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Prof. Micah Chemobo Chepchieng

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Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies
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Njoro Campus
P,O Box 536-20115 Egerton, Njoro

I am an Associate Professor at Egerton University, Department of Psychology, Counselling and Educational Foundations. I hold a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Educational Psychology (PhD) from Egerton University, a Master of Education Degree in Educational Psychology from Moi University, and a Bachelor of Education degree in Economics and Geography from Kenyatta University. I have 27 years of teaching experience at the university level, of which 7 years were at a Private university (the Kenya Highlands University) and 20 years at Egerton University. I have 45 publications in peer reviewed journals, supervised 21 Masters and 17 PhD students.  I have held various leadership positions at university level. At the Kenya Highlands University, I was a Dean of Students and an Academic Registrar whereas at Egerton University, I have held the positions of a Chairman of Departmental and Dean of Faculty. I am trained in Quality Management System Administration. I am a member of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development and the Kenya Guidance, Counselling and Psychological Association.



2001-2004: Ph.D (Educational Psychology) - Egerton University

Research Topic: The Influence of Institutional Characteristics on Students’ Attitudes toward Campus Environment:  A Comparative Study of Public and Private Universities in Kenya.


1992-1994: M. Phil (Educational Psychology) - Moi University

Research Topic: A Study of Family Socio-economic background and Gender as factors Influencing Secondary school Students’ academic performance in Kabartonjo Division of Baringo District in Kenya


1988-1991: B. Ed (Arts) Upper Second Class Honors (Upper Division) - Kenyatta University

Areas of study:

  • Economics
  • Geography
  • Education



1986-1987:   Kagumo High School, obtained K.A.C.E

Areas of study,

  • Mathematics
  • Economics
  • Geography

Achievement: 3 principles, 2 Subsidiaries


1982-1985:   Bartolimo Sec. School, obtained K.C.E

Achievement: Division 1, 11 points



1974-1981:   Kilingot Primary School, obtained C.P.E

Achievement: 26 points



  • March 15th -April 16th, 2005: Successfully took a one-month Certificate course in Advanced Leadership Skills offered at Haggai Institute, held at Fort Canning Lodge, Singapore.
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Educational Guidance and Counselling
  • Trained on Pedagogical skills for University Education
  • Trained on School Improvement Planning
  • Trained on Methods and tools for internal Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions
  • Trained on Curriculum Design and Internal Assurance on Study programmes
  • Trained on Combating Qualification and Academic Fraud
  • Trained on Project Proposal Development and Communication Skills Enhancement
  • Trained on Corporate Governance and Quality Management Systems
  • Has ability to organize conferences and establish contacts with the wider academic community.
  • Has ability to maintain high standards of achievement, behavior, discipline and punctuality amongst students.
  • April 2013 to date: Associate professor in the Department of Psychology, Counselling and Educational Foundations
  • June 2006 to April 2013: Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology, Counseling and Educational Foundations
  • June 2004 to June 2006: Lecturer, in the Department of Educational Psychology, Egerton University
  • August 2001 to June 2004: Assistant lecturer, Department of Educational Psychology, Egerton University
  • July 2000 to August, 2001: Academic Registrar, Kenya Highlands University
  • July1998 to July 2000: Dean of students, Kenya Highlands University
  • August, 1995 to July1998: Lecturer, Kenya Highlands University
  • April, 1995 to August, 1995: Deputy Headmaster, Kapchepkor secondary school
  • October 1994 to April, 1995: Graduate teacher, Kapchepkor Sec. School
  • March 1991 to October, 1992: Graduate teacher, Oinobmoi Sec. School
  1. A Study of Family Socio-economic background and Gender as factors Influencing Secondary school Students’ academic performance in Kabartonjo Division of Baringo District in Kenya ((Completed).
  2. Student Attitudes toward Campus Environment in Theological Colleges: A case study of Kenya Highland Evangelical University. (Completed) 
  3. The Influence of Institutional Characteristics on Students’ Attitudes towards Campus Environment: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Universities in Kenya. (Completed)
  4. Factors Influencing KCPE and KCSE Performance and Strategies for enhancing Performance in Baringo County, Kenya (Completed)
  5. Enhancing Mental Health and Psychosocial Support to address Effects of Covid-19 among Primary and Secondary School learners in Kenya (on-going)
  • Mental and Psychosocial Support of learners
  • Educational Achievement of learners
  1. Chepchieng, M.C., & Kiboss, J.K. “Influence of Family Socio-economic factors and Gender on Students’ Academic performance in Baringo District”. Journal of Education and Human Resources (JEDHURE), 2 (2), 50-62. ISSN 1563-0188
  2. Chepchieng, M.C., Kiboss, J.K., Sindabi, A.M., Mbugua, S.N. & Kariuki, M.W. 2006. “Students’ Attitudes toward Campus Environment. A Comparative Study of Public and Private Universities in Kenya”, Journal of Educational Research and Reviews, 1(4), 131-136: http://www. ISSN 1990-3839. 
  3. Chepchieng, M.C., Mbugua, S.N. & Kariuki, M.W. “University Students’ Perception of Lecturer- Student Relationships: A Comparative study of Public and Private Universities in Kenya”. Journal of Educational Research and Reviews, 1(3), 80-84. http://www. ISSN 1990-3839.
  4. Kariuki, M.W., Chepchieng, M.C., & Mbugua, S.N., Ngumi, O. 2007. “Effectiveness of Early Childhood Education Programme in Preparing Pre-school Children in their Social-Emotional Competencies at the Primary one in Kenya,” Journal of Educational Research and Reviews, 2 (2), 26-31: http://www. ISSN 1990-3839. 
  5. Mbugua, Z.K., Chepchieng, M.C., Kiboss, J.K .2007. “Use of preventative measures to Curb HIV/AIDs Spread, Among University Students in Kenya”. Journal of Education and Human Resources (JEDHURE),  4 (1), 80-94: ISSN 1563-0188 
