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Faculty of Environment and Resources Development
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Prof. John Momanyi Mironga is an Associate Professor of Biogeography at Egerton University. His areas of specialization include climate change, wetland ecology, and ecology of invasive species, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing in natural resource mapping. He is actively involved in research and in the past 10 years has won more than 10 research grants in the area of environmental management. Prof. Mironga has published many scientific papers in refereed journals and has also participated in seminars and workshops locally, regionally and internationally. His current area of interest is on the best use of GIS and Remote in studying implications of climate change on sustainable land management practices in developing countries.

Prof. Mironga completed his Doctor of Philosophy at Department of Geography, Egerton University and Master of Philosophy in Environmental Studies at Moi University, School of Environmental Studies, Division of Environmental Monitoring and Computerized Cartography.

Prof. Mironga, besides being a lecturer in Biogeography, has been proactively involved in developing the portfolio of programmes, seeking opportunities for new and modified programmes in response to changes in market demand and ensuring the visibility and recognition of the Faculty of Environment and Resources Development and the University in the national and international forums.

At the departmental level, Prof. Mironga actively participated in course(s) development/ curriculum development, new programs on Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Environment Impact Assessment/ Strategic Environmental Assessment, ecology of invasive species, climate change and pollution related studies in agriculture (implications of poor urban waste management on water resources, impact of human activities on the environment, poor quality waters management, climate change/climatic variability, yield forecasting, extreme episodic events), guided M.Sc. and PhD students on these aspects. Other responsibilities - Member of Faculty Consultancy Team meant to prepare and submit proposals through DVC (R and E), since 24th June 2011. Faculty Representative of Vision 2030 committee, Egerton University; an evaluator/vetting of all university Departments, faculties and/ or divisions performance contracts since 2008. Management Representative of ISO 14001: 2015 (Environmental Management System) and core Committee member working towards having Egerton University get certified by end of 2018. He is in charge of a team spearheading Asbestos removal from all buildings at Egerton University. Coordinator of GIS and Remote Sensing courses for Military Science Programme. Involved in developing E-Learning Content for RUFORUM and Egerton University.

He is a Member of the International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS) (Membership ID: M140924). ISDS is a Japan based international scientific and educational organization dedicated to promoting science and practice in all aspects of environmental, economic, social and cultural sustainability and Member of the International Society for Environmental Information Sciences (ISEIS). ISEIS is a non-profit and free-membership organization dedicated to development and applications of systems science and information technology for environmental applications. In addition he is Member of the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA- Kenya) (Membership ID: 6386). The Authority exercises general supervision and coordination over all matters relating to the environment and is the principal instrument of the Government of Kenya in the implementation of all policies relating to the environment, Gratis Member - Wetland Society, International and a registered Environmental Impact Assessment Expert in the capacity of a Lead Expert (with The National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA- Kenya). He is also a Lead Auditor/ Expert of Environmental Management Systems. Prof. Mironga is a Trainer of Trainers in Environmental Impact Assessment, GIS and Remote Sensing and Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS).


2008 : PhD, Geography - Egerton University, Kenya

1995: M.Phil., Environmental Monitoring and Computerized Cartography - Moi University, Kenya

1990: B.Sc, Forest Resources and Wildlife Management - Moi University, Kenya

  • Wetland ecology
  • indigenous knowledge and environmental conservation
  • climate change and wetland degradation
  • GIS and resource conservation
  • on-farm conservation

2022: A Certificate Course of Crop Models and Remote Sensing for Water

Management in Agricultural Systems. Stage two (2) Drone Piloting.

2022: A Certificate Course in Plastic Materials and Processes.

2022: A Certificate Course Solid Waste Management (SWM)

2022: A Certificate Course Waste Management and Circular Economy

2021: A Certificate Course in The New Urban Agenda.

2021: Crop Models and Remote Sensing for Water Management in Agricultural Systems.

2013: A Certificate of Environmental Management Systems as a Lead Auditor of ISO 1400: 2015

2012:  A Certificate in Implementation of Environmental Management Systems ISO 1400: 2015

2011: A Certificate Course in Conflict Management and Resolution in Forestry and Natural Resources

2005: A certificate of Environmental Impact Assessment  and Environmental Audit Lead Expert

2004: A Certificate of Research Methodology: Qualitative and Quantitative Studies

1998: A Certificate of Image Analysis and Remote Sensing Technologies.

