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Dr. Aquilars Mutuku Kalio is a ....

  1. Ph.D. in Economics, University of Dar-es-Salaam (Oct. 2003-08)
  2. M. A. in Economics, University of Botswana (1993-95)
  3. Bachelor of Arts (Economics & Soci), Egerton University (1988–91)
  4. Advanced Level, Machakos School (1986-87)
  5. Ordinary Level, Sengani Sec. School (1982-85)
  1. Microeconomics
  2. Quantitative Techniques/Economic Statistics
  3. Data Analysis
  4. Research methodology
  1. Trained in Participatory Rural Appraisal at Egerton (1997)
  2. Trained in Public Legal Education by COBADES (2001)
  3. Trained in Pedagogy at Egerton (2001)
  4. Trained on Ecology and Valuation of Environmental Resources/Services by the Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics (2002)
  5. Trained in Pedagogy by Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR) (2018)




  1. Professor, Economics Department, Egerton University (August 2021)
  2. COD – Economics Department (May 2017 to October 2019)
  3. Senior Lecturer, Egerton University (April 2013 to July 2021)
  4. Lecturer, Egerton University (2009 to 2013)
  5. Coordinator, Economics Department (2008-2010)
  6. Coordinator, Master of Arts Economics Program (2010 to date)
  7. Mace Bearer during the 30th Graduation ceremony held on Friday 20th June, 2014
  8. Member of the Faculty Shortlisting Committee from 2014
  9. Acting COD on Several Occasions
  10. Member of the FASS Research and Seminars Committee from 2013
  11. Developed the M.A. Curriculum in 2009
  12. Developing the Ph.D programme in Economics
  13. Programme leader (M.A. Economics and B.A. Economics and History)
  14. Assistant Lecturer at Egerton University’s Economics Department (1995-2008)
  15. Trained in Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) (1997)
  16. Part-time Lecturer for Statistics for Decision Making for the Ph.D Program at Kabarak University’s Town Campus (2017)
  17. Part-time Lecturer for Research Methods for Managerial Decision Decision Making for the Ph.D Program at Kabarak University’s Town Campus (2017)
  18. Part-time Lecturer for Statistics for Research for the MBA Finance Program at Kabarak University’s Town Campus (2017)
  19. Part-time Lecturer for Managerial Economics for the MBA Program at Kabarak University’s Town Campus (2011 - 2017)
  20. Part-time lecturer for Economic Analysis for the Ph.D program at JKUAT, Nakuru Campus (2011, 2012, 2014, 2015)
  21. Part-time lecturer for Financial Institutions and Markets for the Ph.D program at JKUAT, Nakuru Campus (2012)
  22. Part-time Lecturer for Disciplined Inquiry for Human Resource Management for the Ph.D Program at JKUAT, Nakuru (2010)
  23. Part-time Lecturer for Managerial Economics for the MBA Program at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nakuru (JKUAT) (2010 - 2015)
  24. Lecturer for Quantitative Methods in MBA at Egerton University’s Town Campus (2008 - 2016)
  25. Part-time Lecturer for Quantitative Methods in MBA at Kabarak University’s Town Campus (2008, 2009)
  26. Part-time Lecturer for Managerial Economics for the MBA Program at the University of Eastern Africa, (Baraton), Kenya (2008, 2009)
  27. Part-time Lecturer for Research Methododology for the MBA Program at the University of Eastern Africa, (Baraton), Kenya (2009 - 2012)
  28. Part-time Lecturer for Research Methods for the MBA Program at Kabarak University, Kenya (2009, 2010)
  29. Lecturer for Managerial Economics at Egerton University’s Town Campus (2002)
  30. Part-time Lecturer for Business Statistics, BCOM Programme, at Egerton University and Kabarak University (2007 - 2015)
  31. Part-time Lecturer for Business Research Methods at the Kenya Institute of Management (2001)
  32. An Economics Lecturer in the Military Science Programme Run by Egerton University (2001, 2015, 2016)
  33. A Temporary Research Assistant at the International Livestock Research Institute, 1999
  34. Teaching Assistant at Egerton University (1991 – 93)
  • Government Spending
  • Human Capital and R&D
  • Small and Medium Enterprises