  6. Kariuki, M.W., Chepchieng, M.C., & Mbugua, S.N. 2007. Teachers’ Perceptions of the Impact of Early Childhood Education Programme on the Social-Emotional Competencies of Pre-School Children in Kenya,” Journal of Education and Human Resources (JEDHURE), 4 (1), 142-153: ISSN 1563-0188
  7. Nyaga, V.K, Chepchieng, M.C & Ngari, S.M 2011. Survey of Prevalent Acts of Indiscipline among Primary school Pupils in Nakuru. Kenyan Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 1(1), 92-97.  ISSN 2226-0552.
  8. Boitt, L. M & Chepchieng, M.C. Selected Factors Influencing the effectiveness of Secondary school Teacher counselors in Guidance and Counselling services within Nakuru Municipality, Kenya. Kenyan Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 1(1), 38-48. ISSN 2226-0552.  
  9. Andanje, M.O., Chepchieng, M.C., Kyalo, P.M. 2012. Students’ perceptions and Teacher Counsellors Perceptions of an Appropriate Environment for Bereavement Recovery among Secondary school Students in Mumias District, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 1(1), 127-146: ISSN 2226-6348.
  10. Kipkulei, B.C., Chepchieng, M.C., Chepchieng, M.J., & Boitt, L.M. 2012. Selected Factors Affecting Girls’ Participation in Primary School Education in Kenya. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 48(48), 42-51. ISSN 1822-7864.
  11. Mburugu, B.M., Chepchieng, M.C &., Ngari, S.M. 2012. Influence of Orphanhood on Academic Performance and Discipline of Pupils’ in Public Primary Schools in Meru South District, Kenya. Kenyan Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 2(1), 122-127. ISSN 2226-0552.
  12. Kinzi, J.M., Chepchieng, M.C., Udoto, M.O., & Kattam, T.C. 2012. Relationship between Selected Personality Factors and Academic Performance in Science among Secondary School Students in Kenya. Kenyan Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 2(1), 49-58. ISSN 2226-0552. 
  13. Mburugu, B.M., Chepchieng, M.C &., Kattam, T.C. Orphanhood Effect on Primary School Pupils’ Interpersonal Relationships in Kenya. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 49(49), 40-47. ISSN 1822-7864.
  14. Veronica K. Nyaga, Micah C. Chepchieng, Stephen N.Mbugua & George M. Muthaa. 2012. Effectiveness of Guidance and Counselling services on development of academic competencies among university students in Kenya. International Journal of Psychology and Counselling (IJPC), 2(1), 1-9 
  15. Susan M. Kinyua, Micah C. Chepchieng, Stephen M. Ngari, George M. Muthaa & Veronica K.Nyaga. 2012. Causes and effects of Stress on Secondary School principals in Meru South, Kenya. International Journal of Psychology and Counselling (IJPC), 2(1), 19-26 
  16. Susan M. Kinyua, Veronica K. Nyaga, Micah C. Chepchieng & Stephen N. Mbugua. Effects of Female Genital Mutilation on the Girls Child’s Physical Health among Ameru Community of Kenya. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 2(1), 189-196. Doi:10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n4p189. ISSN 2281-3993 
  17. Davis M. Gatua, Aggrey M. Sindabi & Micah C. Chepchieng. 2014. Impact of Guidance and Counselling Services on Students’ Social and Emotional Adjustment in Public Urban and Rural Secondary schools in Nakuru and Uasin Gishu Counties, Kenya. Kenyan Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 42(1), 23-36. ISSN 2226-0552 
  18. Pocyline W. Kinuva, Micah C. Chepchieng & Stephen N. Mbugua. Psychological Effects and Coping Strategies of Post-2007 Election Violence Victims in Molo Sub-county, Kenya. Kenyan Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 42(1), 124-133. ISSN 2226-0552 
  19. Micah C. Chepchieng., Joan J. Kandie, Fredrick O. Ogola, & David.K. Kiptui. Influence of Primary school Teachers’ Remuneration on the level of Job Staisfaction: A comparative Study of Public Primary Schools in Nakuru Municipality and Kabartonjo Division, Kenya. Kenyan Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 42(1), 134-142. ISSN 2226-0552   
  20. Lilian Nyagaya, Micah Chepchieng Teresia Njonge & Jane Ombura. Secondary Traumatic Stress among Psychotherapists: An Empirical Comparative analysis of Prevalence Rate and Management in Nakuru and Nairobi Counties of Kenya. Kenya Journal of Educational Planning, Economics and Management, 8(2), 1-10. ISSN 2074-5400 
  21. Joseph O.Onyoni, Micah C. Chepchieng & Fredrick O. Ogola. 2014. Teachers and Girls Perception on the Influence of Female Genital Mulitation on Girls Participation in Secondary School education in Ekerenyo Division, Nyamira, Kenya. Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Science & Humanities, 1(29), 342-373. ISSN 2278-859X 