1994: A Certificate of Environmental Impact Assessment

1987: A Certificate of National Youth Service Pre-University Training Programme

    • August, 2021- Present: Associate Professor of Geography, Department of Geography
  • 2015 - 2021: Senior lecturer, Department of Geography
  • 2013 – March, 2015: Dean, Faculty of Environment and Resource Development
  • 2005 - 2011: Lecturer, Department of Geography
  • 1997 - 2005: Assistant lecturer, Department of Geography
  • 2012- 2014: Assessment of the dynamics of land cover changes in Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya (Egerton University, internal Research Funds)
  • 2005: Human Impact on Wetland Ecosystems and Its Implications on the Environment: A Case Study of Kisii District, Kenya (a project sponsored by International Foundation for Science).
  • 2005: Towards Rehabilitating Degraded wetlands in Kisii District: a project funded ( Egerton University, Internal Research Funds Research and Extension Division)
  • 2002: Causes and Consequences of Declining Indigenous Food Production in Kisii District (Rockefeller Foundation)
  • 2000: Environmental Implications of Infestation of Water Hyacinth in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. A project sponsored by (OSSREA, Addis Ababa)
  • 1999: Management and Monitoring of Lake Naivasha: A Remote Sensing and GIS Approach (Sponsored by Trapnel Fund, Oxford University).

