in Kaptembwa, Nakuru, Kenya. Egerton University MA. Gender and Development Studies, Dec 2014http:// 
  5. Karanja Muiru Stephen. Effects of intercropping population and row orientation on water use efficiency and yields in sorghum – cowpea cropping system in Rongai, Kenya.  Egerton University, MSc Dry land Farming, May 2014.


  1. Salim Gichue Ismail. Evaluation of Wheat Stem Rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici L) races in Uasin Gishu district and its control using Silvacur fungicide. Egerton University, MSc. Crop Protection, May 2012.
  2. Management of angular leaf spot (Phaeisariopsis gresiola L.) through host plant resistance in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes. Antony Juma. (Dec. 2011) M.Sc. (Crop Protection).
  3. Characterization of plant morphology, drought tolerance and resistance to storage pests in local coastal maize landraces in Kenya.  James Biriah Ndiso (Nov. 2009).  M.Sc. Dry Land
  4. Effects of nitrogen and plant population density on growth and yield of desi chickpea (Cicer aerietinum L.) in Naivasha dry highlands of Kenya. Kamithi, D.K., Kibe, A.M. and Akuja, T. (Nov. 2008). M.Sc. Dry Land) 
  5. Effects of tillage methods and sowing time on growth water use and yield of chickpea (Cicer aerietinum L.) in Kenyan dry highlands. Charles Nyambane Onyari (Nov. 2007): M.Sc. (Dry Land)


Ongoing MSc Research Supervision (4)  

  1. Sheku N. Gbollie (MSc Agronomy KM13/13616/19). Potassium Leaching Management in Cocopeat for Seed Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Production with varied Pumice Soilless Media. (defended in Faculty June 2020 and letter given in Mar 2021)
  2. Felistus Mutheu Makau (MSc Hort- KM14/13654/19) Effect of Nutrient and Soilless Media on Growth and Survival Rate of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Apical Rooted Cuttings. (defended in Faculty in Nov 2020 and letter yet to be given).
  3. Andrew Waaswa (Em12/13622/19). Determinants of Practice of Climate-Smart Agriculture among Smallholder Potato Farmers in Gilgil Sub-County, Kenya: Andrew Waaswa
  4. Betty Wamaitha Thuo. (GM11/13658/19 - MA Gender & Development Studies). Effects of Gender Roles on Adoption of Potato Production in Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies in Ol-Kalau, Nyandarua County, Kenya (Yet to defended in Faculty)

PhD Research supervision (3 completed)

  1. Onyari Charles Nyambane. Effects of Irrigation Levels and Varying Fertilizer levels on the Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Yield of Maize. Agronomy, Egerton University, Graduated Dec 2018http:// 
  2. Mbuvi Simon Muti. Effects of Kaoline antitranspirant and coir dust mulch on evapotranspiration and yield of Pwani hybrid (Zea mays, var. PH4) under rainfed and adequate moisture conditions. PhD Agronomy Egerton University- Graduated Dec 2017. 
  3. Kamithi David Kuria. Evaluation of Priming on Germination, Growth and Yields of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) under Varying Pre-sowing soil moisture levels. PhD Agronomy - Dry land, Egerton University - Graduated May 2016


Ongoing PhD Supervision (2)

  1. Oggema Judy (PhD Plant Breeding KD21/13080/17) – In Vitro and Field Screening of Selected Seed Potato (Solanum Tuberosum ) Genotypes for Water Stress Tolerance in Nakuru Kenya 
  2. Nganga John (PhD agronomy KD121/13033/17) – Mechanisms of yield loss when potato is infected with Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN)


  1. Indian Society of Agronomy (Life member)
  2. Indian Society of Water Management (Life Member)
  3. National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) of Kenya: Lead Expert
  4. Kenya Horticultural Society (Council Member for 3 years)
  5. Agricultural Society of Kenya (Member) 
  6. Researchgate,  


  1. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science –
  2. Hazard Journal
  3. Journal of Environmental Management (
  4. African Journal of Horticultural Science (Horticultural Society of Kenya: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
  5. Egerton Journal of Science and Technology (Egerton University).
  6. Internal examiner: Over 30 Theses examined.
  7. External Examiner: PhD Agronomy, Gandhi Ram University of Agriculture and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India. MSc. Agriculture: Kenya Methodist University, Meru, Kenya.
  1. Prof. Samuel Mwonga, Crops, Horticulture & Soils Department, Egerton University. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  2. Prof. Joshua Ogendo. Director, CMRT, P.O. Box 536-20115, Egerton, Kenya.  E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  3. Prof Alexander Kahi.  DVC Academic Affairs, Egerton University. P.O. Box 536-20115, Egerton, Kenya. E-mail No. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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