  22. Alice Mutai., Micah Chepchieng., & Owen Ngumi. Effects of Occupational Stress among Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Centres based on their Demographic characteristics in the selected counties in Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research, 3(11) 75-86. ISSN 2411-5681 
  23. Edwin K. Too, Micah C. Chepchieng & John Ochola. 2015. Effect of Academic Staff Retention on Quality Education in Private Universities in Kenya. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 64, 86-94. ISSN 1822-7864 
  24. Edwin K. Too, Micah C. Chepchieng, John Ochola & Beatrice M. Mburugu. 2015. Academic Staff and Students’ Views on Quality Education Indicators in Selected Private Universities in Kenya. Journal of Education and Human Resources, 7(2), 17-26. ISSN 1563-0188 
  25. Alice Mutai, Micah Chepchieng, Owen Ngumi &Emily Sitienei. 2015. Occupatinal Stress Coping Strategies Utilised by Drugs abd Substance abuse Rehabilitation Counsellors in the Selected Counties of Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research, 3(6), 35-46. ISSN 2411-5681 
  26. Beatrice M. Mburugu, Veronica K. Nyaga, Micah C. Chepchieng & Stephen M, Ngari. Self-Esteem as a social effect of widowhood in Meru County, Kenya: A comparative study of widows and widowers. Journal of Education and Social Policy, 2(5), 73-77. ISSN 2375-0782 
  27. Christine Julie Nabwire, Micah Chepchieng, Aggrey Sindabi & Risper Wepukhulu. 2015. Types of Conflicts that require Management by pastoral Counselling in the Mainstream and Pentecostal Churches in Nakuru County of Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research, 4(5). ISSN 2319-7064. 
  28. Abraham L.Lorikiriki., M.C Chepchieng., & K.M Kitainge. Factors Influencing Guidance and Counselling Programme in the Integration of Learners with Visual Impairments in Public Primary schools in Turkana South sub-county, Turkana County, Kenya. Journal of Research and Method in Education, 6(2), 17-23. ISSN 2320-7388. 
  29. Kositany Conrad, B.E.E Omulema., &C. Chepchieng. 2016. Selected Psychological and Social factors contributing to Relapse among Relapsed Alcoholics of Asumbi and Jorgs ark Rehabilitation Centres in Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 5(10), 68-72. ISSN 2319-7722. 
  30. David K. Kiptui, Micah Chepchieng & Esther C. Chelule. 2016. Teacher Counsellors and Students views on the Effectiveness of Guidance and Counselling services in addressing selected Psycho-social challenges in day secondary schools in the North Rift region, Kenya. Kenya. Kenyan Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 6(1), 12-22. ISSN 2226-0552. 
  31. David K. Kiptui, Micah Chepchieng, Esther Chelule & Joan Kandie. 2016. Perceived Teacher Counsellors’ and Students’ Psycho-social Challenges affecting effective Provision of Guidance and Counselling Services in Day Secondary Schools in the North Rift region of Kenya. Journal of Education and Human Resources, 7(2), 111-123. ISSN 1563-0188 
  32. Jane Njeri Gacohi, Aggrey M. Sindabi & Micah Chepchieng. 2017. Influence of Career Information on Choice of Degree Programme among Regular and Self-sponsored students in Public universities, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(11). ISSN 2222-288X. 
  33. Micah C. Chepchieng, Margaret J. Ayub, Boitt. L.M & Daniel K. Chesaro. 2017. School-Based factors influencing KCPE and KCSE Performance in  Baringo County, Kenya. Kenyan Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 7(1), 52-60.  
  34.        ISSN 2226-0552
  35. 34. Margaret W.Mwangi, Micah C. Chepchieng & Margaret J. Ayub. 2017. Factors Contributing to Drug Abuse among Secondary school students in Nembure Division of Embu County, Kenya. Accepted for publication in Kenyan Journal of Guidance, Counselling   and Psychology, 7(1), 92-97. ISSN 2226-0552
  36. Jane Njeri Gacohi, Aggrey M. Sindabi & Micah Chepchieng. 2017. Influence of Career Interests on Choice of Degree Programme among Regular and Self-sponsored students in Public universities, Kenya. International Journal of Science and Technology, 2(2), 60-78. ISSN 2415-6566. 
  37. Ngure, J, Chepchieng, M. Ngure, P & Omulema, B. Accessibility of Substances, Accommodation Status and Extracurricular Activities' Influence on Undergraduates in Kenya. African Journal of health Sciences, 31(3), 1-15.  eISSN: 1022-9272
  38. Selempo Allan, Micah Chepchieng & Stephen Mbugua Ngari. 2019. Psychosocial Developmental Factors associated with Teenage Maasai of Transmara in Kenya. Editon Consortium Journal of Psychology, Guidance and Counselling, 1(1), 10-19. ISSN 2664-0112. 