Waste Management and Circular Economy

Plastic Waste Management

Wetland Ecology

Ecology of Invasive Species

Climate change

Land use and land cover changes

Use of drones in environmental and agricultural Management

    1. Atalitsa, C.N., Ogendi, G.M., Mironga, J.M.and Olekaikai, N. (2021). Assessment of Plant Commnunity Structure in a Tropical Wetland Affected by Brick Making—The Case of Sironga Wetland, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Protection, 12, 1001-1008.
    2. Ondiko,H.,Mironga, J.M. and Manetu, W.M. (2021). Application of Landsat-8 Satellite and Remote Sensing in Monitoring Pollution and Salinity in Freshwater Bodies. Journal of the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO Vol. 1 (1)(2021) 169-170.
  1. Mohamed Somoebana, Oscar Ayuya, John Mironga(2021).Marine Fishery Dependence, Poverty and Inequality Nexus along the Coastal Lowlands of Kenya. AIMS Journal Volume 3, Issue 2, 152–178.
  2. Ongaki A. Karania, Kyule N. Miriam, John M. Mironga(2021). Teaching Competence-Based Agriculture Subject In Primary Schools In Kenya: A Review Of Institutional Preparedness. International Journal of Education, Technology and Science1(1) (2021) 14–30
  3. Zachary G. Mainuri;John M. Mironga;Samuel M. Mwonga (2019). Land Use/Land Cover Changes in a Disturbed River Watershed Kenya. European Journal of Engineering and Formal Sciences Volume 3, Issue 2 PP (29 - 36)
  4. Fredrick M., James K., John M. Mironga.,Benard K., Mwita M., and Nicko K. (2019).Mangrove cover and cover change analysis in the transboundary area of Kenya and Tanzania during 1986 – 2016. Journal of Indian Ocean Region Volume 15 (157-176).
  5. Geoffrey W. Kinga, John M. Mironga,Wilfred O. Odadi (2018). Analysis of the spatial relationship between cattle and wild ungulates across different land-use systems in a tropical savanna landscape. International Journal of Ecology. 1 (2018) 1-12.
  6. Joseph O., Gilbert O. O., Phillip O. R., John M. Mironga,Kevin O. O. (2018).Spatio-Temporal Impacts of Lake Victoria Water Level Recession on the Fringing Nyando Wetland, Kenya, Wetlands Scientists (I) PP 1-13.
  7. Maiyo B. Toroitich, John M. Mironga and Edmond W. (2018).Agro-pastoralist Perceptions about the Impacts of Rainfall Variability on Livelihoods in the Lowlands of Marakwet West Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International.13(2): 1-10.
  8. Rebecca J., Edmond W., John M. Mironga (2018).Influence of Community Dependence on Forest Conservation in Maasai Mau Forest, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)Volume 7 Issue 11, PP (1108 - 1114).
  9. Joel R. Mayoyo,John M. Mironga, Bonface O. Manono (2017).Assessing Effects of Environmental Degradation on Socio-Economic Status of Households in Keiyan Division of Transmara Sub-County, Kenya. International Journal of Recent Research in Interdisciplinary Sciences (IJRRIS)  4, Issue 4, pp: (22-30).
  10. Otiso, C. M., Ondimu, K. N., Mironga, J. M. (2016).Identification of the Weather Shocks Associated With Rainfall in Kisii Central Sub County, Kisii County, Kenya. Journal ofEnvironmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) 10, 7 (I) PP 25-32. 
  11. Sylvia J. Toroitich,John M. Mironga,  Edmond W.(2016). Adaptation strategies employed by small-scale farmers to counter the effects of rainfall variability in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.
  12. Joseph O., Gilbert O. O., Phillip O. R., John M. Mironga,Kevin O. O. (2016)Spatio-Temporal Impacts of Lake Victoria Water Level Recession on the Fringing Nyando Wetland, Kenya, Wetlands Scientists (I) PP 1-13.
  13. Otiso, C. M., Ondimu, K. N.,Mironga, J. M.(2016). Identification of the Weather Shocks Associated With Rainfall in Kisii Central Sub County, Kisii County, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) 10, 7 (I) PP 25-32.
  14. Maina K., Oyugi T.,John M. Mironga (2015).Household Unit Factors and Efficient Electricity Use: A Review of Households in Nakuru Town Housing Estates, International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences; 3(2): 68-77.
  15. Mironga, J. M. (2014) Lessons for Effective Management of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes (Mart.) Solms) in Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 49(1) 118-126. 
  16. Mironga, J. M. and Jackline, S. (2014). An evaluation of water hyacinth control methods: A case study of Lake Naivasha, Kenya. JENRS 2(2) 59-80.
  17. Richard, O. O., Moturi, W. N., and John, M. M. (2014) Assessment of Tannery based Solid Wastes Management in Asili, Nairobi Kenya. International Journal for Quality Research 8(2) 227-238. 
  18. Bonventure, W. O. Mironga, J.M. and Benard, O. M. (2014). Top Quality management commitment towards implementation of total quality management (TQM) in construction Companies in Nakuru County-Kenya. International Journal of Economic, Finance and Management Sciences 2(6) 332-338.
  19. Kiula, N. S. Ondimu, K. N. and Mironga, J.M. (2014) Determinants of Low Birth Weight in Singida District, Tanzania. The African Resources Development Journal 1(1) 79-95.
  20. Richard O., Wegulo, F. N. Mironga, J. M. and Recha, C. W. (2014) Characterization of Rainfall Variability in Kwale County, Kenya. JENRS 2(2) 24-40.
  21. Atalista, C. N. Moturi, N. W., and Mironga, J. M. (2014). Assessment of the effects of jatropha curcas on food crop production in Kibwezi, Shimba Hilss and Bondo, Kenya. JENRS 2(2) 48-58.
  22. Kigen, Dennis K., M. W. Ochieno, John. O. Muoma1, William A. Shivoga, Martha Konje, Zedekiah Onyando, Benard C. Soi, Stanley M. Makindi, Philip M. Kisoyan and John M. Mironga (2014) Spatial Modeling of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) growing areas in Kenyan Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Charles Elixir Remote Sensing 66 (2014) 20674-20678.
  23. Kiplangat, J. Mbelase, J., Mironga, J. M., kairo, J. M. and Ogendi, G. M. (2014). Cover change analysis of mangrove forest and surrounding land cover of Mtwapa Creek, Kenya. Elixir Remote Sensing 76 (2014) 28573.
  24. Koskei, E.C., Ondimu, K.N., Obwoyere, G.O. and Mironga, J.M. (2013), “Determinants of variation in households’ level of access to improved water sources and basic sanitation in Bomet municipality, Kenya”, International Journal of Development and Sustainability, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 1499-1512.
  25. Christopher O., Bockline O. B. and John Momanyi Mironga 2013. Fostering Change: Experiences of Innovation Systems at Egerton University pp 59-66 in: Changing Agricultural Education from within: lessons and challenges from the go4it programme ISBN: 978 94 6022 271 9 KIT Publishers (
  26. Mironga J. M., Mathooko, J. M., Onywere, S. M. 2012. The Effect of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes) Infestation on Physicochemical characteristics of Lake Naivasha, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(7) 103-114.
  27. Simon M. Onywere, John M. Mironga, Immaculate Simiyu 2012. Use of Remote Sensing Data in Evaluating the Extent of Anthropogenic Activities and their Impact on Lake Naivasha, Kenya The Open Environmental Engineering Journal 5, 9-18.
  28. Mironga J. M., Mathooko, J. M., Onywere, S. M. 2011. The Effect of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes) Infestation on Phytoplankton Productivity in Lake Naivasha
  29. Mironga J.M. 2011: Wetlands Ecosystems of Kisii, Kenya: Functions and Management, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN-13: 978-3-8443-2773-1 ISBN-10: 3844327738 EAN: 9783844327731
  30. Mironga J. M., Mathooko, J. M., Onywere, S. M. 2011. The Effect of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes) Infestation on Phytoplankton Productivity in Lake Naivasha and the Status of ControlJournal of Environmental Science and Engineering 5(2), 101-121. 
  31. Ayuya, O. I. Lagat, J. K., Mironga, J. M. 2011. Factors Influencing Potential Acceptance and Adoption of Clean Development Mechanism Projects: Case of Carbon Trade Tree Project among Small Scale Farmers in Njoro District, Kenya, Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 3(3): 275-285, 2011
  32. Ayuya, O. I. Lagat, J. K., Mironga, J. M. 2011. Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Farmers Awareness of Clean Development Mechanism Projects: Case of Smallholder Forest Carbon Projects Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 3(3): 275-285, 2011. 
  33. Mironga J. M. 2006. Degradation of Wetland Ecosystems and its Implications on the Environment: A Case Study of Kisii District, Western Kenya, Biodiversity Journal 6 (3) 1-12.
  34. Mironga J. M. 2005. Effect of Farming Practices on Wetlands of Kisii District, Kenya. Journal of Applied Ecology and Environmental Research (AEER) 3(2) 81-91.
  35. Mironga J. M. 2005. Conservation Attitudes among Wetland Users in Kisii District, Kenya. AJEAM 10, 12-25.
  36. Mironga J. M. 2005. The Management of Water Hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes, in Kenya. OSSREA Bulletin Vol. 1 No.3 20-30.
  37. Mironga J. M. 2004. Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Technologies in the Management of Shallow Tropical Lakes. Journal of Applied Ecology and Environmental Research (AEER) 2(1) 83-105.
  38. Mironga J. M. 2004. Biodiversity Mapping in Kenya: the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Biodiversity 5 (3) 16-25.
  39. Mironga J. M. 2004. The Implications of Existing Land Tenure Systems on Land use and Natural Resource Management in Kenya. OSSREA Bulletin Vol. 1 No.2 33-39
  40. Mironga J. M. 2004. Biodiversity Conservation in Kenya: The Dilemma of Data Handling and Information Flow. OSSREA Bulletin Vol. 1 No.3 55-69.