  1. MODULE for  Quantitative Methods for the MBA Programme (Distance learning) (2015)


  1. Ruth Kaiboi, Symon Kiprop and Aquilars Kalio (2021); Effect of Market Capitalization on Economic Growth of East African Community; Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol. 12 (10), pp. 59 – 65.
  2. Johnworker T. Mukhwami, Edith W. Gathungu and Aquilars Kalio (2020); Econometric Modeling of  Rural Farm Household Credit Allocation in Kakamega County, Kenya; Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol. 11, Issue No. 4
  3. Kevin Wanjala, Aquilars Kalio and Symon Kiprop (2018); A Pooled Mean Group Analysis on the Determinants of Current Account Balance in the EAC; International Journal of Science and Research, Vol. 8, Issue No. 11.
  4. Jane Kaboro, Aquilars Kalio and Lawrence Kibet (2018); The Effect of Real Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate Convergence on Exchange Rate Volatility in Search for the East African Monetary Union; Journal of Economics and International Finance, Vol. 10, Issue 6.
  5. Harriet Sugut, Symon Kiprop and Aquilars Kalio (2017); Effect of Volatility on Trade in the East African Community Countries (1995 – 2015)  European Journal of Business and Social Sciences; Vol. 6, Issue No. 06
  6. Ouru Were, Lawrence Kibet; Aquilars Kalio and Naftaly Mose (2017), Effect of Research and Development on Agricultural Sector Growth in the East African Community (2000 – 2014). Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, Vol. 10, Issue 2.
  7. Irene Keino, Symon Kiprop, Aquilars Kalio and Kibet L. (2016); Effect of Regional Integration on Private Investment in the East African Community: A Panel Data Analysis. Research Journali’sJournal of Economics, Vol. 4, No. 4 April 2016
  8. Mercy J. Kiprop, Aquilars Kalio, Lawrence Kibet, Symon Kiprop (2015), Effect of Financial Development on Economic Growth in Kenya: Evidence From Time Series Analysis. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 11, P.P. 62 - 78
  9. Babu Ochieng; Symon Kiprop; Aquilars Kalio and Mose Gisore (2015), Effect of Domestic Debt on Economic Growth in the East African Community. American Journal of Research Communication, Vol.3(9)
  10. Bernard Mavui Musyoka; Dr. Fredrick Kalui and Aquilars Kalio (2015), The Effects of Ownership Structure On Financial Performance Of Unit Trusts In Kenya, The International Journal of Business & Management, Vol. 3, No. 10
  11. Susan Rujema, Salome Richu and Aquilars Kalio (2015), Effects of Green Purchasing Strategies on Sustainable Supply Chain Performance at Unilever Tea Kenya Limited. International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, Volume 15, No.2, pp. 296 – 306.
  12. Alois N. Kitaka and Aquilars Kalio (2015), Assessing the Influence of Structured Loans on Agribusiness Borrowing at First Community Bank, Kenya; International Journal of Economics, Commerce & Management
  13. Saisi, E. A. ; Ngahu, S. M. and Aquilars Kalio (2015); Factors Influencing Successful Completion of Construction Projects in Public Universities: A case of Egerton University, Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, Vol. 3, Issue 5.
  14. Naftaly Gisore, Symon Kiprop, Aquilars Kalio, James Ochieng (2014), Effect Of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth in East Africa: A Disaggregated Model. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 8 ,  P.P. 289 – 304
  15. Ruth W. Kang’ethe and Aquilars Kalio (2014); The Determinants of Trade Credit in Small and Medium Sized Firms in Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). Volume 3, Issue 10.
  16. Babu Ochieng, Symon Kiprop, Aquilars Kalio and Mose Gesore (2014), External Debt and Economic Growth in the East African Community. African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 8, No. 21, Pp. 1011 – 1018.
  17. Kamau Anthony and Aquilars Kalio (2014), Effect of Microfinance Lending on the Financial Performance of Businesses: A Case of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nakuru East Sub-county, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research, Vol. 3, No. 10
  18. Shadrack K. Maweu; Aquilars Kalio and Solomon Ngahu (2014), Role of Fraud Prevention in Enhancing Effective Financial Reporting in County Governments in Kenya: A Case of Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research, Vol. 3, No. 10.
  19. Emily M. Ngele and Aquilars Kalio (2014), Effects of Leverage on the Financial Performance of Parastatals: A Case Study of Kenya Power. International Journal of Science and Research, Vol. 3, No. 10
  20. Karanja, A.W., Gachunga, H; Aquilars Kalio, Kimiti,G; Wanderi P.G. (2014) Effects of Procedural Justice on Organization Commitment of Public Secondary School Teachers in Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Commerce & Management; ISSN23480386 Rochester UK. Vol. 11, issue 8.
  21. Karanja G.W; Hazel Gachunga and Aquilars Kalio (2014). Effects of Distinctive Justice on Organizational Commitment of Public Secondary School. Teachers in Kenya. International journal of Science and Research.
  22. Ivy Kamau; Aquilars Kalio and Kwasira J. (2014). An Analysis of the Use of Cooperative Purchasing of Household Food Items as a Cost Reduction Strategy among Selfhelp Groups in Nakuru Sub-County. International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy, Vol 3, No 3.
  23. Ruth, Lucy; Wagoki, J. and Aquilars Kalio (2014). Effects of Global Financial Crises on Performance of Floriculture Business in Kenya; A Case of Flower Farms in Naivasha, Kenya. World Academic Journal of Economics and Finance Vol 2, No 2.
  24. Mose, N.; Aquilars Kalio, Kiprop,S;, Kibet. L.K and Babu, J. (2014). Effect of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth in East Africa; A Panel Data Analysis. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary Vol 2, issue 4.
  25. Amambia, J. N.; Aquilars Kalio and Kwasira,J. (2013). Effects of Financial Risk Management on the Financial Performance of Kenya Power: Emphansis on Credit Risk; World Academic Journal of Business and Applied Sciences, Vol 1 No 8.
  26. Jacqueline Siekei,  Juma Wagoki and Aquilars Kalio (2013), An Assessment of the Role of Financial Literacy on Performance of Small and Micro Enterprises: Case of Equity Group Foundation Training Program on SMES in Njoro District, Kenya; Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 1, No. 7 Journal Of
  27. Ombongi, E.N. and Aquilars Kalio (2013). Effects of Financial Risks on Performance of Small and Medium Enterprise in the Hotel Industry in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, Vol. 2, issue11 page 257-263.
  28. Aquilars Kalio; J. Mutenyo and George Owuor (2012): Analysis of Economic Growth in Kenya: Growth Accounting and Total Factor Productivity. Journal of Business Management and Applied Economics, Vol. 1, Issue 6
  29. D.Kinambuga, B. K Mutai, G. Owuor, Aquilars Kalio, E.K.Kinuthia (2012): Performance of Smallholder Dairy Farming in Nakuru County, Kenya.  Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology, Vol 2, No 4 A
  30. E. K. Kinuthia, G.Owuor, W. Nguyo, Aquilars Kalio and D. Kinambuga (2011): Factors Influencing Participation and the Extent in Tree Planting Program. A case of Nyeri District, Kenya. Agricultural Science Research Journal Vol. 1(16), pp129-133
  31. J. Mutenyo, E. Asmah and  Aquilars Kalio (2010): Does Foreign Direct Investment Crowd-out Domestic Private Investment in Sub-Sahara Africa?, The African Finance Journal, Vol. 12, Issue  1, pp. 2-52.
  32. J. Opolot, J. Mutenyo and Aquilars Kalio (2009): Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: New Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. Bank of Uganda Staff Papers, Vol. 3, No.2.
  33. Aquilars Kalio (2000): “Public Expenditure Composition and its Impact on Economic Performance in Kenya: An Aggregated Model”.  Egerton Journal, Vol. 3, No.1.