  39. Rose J. Chumba & Micah C. Chepchieng. 2019. Factors Influencing Social and Academic adjustment of undergraduate Students in Egerton University, Njoro Campus, Kenya. Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. XII, 162-174 
  40. Stella J.Kibet, Micah C. Chepchieng, George Makori &Daniel K. Chesaro. 2019. Preference for Auditory learning style among university students: A comparative study of full-time and part-time agricultural education and extension students at Egerton University, Kenya. American Journal of Education and Learning, 4(1), 1-11. Doi:10.20448/804.4..1.1.11. ISSN: 2518-6647
  41. Lydia Kositany-Langat & Micah C. Chepchieng. 2019. Influence of Gender on Students’ Attitudes towards English Language in Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 7 (4), 82-85. Doi:10.24940/theijhss/2019/v7/i4/HS1904-020. ISSN: 2321-9203 
  42. Ngure, J, Omulema, B & Chepchieng, M. 2019. Level of risk in substance use among undergraduate students in Kenya: Implications for prevention and intervention. African Journal of Alcohol & Drug Abuse, 1, 34-45.
  43. Beatrice M. Mburugu & Micah C. Chepchieng. 2019. Depression as a psychological effect of Widowhood: A comparative study of Widows and widowers in Meru County, Kenya. Kenyan Journal of Guidance, Counselling and Psychology, 8(1), 29-34. ISSN 2226-0552
  44. Patrick Kimani Ngigi & Micah C. Chepchieng. 2020. Causes of Marital Conflicts in Relationships among Christians in the Central Division of Narok County. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 25(4), 12-19. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2503041219. ISSN: e-ISSN: 2279-0837
  45. Addero W.O., Chepchieng, M., &Kariuki, M. 2020. Relationship between Student-student Academic Interactions and Academic Achievement in Public Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice, 11(6), 40-53. ISSN 2222-288X.
  46. Micah C. Chepchieng, Scholastica Adeli & David M. Ndetei. Kenya Guidance, Counselling and Psychology Association. Global Mental Health & Psychiatry Review, Vol. 1 (1), p.3 Winter 2020
  • 20th -22nd November, 2019, facilitated and presented a paper in the 2nd International Conference on Mental health at Chuka University.
  • 11th -19th September, 2019, trained on Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (professional training course) sponsored by Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR), held at the Sarova Woodlands Hotel, Nakuru.
  • 14th -16th November, 2018, facilitated and presented a paper in the 1st International Conference on Mental health at Maseno University.
  • 26th June, 2018, Participated in Capacity Building Training in Consultancy services, organized by the Division of Research & Extension, Egerton University held at CMRT Multimedia room, Egerton university
  • 6th October, 2017, Participated and was Panelist in a Symposium on Global Education Trends and SDG 4 Monitoring organized and sponsored by PAL Network in collaboration with UNESCO held at KICD, Nairobi
  • 31st August 2017, Participated in a Workshop on Strengthening Education Research in Conflict and protracted Crisis Community of Practice Event organized and Sponsored by the DFID held at the British Council, Nairobi.
  • 24th -25th November 2016, Organizer of a Training of Primary School Teams on School Improvement Planning held at the Hill School, Eldoret.
  • 11th – 13th November 2016, Facilitator in a Training of School Facilitators on School Improvement Planning under the Primary Education Development (PRIEDE) project held at the Milele Resort, Nakuru
  • 2nd -4th November 2016, Was trained as a Trainer in a workshop on School Improvement Planning under the Primary Education Development (PRIEDE) Project conducted by the Ministry of Education held at the Kenya School of Government, Nairobi
  • October 17th -19th 2015, Organizer and participated in the 1st International Conference on Literacy Empowerment Beyond 2015 held at the Faculty of Education Complex Theatre, Egerton University
  • August 3rd -7th 2015, Participated in a workshop on Faculty Evaluation held at  ARC Hotel, Egerton University
  • May 9th -13th  2015, Participated in Workshop on Graduate Tracer Studies held at St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Mwanza, Tanzania
  • February 16th -21st 2015, Participated  in a Workshop on Curriculum Design and Internal Assurance on Study programs held at St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Mwanza, Tanzania