Invited Peer Reviewed Book Chapters

  1. Christopher O., Bockline O. B. and John M. Mironga (2013). Fostering Change: Experiences of Innovation Systems at Egerton University pp 59-66 in: Changing Agricultural Education from within: lessons and challenges from the go4it programme  ISBN: 978 94 6022 271 9 KIT Publishers (
  2. Moturi, W. N., andJohn, M. Mironga (on-going). Managing Municipal Solid Waste  in Urban Areas in Africa

Text Books

  1. Mironga J.M.(2011).Wetlands Ecosystems of Kisii, Kenya: Functions and Management, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.  ISBN-13: 978-3-8443-2773-1 ISBN-10: 3844327738 EAN: 9783844327731


  1. Mironga J.M.(2016).Assessment of the dynamics of land cover changes in Lake Naivasha Basin, Kenya. A Research Report submitted to Research and Extension Division, Egerton University. 
  2. Mironga J.M.(2008). The Effect of Road Infrastructure on Input Use and Farm Level Productivity in Nakuru District, Kenya. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Egerton University,
  3. Mironga J.M.(2000).Environmental Implications of Infestation of Water Hyacinth in Lake Naivasha, Kenya.  A Research Report submitted to OSSREA, Addis Ababa.
  4. Mironga J.M.(1999).Management and Monitoring of Lake Naivasha: A Remote Sensing and GIS Approach: A Report submitted to Trapnel Fund for Research in Africa, Oxford University.
  5. Ondimu, N.and Mironga J.M. (2002). Causes and Consequences of Declining Indigenous Food Production in Kisii District (a joint research project report to Rockefeller Foundation).

Teaching Materials/Modules

  1. Mironga J.M.(2020).Remote Sensing. Online Module Developed for Egerton
  2. Mironga J.M.(2020).Environmental Impact Assessment. Online Module Developed for Egerton
  3. Mironga J.M.(2017).Emergency Management. Online Module Developed for Egerton University.
  4. Mironga J.M.(2008).Geographical Information Systems. A Degree Course in Military Science, Egerton University Press. ISBN 9966-838-22-70.
  5. Mironga J.M., Otieno, J. and S. Ojode,(2008).Fundamentals of Physical and Human Geography. A Degree Course in Military Science, Egerton University Press. ISBN 9966-838-22-71.
  6. Wegulo F., Mironga J.M.and Onywere, S. (1999). A Certificate Course in Military Science, Egerton University Press. ISBN 9966-838-22-8.
  7. Wegulo F., Mironga, J.M, Ojode, J. and Onywere, S. (2000).  A Diploma Course in Military Science.  Egerton University Press. ISBN 9966-838-26-0.

1. 12th January, 2022 to 1st February, 2022: attended two (2) week fully-sponsored online/virtual training programme on "Plastics Materials and Processes Training Workshop" Organized by African Waste Academy and Sustainable Seas Trust, South Africa.

  1. 19thJanuary, 2022: attended a virtual WIO (Western Indian Ocean) Regional Policy Dialogue organized by Western Indian Ocean Mangrove Network, Institute of Marine Sciences, Buyu Campus, Zanzibar, Tanzania
  2. 24-28 January 2022: attended a five (5) day Training on "Crop models and remote sensing for water management in agricultural systems: Flying Sensors for Agricultural Systems" at Egerton University, Organized by FutureWater, HiView and the ThirdEye.This training was funded by Nuffic, The Netherlands. 
  3. 22 December, 2021 to January, 2022:attended a three (3) week fully-sponsored online/virtual training programme on "Waste Management and Circular Economy" Organized by United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), Chemicals and Waste Management Programme, Geneva Switzerland.