  1. Quantitative Techniques
  2. Research Methodology
  3. Managerial Economics
  4. Microeconomics
  5. Environmental Economics


  1. Econonic Statistics I
  2. Economic Statistics II
  3. Research Methodology
  4. Intermediate Microeconomics
  5. Environmental and Resource Economics
  6. Mathematics for Economists



  1. Effect of Stock Market performance on Economic Growth in the East African Community by Ruth Kaiboi (2021) (Egerton University).
  2. Econometric modeling of rural farm household credit allocation in Kakamega county, Kenya by Johnworker T. Mukhwami (2020) (Egerton University
  3. The determinants of current account balance in the East African Community by Kevin Wanjala (2019) (Egerton University).
  4. Effect of Macroeconomic Convergence on Exchange Rate Volatility and the East African Community Monetary Union by Jane Kaboro (2018) (Egerton University).
  5. The Effect of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Trade in the East African Community Countries by Harriet Sungut (2018) (Egerton University).
  6. Effect of Research and Development on the Agricultural Sector Growth in the East African community by Were L. Ouru (2017) (Egerton University).
  7. Effect of Regional Integration on Private Investment in the East African Community: A Panel Data Analysis by Irene Keino (2016) (Egerton University).
  8. Effect of Financial Development on Economic Growth in Kenya: A Time Series Analysis by Mercy J. Kiprop (2015) (Egerton University)
  9. Effect Of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth in East Africa: A Disaggregated Model by Naftaly Gisore (2014) (Egerton University)
  10. Effect of Public Debt on Economic Growth of the East African Community Member countries by Babu Ochieng (2014) (Egerton University)
  11. Analysis of Motivational Factors Affecting Credit demand among Small-scale Farmers in Western Province, Kenya by Leonard Haggai (2012) (Egerton University)