  • February 12th -14th 2015, Participated in the Investing in Early Childhood Development for a better World: An Interdisciplinary Conference for researchers, practitioners policy makers, programme designers, Students, governmental and non-governmental, and civil society leaders, held at the Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi-Kenya
  • October 18th -19th 2014,  Organizer and participated in 1st National Conference on Education Emerging issues held at ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Njoro
  • July 19th -31st 2014, Participated and trained on Methods and tools for internal Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  • May 27th 2014, Facilitator in a Career Masters Workshop for High School teachers in Nakuru County. Topics included:
  • University careers in Sciences
  • Career Guidance and Changing Trends in the World of Work
  • March 12th -14th  2014, Participated in the 2nd Annual Combating Qualification and Academic Fraud Summit 2014, held in Johannesburg South Africa
  • December 2nd -4th 2013: Participated in the National Multiplication Training on Curriculum Development and Review for the Newly Chartered Public Universities in Kenya: Implementation and Accreditation held at Midlands Hotel, Nakuru, Kenya Areas Covered:
  • Volumes 1and 2 of the Road Map to Quality: A Handbook for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
  • Programme Accreditation Standards and Guidelines by Commission for University Education
  • Germany experience in Programme Development and review
  • June 21st   2013,  Facilitator in a Career Masters Workshop for High School teachers in Nakuru County. Topics included:
  • University careers in Sciences
  • Career Guidance and Changing Trends in the World of Work.
  • June 17th -28th  2013: Facilitator  in  Training of Trainers Workshop for Kenya Forest College, Londiani Lecturers on the Improvement of Pedagogical Skills held at Shepherds Inn, Ngata-Nakuru
  • May 24th   2013, Facilitator, Career Masters Workshop for High School teachers in Nakuru County. Topics included:
  • University careers in Sciences
  • Career Guidance and Changing Trends in the World of Work.
  • December 16th -17th   2011, Organizer and participated in 2nd National Guidance and Counselling Conference held at ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Njoro.
  • February 23rd -24th 2011, Participated in Consultancy Proposal writing Workshop Held  at the ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Njoro
  • November 12th -14th 2010, Organizer and Facilitator in the 1st National Guidance and Counselling Conference held ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Njoro   
  • November 10th -12th 2009, Trained in Project Proposal Development and Communication Skills Enhancement held at CMRT, Egerton University, Njoro
  • November 29th -December 3rd, 2009, Participant in ISSBD Regional workshop held at Kisumu Hotel, Kenya
  • June 24th -25th 2008, Participated in a Two- Day Corporate Governance Induction held at Hotel Cathay, Nakuru, Kenya.  Course which covered:
  • Corporate Governance: Principles and practice
  • The responsibilities of the Council and the Management
  • Role and Functions of Egerton University’s Management Organs
  • Making Egerton University more effective
  • Leadership: Applications, Communication, Decision-Making, Motivation and Mentoring
  • Managing Human Resources
  • Enhancing Strategic Thinking and Direction Setting
  • April, 2nd – 4th 2008, Facilitator in the Pedagogy Workshop for Egerton university teaching staff, held at the FASS Theatre. Trained staff on Assesment, Measurement and Evaluation
  • October 26th 2007, Presiding Officer in a SUEU Elections of Egerton University
  • July 16th -20th 2007, Participant in Egerton University research week and International conference. Presented a paper entitled: “University students’ perceptions of factors influencing their attitudes toward Campus environment: A comparative study of Public and Private universities in Kenya”
  • May, 21st – 23rd 2007, Facilitator in a Pedagogy Workshop for Egerton university teaching staff, held at the FASS Theatre. Trained staff on Moderation and Administration of University Examinations.
  • November 16th -18th , 2006, Participated in the Implementation of ISO 9001: 2000 workshop held at the ARC, Hotel, Egerton University
  • October 19th 2006, Presiding Officer in SUEU Elections of Egerton University