  1. 08-22 December, 2021:attended a two (2) week fully-sponsored online/virtual training programme on "Solid Waste Management" Organized by The Environment Protection Training & Research Institute (EPTRI), Hyderabad, India under Indian Technical & Economic Corporation (ITEC) programme of the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India (GoI).
  2. 9th- 16th July 2021, attended Kenya National Landscape Restoration Scaling Conference: Catalyzing action for landscape restoration. Organized by ICRAF (A Virtual event).
  3. 25thJune, 2021, attended a workshop on Research Development and Implementation. Organized by Division of Research and Extension, Egerton University and NACOSTI (A Virtual event).
  4. 16thJune, 2021: attended Stakeholders Forum-University-Farmers' Open Day at Egerton University. Organized by The Natural Pest Regulation on Orphan Crop Legumes in Africa (NaPROCLA) Project, Egerton University.
  5. 24thFebruary - 31st March 2021, attended a training on crop models and remote sensing for water management in agricultural systems. A training organized by FutureWater and HiView (The Netherlands) being a tailor-made training (TMT), funded by NUFFIC.
  6. Friday, April 9th, 2021, attended a training on how to access E-resources from Egerton University Library while away from Campus. Organized by Egerton University Library for Faculty Members.
  7. 25th- 27thNovember 2020, attended STEM Education International Conference (STEMEIC2020) (Thematic area “Integrating Pedagogy and Technology to Ensure Resilience, Quality, Equity and Sustainability”) held at Masinde Muliro University. Presented a paper “Integrating Pedagogy and Technology to Ensure Resilience, Quality, Equity and Sustainability

12. Friday, September 18th, 2020, attended a training on Research4Life database of ebooks and ejournals.Organized by Egerton University Library for Faculty Members.

13. Friday, August 14th, 2020, attended a training on Academic Publishing-Part Two. Organized by Egerton University Library for Faculty Members.

  1. Friday, July 24th, 2020,attended training on Reference Management tools (both Mendeley and Zotero). Organized by Egerton University Library for Faculty Members.
  2. Friday, June 19th, 2020, attended a training for access to E-resources for staff and postgraduate students. Organized by Egerton University Library.
  3. 7thJune 2021, attended site inspection for the Master of Arts (Geography) Programme of Catholic University of Eastern Africa under the invitation of CUE, Kenya.
  4. Jun 5, 2020, attended a training of Egerton University Library Training on Off Campus Access through RemoteXs.
  5. 9thto 10th of May 2019. Attended a Consultative Workshop on Curriculum Harmonization and Accreditation held at Naivasha, Simba Lodge. Sponsored by Kenya Institute of Planners.
  6. 30th October- 4thNovember 2017, participated in the Tenth Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) Scientific Symposium,  Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Presented a paper ‘’Cover and Cover Change Analysis of Mangrove Forests in the Trans- Boundary Areas of Kenya and Tanzania’’
  7. 17thto 19th October 2017, attended an Egerton ISO Secretariat’s strategic planning Workshop held in Panorana Hotel, Naivasha, Kenya.
  8. 17thJuly 2017, attended a workshop on Resilient Pastoralism: Towards Sustainable Future in Rangelands. Was a discussant of a presentation entitled "Remote Sensing study for Pastoral Resilience in Mongolia and Kenya"
  9. 17th– 18th May 2017, attended The National Research Fund (NRF) Review Exercise for Infrastructure Support Proposals held in Naivasha, Heritage Resort.
  10. 18th– 22nd December 2016 participated in a Peer Review exercise of the 1st Call of NRF postgraduate and Multi-Disciplinary Research proposals for the 2016/2017 Financial Year at Kenya School of Monetary Studies, Nairobi.
  11. 23rd– 26th May, 2016. Participated in Curriculum Review and Development Courses in Geography for bachelor of Education (Arts) Programme at Kabarak University, Main Campus.
  12. 4th– 5th February, 2016.  Kenya Green University Network (KGUN) launch at UN Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya.
  13. 15thApril 2016 attended a training on Transitioning to ISO 14001:2015 organised by Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) held in Weston Hotel, Nairobi.
  14. 20-23rdOctober, 2015. 5th Regional Security Round-table Workshop ‘Shaping the Regional Peace and Security Architecture: Building Capabilities for the Military and other Security Agencies in the Greater Horn of Africa at the IPSTC, Karen Kenya.
  15. 16 - 18 September, 2015.Workshop for Developing a Framework for Review of Planning Education Curriculum in Kenya. Naivasha, Kenya.
  16. 2nd– 3rd September, 2015. Research Funds Mobilization Strategies Workshop, Tumaini Conference Center Nakuru.
  17. 30thJune 2015. Consultations among Planning Schools in Kenya on the Review and Harmonization of Planning Education Curriculum in Kenya. UN Complex Gigiri, Nairobi.
  18. 15th April, 2015. Attended an ARMS (Academic Records Management Systems) Training at Tabor Hill Spirituality Centre, Nyahururu.
  19. 25th– 27th. Participated at the 9th Egerton University International Conference. Egerton, Njoro, Kenya.
  20. 26th- 30thMay, 2014. NETFUND- Green Innovations Award panel of judges training from, Utalii College, Nairobi Kenya.
  21. 18th– 22nd 2013, attended the ISO 14001 Lead Auditors Training at Kenya wildlife Service Training Centre, Naivasha, Kenya.
  22. 26thMarch, 2013. Attended a workshop on Corruption Risk Assessment and Preparation of Corruption Prevention Plans at CMRT, Egerton University.
  23. 7th- 9th November 2012 attended Mobile Money Summit, East Africa at Mlimani City Conference Centre, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Presented a paper titled ‘’Innovative Information Systems for Agricultural Development – Case study of Kenya Agricultural Commodity Exchange’’
  24. 26th– 28th September, 2012. Attended the 7th Egerton University International Conference and Expo. Participated as an evaluator for all papers presented under the sub-theme of Health, Environment and natural Resources.
  25. 20th-23ndJune 2012, 1st International Conference on: Mediating Crisis, Diversity and Change in Africa at Laikipia University College-Main Campus. Presented a paper titled ‘’Environmental Implications of Water Hyacinth Infestation in Lake Naivasha, Kenya’’
  26. 3rd– 5th 2012. Attended Implementation of ISO 14001 Seminars, Organized by Kenya Bureau of Standards at Njoro, Kenya.
  27. Friday, October 14, 2011, attendedSSP-SB Academic Stakeholders’ Consultative Forum. Facilitated by College of Open and Distance Learning Teacher Education Department, Egerton University at Lakeside Tourist Lodge Naivasha,
  28. Training of Trainers on Facilitating Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS), held at Egerton University 12thto 13th September 2011 (CMRT). Training facilitated by RUFORUM and KIT of Netherlands through the GO4IT Project Funded by the ACP-ST EU Program.
  29. Collaborative Masters in Agricultural and Applied Economics (CMAAE) Thesis Dissemination Workshop – Friday, July 22nd, 2011at Bontana Hotel, Nakuru, Kenya. Facilitated by African Economic Research Consortium (AERC).
  30. Climate Change Adaptation Project Workshop at Hotel Bontana, Nakuru, Kenya 12thJuly 2011.
  31. Conflict management and Resolution in Forestry and Natural Resources. Training of Educators Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya 21st– 25th February, 2011