In Progress

  1. Effect of Income Inequality on Economic Growth of the East African Community Countries by Omondi Michael (Egerton University).
  2. The Effect of Corruption on Economic Growth in the East African Community Countries by Dorothy Kiambi (Egerton University)


  1. The Effects of Ownership Structure on Financial Performance Of Unit Trusts In Kenya, by Bernard Mavui Musyoka (2015), (Egerton University).
  2. Effects of Green Purchasing Strategies on Sustainable Supply Chain Performance at Unilever Tea Kenya Limited by Susan Rujema (2015) (JKUAT)
  3. Assessing the Influence of Structured Loans on Agribusiness Borrowing at First Community Bank, Kenya by Alois N. Kitaka (2015) (JKUAT)
  4. Factors Influencing Successful Completion of Construction Projects in Public Universities: A case of Egerton University, Kenya by Saisi, E. A. (2015) (Egerton University).
  5. The Determinants of Trade Credit in Small and Medium Sized Firms in Kenya by Ruth W. Kang’ethe (2014) (JKUAT)
  6. Effect of Microfinance Lending on the Financial Performance of Businesses: A Case of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nakuru East Sub-county, Kenya by Kamau Anthony (2014) (JKUAT)
  7. Role of Fraud Prevention in Enhancing Effective Financial Reporting in County Governments in Kenya: A Case of Nakuru County, Kenya by Shadrack K. Maweu (2014) (JKUAT)
  8. Effects of Leverage on the Financial Performance of Parastatals: A Case Study of Kenya Power by Emily M. Ngele (2014) (JKUAT)
  9. An Analysis of the Use of Cooperative Purchasing of Household Food Items as a Cost Reduction Strategy among Selfhelp Groups in Nakuru Sub-County by Ivy Kamau (2014) (JKUAT).
  10. Effects of Global Financial Crises on Performance of Floriculture Business in Kenya; A Case of Flower Farms in Naivasha, Kenya by Ruth, Lucy (2014) (JKUAT).
  11. Effects of Financial Risk Management on the Financial Performance of Kenya Power: Emphansis on Credit Risk by Amambia, J. N. (2013) (JKUAT).
  12. An Assessment of the Role of Financial Literacy on Performance of Small and Micro Enterprises: Case of Equity Group Foundation Training Program on SMES in Njoro District, Kenya by Jacqueline Siekei (2013) (JKUAT) Journal Of
  13. Effects of Financial Risks on Performance of Small and Medium Enterprise in the Hotel Industry in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya by Ombongi, E.N. (2013) (Egerton University).



  1. Assessment of Energy Management Practices on Sustaining Competitive Advantage among Manufacturers: A Case of Selected Manufacturing Firms in Nairobi, Kenya (2017) by Kiptum H. Yatich (Kabarak University).
  2. Effects of Organizational Justice on Organizational Commitment in Public Secondary Schools and Commercial banks in Kenya (1016) by Karanja G. W. (Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology)
  3. Determinants of Capital Structure and Applicability of Pecking Order Theory on Companies Quoted at the Nairobi Securities Exchange (2014) by Fredrick Kalui (Open University of Dar es Salaam)


  1. Agricultural Information Networks and Farm Performance: The Case of Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Nakuru County, Kenya by Oyugi J. Nyanjong (Egerton University).
  2. Effects of Public Investment on the Attainment of Selected millennium Goals in the East African Community: A Panel Data Analysis by Benson K Mutuerandu (Egerton University)


  1. African Economic Research Consortium (AERC)
  2. Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR)



Prof. Anthony N. Wambugu

School of Economics                                           

University of Nairobi                                           

P.O. Nairobi


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Dr. John Mutenyo

Economics Department                                  

Makerere University

P.O. Kampala


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Dr. Lucas Njoroge

Dept. of International Relations

University of Nairobi

P.O. Nairobi.


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