  • May, 17th –19th , 2006, Trainer in a Training of Trainers Workshop for Kenya Forest College, Londiani Lecturers on the Improvement of Skills in Testing and Assessment held at ARC-Hotel, Egerton University
  • March, 20th - 22nd 2006, Participant in the Pedagogy Workshop held for Egerton University teaching staff, held at the FASS Theatre
  • March 15th - April 9th 2005, Participated in One-month Advanced Leadership Seminar organized by Haggai Institute, held at Fort Canning Lodge, Singapore
  • December 5th -11th , 2000, Participated in Conference on Curriculum Development for excellence in Theological Education in Africa sponsored by Overseas Council, held at KCB Training Centre in Karen, Kenya
  • April 9th -11th 2000, Participated in a National Conference on Higher Education and Human Development in Kenya Held at Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • November 9th - 4th 1999: Development of HIV/AIDS Curriculum modules for Theological colleges and Pastoral Training Institutions Sponsored by MAP International held at Limuru Conference Centre, Kenya.
  • Measurement and Evaluation
  • Social Psychology
  • Psychometrics
  • Developmental psychology
  • Human Personality
  • Research Methods
  • Psychology of Learning
  • Research Methods
  • Guidance and Counselling
  1. Mburugu, Beatrice Mwarania: “The Influence of Orphanhood on Academic Performance, Interpersonal Relationships and Discipline: A Comparative Study of Orphaned and Non-Orphaned Public Primary School Pupils in Meru South District, Kenya”. (Egerton University) 
  2. Kinyua, Susan:” Stress Levels and Its Effects among Secondary School Principals in Meru South District”. (Egerton University)
  3. Gitumu, Margaret Wanjiru: “Relationship between Students’ Self-Esteem and Parental Marital Status among Secondary School Students in Gichugu Division, Kirinyaga District”. (Egerton University) 
  4. Kimani, James:” Influence of Parenhood on Secondary School Students Interpersonal relationships, Discipline and Academic performance in Nakuru Municipality, Kenya”. . (Egerton University) 
  5. Kaluyu, Veronica: “Causes, Consequences and Management Strategies of Gender Based Domestic Violence in Kitui Central Division, Kitui district, Kenya”. (Egerton University) 
  6. Ondieki, Gladys Nyaboke: “Contribution of Family Environment Related factors to Juvenile Delinquency: A Case of Probation hostels in Kenya”. (Egerton University) 
  7. Andanje, Margaret Ochango: “Students’ and Teacher Counsellors’ Perception of an Appropriate Environment for Bereavement Recovery among Secondary School Students in Mumias District, Kenya”.. (Egerton University) 
  8. Chumba, Rose Jepkemoi: “Selected Factors Influencing Social and Academic Adjustment of Undergraduate Students in Egerton University, Njoro Campus, Kenya.” . (Egerton University) 
  9. Kamau, Ann. “Effects of Substance Abuse and Induced Psychotic Disorders among Egerton University Students, Njoro Campus, Kenya”. (Egerton University) 
  10. Kinuva, Pocyline Wanjiru:” Psychological Effects and Coping Strategies of Post 2007 Election Violence Victims in Molo District Kenya.”(Egerton University) 
  11. Amanyama, Ann K.: “Influence of Non-Governmental Organisations’ Counselling Services on Sexual Behaviour of People Living With HIV and AIDs in Kericho Municipality, Kenya” (Egerton University) 
  12. Wachira, Lilian: “The Impact of Corporal punishment ban on students’ discipline in Bahati Division, Nakuru District, Kenya.” (Egerton University) 
  13. Kabutiei, Jospht K.: “Impact of Guidance and Counselling on secondary school students’ academic, personal and social competencies in Koibatek District, Kenya”. (Egerton University) 
  14. Omondi, Alice W.” Perception of Marriage and Family among Egerton University students, Njoro campus”. (Egerton University) 
  15. Jesse Kimani: “Psychological Challenges and Counseling Interventions for Learners with Special Needs in Selected Inclusive Primary schools in Njoro Sub-County of Nakuru County, Kenya”. (Egerton University) 
  16. Evaline C. Koech: “Selected Factors affecting Girls’ enrolment and Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Kericho West District, Kenya”. (Egerton University) 
  17. Tabitha Kiragu: “Self-esteem and Academic performance levels of HIV/AIDs Orphaned primary school pupils in children’s homes of Nyeri South sub-County, Kenya”. (Egerton University) 
  18. Joseph Onyoni: “Influence of the Perception of Female Genital Mutilation on Girls’ participation in Secondary School Education in Ekerenyo Division, Nyamira District , Kenya”. (Egerton University) 