45. E-Content Workshop for AICM & AFS Content Developers, Beshale Hotel, Addis Abba, Ethiopia 7th -16th January 201146. E-Content Development Workshop at Egerton University. A writing retreat organized by The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), 2nd – 6th August, 2010

  1. M.SC Urban Management Stakeholders Workshop. Organised by the Department of Geography, Egerton University. Held at Hotel Cathay, Nakuru 31stMarch 2010
  2. Training Workshop on Writing Policy Briefs. Organised by Senior Science Secretary National Council for Science and Technology, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Nairobi. Held at CMRT, Egerton University 25thMarch 2010
  3. A consultative Workshop, ‘’The Road Map towards Realization of the Nobel Prize Dream’’Organised Division of Research and Extension, Egerton University, CMRT 2nd March 2010
  4. Intellectual Property Rights Workshop. Organised by Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI), Kenya Copy Right Board (KECOBO) and Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate (KEPHIS), ARC, Egerton University, 22nd– 23rd March 2010
  5. Conference on ‘’Mitigation of Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa’’focusing on Knowledge Exchange and Research Program Planning between International and National Research Organizations. Organised by the University of Hoheheneim, Germany. Held at Addis Ababa Ethiopia 7th – 8th April 2010.
  6. RCE Greater Nakuru Stakeholders Workshop at Egerton University. Sponsored by Egerton University and NEMA. At ARC, Egerton, 15th– 18th April 2010.
  7. MyCOE/ SERVIR Biodiversity Training Workshop. The workshop held at the RCMRD premises in Nairobi, 3rd – 8th November 2009. Was trained as a mentor for Anne Nyambura’s project.
  8. October 31stto 5th November 2005: attended and presented two papers at World Lakes Conference held in KICC, Nairobi. Sponsored by International Lakes Environment Committee (ILEC). The papers are entitled: 1. Environmental Implications of Water Hyacinth Infestation in Lake Naivasha, Kenya 2. The Effect of Water Hyacinth, Eichhornia Crassipes, Infestation on Phytoplankton Productivity in Lake Naivasha and the Status of Control.
  9. October 5thto 8th, 2005: attended the Pre-Open Meeting Training Seminar; Analysis of Spatial Data for Human Dimensions Research as part of the 6th Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community, “Global Environmental Change, Globalization and International Security: New Challenges of the 21st Century” in Bonn, Germany. Sponsored by International Foundation for Science, Sweden (IFS) and The Global Water System Project, German (GWSP).
  10. October 9thto 13th, 2005: attended the 6th Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community at University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. Sponsored by International Foundation for Science, Sweden (IFS) and The Global Water System Project, German (GWSP).
  11. July 5th2005: attended the Internally Funded Researchers Workshop at Egerton University. Presented a paper entitled Degradation of Wetland Ecosystems and its Implications on the Environment: A Case Study of Kisii District, Western Kenya”)
  12. September 2004: attended a two week Research Methodology Workshop on Design and Analysis of Qualitative and QuantitativeStudies in Silver springs Hotel, Nairobi; organized by Union for African Population Studies (UAPS), African Population and Health Research Centre (APHCR) and Opportunities and Choices Programme of the University of Southampton.
  13. February 2003:attended a seminar on Geological Imaging Spectrometry (Application of Remote Sensing), organized by Egerton University and International Institute for Geo-information Sciences and Earth Observation, The Netherlands.
  14. October 2002: attended the 16thSocial Science Research and Southern Africa (OSSREA) Research Competition Winners’ Workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  15. July 2001: attended University Teaching Methodology Course on Teaching Methodsat Egerton University
  16. October 1999:attended the 13th Social Science Research and Southern Africa (OSSREA) Research Competition Winners Workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  17. April 1999: attended an International Conference on Science and Sustainable Management of Tropical Waters and Human, Naivasha, Kenya, Presented a paper entitled Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing in the management of tropical waters”.
  18. November 1998:attended an international workshop on Image Analysis and Remote Sensing Techniques in Silver Springs, Nairobi; organized by the University of Nairobi and the University of Rome in Nairobi.
  19. November 1998:attended Environment and Urban Development Training Workshop in Nairobi; organized by Green Town's project, Wageningen Agricultural University.
  20. June 1997: attended a seminar on Research Methods and Techniques, Utrecht University, Netherlands.
  21. May 1997:attended a seminar on Agro-ecosystems and Terrain Technologies in Den Hague, the Netherlands.
  22. June 1995:attended a two week training on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), at Wida Highway Motel, Nairobi; organized by Moi University and Amsterdam University.


  1. Biogeography
  2. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  3. Environment and Resource Conservation
  4. Biogeography
  5. Environmental Pollution
  6. Geography of Resources
  7. Watershed Management
  8. Remote Sensing in Natural Resources
  9. Computer-Assisted Cartography
  10. Disaster Preparedness and Management
  11. Geography of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Management
  12. Environmental Management: Principles and Practices
  13. Lake and Wetland Environments
  14. Impact Assessment for Resource Management/EIA


  1. Geographic Information System
  2. Biogeography
  3. Spatial Analysis
  4. Geographic Thought


Peter Ngumba K. MSC (ENSC). Implications of spatial-temporal changes in coffee farming on the forest cover of Nyeri District, Kenya. Graduated May, 2012.

Carren  N. Atalitsa. MSC (ENSC). Assessing the Impact of Jatropha curcas on Land Use Change and Food Production in Kibwezi, Shimba Hills and Bondo, Kenya. Graduated December, 2012.

Anne Nyambura G. MSC (NARE). Interactions of the Black Rhino (Diceros Bicornis Michaeli Groves 1967), The Giraffe (Giraffa Camelopardalis) and The Elephant (Loxodanta Africana) In Habitat Utilization: A Case Study Of Tsavo West National Park, Kenya. Graduated July, 2013.

Richard Oyugi Ochieng. MSC (GEOG). Rainfall Variability and Adaptation Mechanisms by Smallholder Farmers in Kwale County: a Case Study of Samburu and Tsimba Locations. Graduated July, 2013.

John Chrisostom Leonard. MSC (GEOG). An Assessment of Incidence and Risk Factors of Road Traffic Accidents in Mwanza City, Tanzania

Graduated July, 2013.

Noah Kiula. MSC (GEOG). An Assessment of Factors Determining Low Birth Weight in Singida District, Tanzania. Graduated December, 2014

Cliffson Masese Otiso. MSC (GEOG).   Effect of Rainfall Variability on Farming Practices among Households of Kisii Central Sub County, Kenya

Graduated 2015.

John Kiplangat. MSC (GEOG). Assessment of Carbon Stocks and Linking Land-Use and Forest Cover Dynamics in Mangrove Forest of Mtwapa Creek, Kenya. Graduated, December, 2015. 

Richard O. Ongong. MSC (ENSC). Assessment of the Effectiveness of Tannery Based Solid Wastes Management in Aziz Tanneries Limited Njiru District In Nairobi County, Kenya. Graduated July, 2015.

Okotto Okotto Joseph. MSC (NARE). Spatio-Temporal Changes of Land Cover Types in Response to Anthropogenic and Hydrodynamic Drivers in Nyando Wetlands -Kenya. Graduated in June, 2016.

Sylvia Toroitich. MA(GEOG). Adaptive Strategies of Small Scale Farmers to Rainfall Variability in Ainabkoi Sub-County, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. Graduated in 2016.

Cherono Rebecca Metto.MA(GEOG).Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Adoption of Sugarcane Growing In Turbo Sub-County, Uasin Gishu County.Graduated July, 2016.