  19. Abraham L. Lorikiriki: Influence of Guidance and Counselling Programme on Effective Integration of Learners with Visual Impairment in Public primary schools in Turkana South Sub-county, Turkana County, Kenya”.  (Egerton University) 
  20. Conrad Kositany:Selected Psychological and Social factors Contributing to Relapse among Relapsed Alcoholics of Asumbi and Jorgs ark Rehabilitation Centres in Kenya”. (Egerton University) 
  21. Patrick Kimani Ngigi : Effectiveness of Pastoral Counseling in Addressing Marital Conflicts among Christians in Central Division of Narok County, Kenya”. (Egerton University).
  1. Nyaga, Veronicah Karimi: “The Influence of Guidance and Counselling on the Academic, Personal and Social competencies among University Sudents: A comparative study of Private and Public Universities in Kenya”. (Egerton University)
  2. Mburugu, Beatrice Mwarania: “Psychosocial Effects and Coping Mechanisms of widowhood: A comparative study of Widowed men and women in Meru County, Kenya”. (Chuka University)
  3. Kinyua, Susan : “Post FGM Effects on the Girl-Child among the Ameru Community of Kenya”. (Chuka University) 
  4. Edwin K.Too:” Effects of Academic Retention on Quality Education in Private Universities in Kenya”. (Kabarak University)
  5. Alice Chemutai: “Occupational Stress and Coping Stragies Among Drugs and substance Abuse Rehabilitation Counsellors in selected Counties of Kenya”. (Egerton University)
  6. Davis M. Gatua. “Impact of Guidance and Counselling Services on Students’ Social and Emotional Adjustment in Public Urban and Rural Secondary schools in Nakuru and Uasin Gishu Counties”. (Egerton University) 
  7. Lilian Nyagaya: “Prevalence of Secondary Traumatic Stress, Its Selected Predictive Factors and Coping Strategies Among Psychotherapists in Nairobi and Nakuru Counties of Kenya”.(Egerton University). 
  8. Cecilia C. Sang: “Relationship between students’ selected background factors and their levels of self-esteem and academic achievement in public secondary schools in Kericho County, Kenya:Implications on guidance and counseling.”(Egerton University) 
  9. Rebecca Njambi Wachira Mugo: “Prevalence, patterns, Effects and Counselling Interventions of Alcohol Use among Students in Private Christian Based and Public Universities in Kenya”. (Egerton University)
  10. Lydia M. Boitt. “Evaluation of the Implementation of Guidance and Counselling programme in Extra County schools, Baringo County, Kenya”. (Egerton University).
  11. David K. Kiptui. “Teacher –Counselors’ and Students’ perceptions on the Effectiveness of Guidance and Counselling services in addressing psycho-social challenges facing students in Day secondary schools in the North Rift Region of Kenya”.(Egerton University).
  12. Christine Julie Nabwire.” Utilization and Effectiveness of Pastoral Counselling in the Management of Conflicts in Mainstream and Pentecostal Churches in Nakuru County, Kenya”. (Egerton University).
  13. Jane Gacohi: “Selected factors Influencing Degree Choice and Placement of University Students: A comparative Study of students in Regular and self-sponsored programmes in Public universities in Kenya”. (Egerton University).
  14. Jane W. Ngure: “Influence of selected institutional factors on students’ substance use in public and private universities in Kenya”. (Egerton University).
  15. Tabitha Mbungu: “Parenting Practices and Behaviour Outcomes among Students in Public Secondary Schools in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya (Chuka University) 
  16. Wilson Ogot Addero: Influence of Students’ social relationships and self-esteem on their Academic Achievement in Public Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. (Egerton University) 
  17. Margaret J. Ayub: Selected Social and Individual factors Influencing student Mothers’ participation in public Day Secondary schools in Baringo County, Kenya. (Egerton University)
  1. Member, International Society for the Study of Behaviour Development (ISSBD). Membership ID.4913372
  2. Member, Kenya Guidance, Counselling and psychological Association (KGCPA). Membership No. KGCPA/0003/11

Joseph Wamutitu

Dean, Faculty of Education and Community Studies

Egerton University

P.O Box 536-20115



Thomas K. Ronoh

Chairman, Department of Psychology, Counseling and Educational Foundations

Egerton University

P.O Box 536-20115



Maurice O. Udoto

Ag. Deputy Registrar (Academic Affairs)

Egerton University

P.O Box 536-20115


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"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"