Immo Omerikit John. MA(GEOG). The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Management of Livestock during Drought in Loima Sub County, Turkana County. Graduated July, 2016.

Geoffrey W. Ole Kinga.MSC (NARE). Assessment of the Effects of Land Use and Seasonality on The Responses of Wild Ungulates to Livestock Grazing n Laikipia Rangeland, Kenya.Graduated in July, 2019.

Fredrick Mungai Mburu. MSC (GEOG). Analysis of the Mangrove Forest Cover Change in the Trans-Boundary Areas of Kenya and Tanzania

Graduated in July, 2019.

Rebecca Jepkosgei. MA(GEOG). An Evaluation of Community Participation in Forest Conservation: A Case Study of Mau Narok, Kenya

Graduated 2019.

Peter Ngundo. MSC (ENSC). Effects of Sand Harvesting on Water Accessibility in Muooni River Matiliku County

Successfully defended. To graduate.

Mary Chebwogen Koske.MSC (GEOG). Assessment of factors influencing adoption of rooftop rain water harvesting in urban and peri-urban areas of Nakuru town, Kenya. On-going.

Barkatch M. Cliff. MSC (ENSC). State and extent of Papyrus Cyperus Papyrus of Dunga and Kusa Swamps, Lake Victoria, Kenya

On going.

Otieno O. Geophrey. MSC (GEOG). A Comparative Study of Socio-Economic Effects of Small Scale Gold Mining On Livelihoods of Participating And Non-Participating Households in Kehancha Location, Migori County. On going.

Susan J. Kemboi. MSC (GEOG). Assessment of Determinants and the Levels of Awareness of the Local Communities on Landslides Occurrences In Elgeyo-Marakwet County: A Case Study of Kocholwo and Kaptarakwa Locations. On going.

Lemagas R. Stephen. MSC (GEOG). An Assessment of Adoption of Water Conservation Strategies to Improve Pastoralists Livelihoods. On going.

Maina. Agatha. Wambeti. MSC (GEOG). An Assessment of the Determinants and Impacts of Migration among Households in Nyahururu Town, Kenya. On going.

Benson Nalo. MA(Sociology). Assessment of Role GIS Capability in Crime Prevention and Reduction: A Case Study of Kasarani Police Division, Nairobi County, Kenya. On going.

Ogongo Joan Aoko. MSC (GEOG). Evaluating land use and land cover change in Lake Naivasha Basin using Remote Sensing and GIS technologies. On going.




Mainuri, Z. Gichuru: A Systems Approach to Soil and Water Quality Assessment: A Case Study of Upper and Middle River Njoro Watershed, Kenya. Graduated in 2019.

Stephen M’masi L. Investigation of the link/relationship between climate variability and malaria incidences among the urban and peri-urban and urban communities of Nairobi city, Kenya. Thesis writing stage

Martin M. Bunyasi. Spatial Analysis of Urban Ecosystems towards Sustainable Urban Governance in Kisumu, Kenya. On going

Atalitsa Caren Navalia. Environmental Impacts of Brick Making Industries on the Environment and Human Health: A case study of Sironga Wetlands, Nyamira County, Kenya. Submitted Thesis for Examination (November, 2021).

Auma Janet Atieno, Involvement of Schools in Management of Wetlands: A Step Towards Protection and Restoration in Nyando Basin, Muhoroni - Nyando Sub -Counties, Kenya. On going.

John Mutai. Status and Spatial  Variations of Urban Agriculture and its Influence on Planning Laws and Policy Changes in Urban Land Use in Nakuru Town, Kenya. On going


  1. Member: International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS) (Membership ID: M140924). ISDS is a Japan based international scientific and educational organization dedicated to promoting science and practice in all aspects of environmental, economic, social and cultural sustainability.
  2. Member: International Society for Environmental Information Sciences (ISEIS). ISEIS is a non-profit and free-membership organization dedicated to development and applications of systems science and information technology for environmental applications.
  3. Member: Member of the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA- Kenya) (Membership ID: 6386). The Authority exercises general supervision and coordination over all matters relating to the environment and is the principal instrument of the Government of Kenya in the implementation of all policies relating to the environment.
  4. Member: CODESRIA
  5. Member: Wetland International
  6. Member: Ecological Society of East Africa

Dr. Humphrey W. Obulinji

Chairman of Department

Department of Geography

P.O. Box 536 - 20115 EGERTON, KENYA

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Prof. Kennedy N. Ondimu

Coordinator, ISO Secretariat,

Egerton University

P.O. Box 536 - 20115 EGERTON, KENYA

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Prof. Wilkister N. Moturi

Dean, Faculty of Environment and Resources Development

Egerton University

P.O. Box 536 - 20115 EGERTON, KENYA

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Simon M. Onywere

Director of the Directorate for Research Dissemination and Uptake 

Kenyatta University

PO Box 43844, Nairobi, Kenya

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