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Division / Faculty
Faculty of Law
Directorate / Dept
P. O Box 536- 20115, EGERTON

2013 - LLD, University of Pretoria

2006 - LLM, University of Zimbabwe

2003 - M.Sc. in Policy Studies, University of Fort Hare /UZ

2000 - Post Grad. Diploma Law, University of Zimbabwe

1992 - Diploma in Law, Kenya School of Law

1991 - LLB, University of Nairobi

1987 - Kenya Advanced Cert of Education (A Level), Nyabisawa High School

1985 - Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (O Level), Asumbi Girls High School

1982 - Certificate of Primary Education (CPE), Obwolo Primary School



  • Human Rights, Land & Property Rights ,
  • SGBV
  • Gender issues in Policy Making/governance
  • Gender and Law
  • Legislative Drafting and policy development
  • Gender and Climate Change
  • Access to Justice/ Legal Aid

May-September 2020

Online Training on research4life database and antiplagiarism, Egerton University

April- May 2020

Training on development and uploading of e-content for online course delivery, CODL Egerton University and KENET

September 2019

Training pedagogy, PEDAL

June 2016

Examiner Training Workshop for Council of Legal Education, Council of Legal education

February 2013

Training workshop on improving gender equality and grassroots participation through good land governance, UNHABITAT and Global Land Tool Network

September 2011

Training of Trainers workshop for AU Peace Support Operations in Africa, Africa Union Commission

June 2009

Training on proposal writing and grant management, Egerton University &United Nations University

October 2006

Training on intellectual property rights, MOJNCCA and the International Law Development Organisation

March 2006    

Training on the use of National, Regional and International accountability mechanisms in the advancement of reproductive rights, Centre for   Reproductive Rights-New York



2019: Dean Faculty of Law, Egerton University

2015: Senior Lecturer/ Associate Dean, Egerton University Faculty of Law

2014- 2015: Co-ordinator, Law Programs, Egerton University School of Law.

2009: International Consultant Human Rights Division, African Union Commission, WGDD

2008-2013: Co-ordinator Academic and Research, Institute of Women Gender and Development Studies

2005 -2014: Lecturer, Institute of Women, Gender & Development Studies, Egerton University,

2006-2008: Lecturer Nairobi School of Law, University of Nairobi

2003: Senior Counsel Federation of Women Lawyers Kenya (FIDA- Kenya)

1994: Founder, Managing Partner, Odhiambo & Odhiambo Advocates

1993: Assistant Administrator General, Public Trustee Department, Attorney Generals Chambers

1992: Legal Assistant, Obura & Company Advocates





Successfully fundraised and organised for the Third high level National Legaid Aid Conference on Access to Justice and Democracy for the Faculty of Law that brought on board stakeholders from the justice sectors with support from European Union and UNDP - Amkeni Wakenya.


Successfully fundraised and organised for the second high level National Legaid Aid Conference on Access to Justice during socio-economic criss (Covid-19 pandemic) for the Faculty of Law that brought on board various stakeholders in the justice sector, with the support of the European Union and UNDP - Amkeni Wakenya.


Fund raised for the third phase of Access to Justice Project for Faculty of law legal Aid project (FOLLAP) for another kshs. 10, 874,000 for one year, 2021/2022


Fundraised for additional funding for the second phase of the Access to Justice project for Faculty of Law for a further sum of Kshs. 10,874,000.00 for one year, 2020/2021.


Successfully fundraised and organised for the 1st high level National Legaid Aid Conference on Access to Justice for the Faculty of Law that brought on board stakeholders from the Judiciary, Office of the Attorney General, National Legal Aid Services, Coucil of Legal Education, Practising Advocates and civil society, among others; with the support of the European Union and UNDP - Amkeni Wakenya.The output would be the Inaugural Egerton Law Journal.


Developed a draft Policy on Sexual and Gender Based Violence for Busia County. The assignment involved taking the small select group from the County on processes of policy making and guiding them on the development of the Policy with their input during an online workshop designed for the purpose, 


Developed a Compendium and Monitoring Framework for Monitoring the Implementation of Existing Legal Instruments and Policies on Girls and Women’s Education in Africa. Work entailed revision of the Documents in readiness for the launch for continental use. The documents were launched online on 15th June 2020 (African Union)


Legal aid Project with support from European Union and UNDP Amkeni Wakenya. This is a project to roll out legal aid activities for Law Students, Faculty of Law Egerton University and it is ongoing. This attracted a funding of over Kshs. 10 million.


Research involved review of the Judiciary Sexual Harassment Policy and the Judiciary Gender Policy. The work entailed engaging the judges to provide technical support and input necessary for enrichment of the documents.


Undertook research on barriers and paths to women’s participation and representation in the Kenyan Justice Sector. The work entailed desk top review of literature, developing tools to collect data, field visits and coming with a report to inform policy making and future interventions consistent with government national priorities in promoting gender equality. (NGEC/IDLO)


Developed the National Action Plan on Legal Aid aimed at operationalizing the Legal Aid Act 2016 and National Legal Aid Policy. The work entailed desk top review of literature and coming up with a comprehensive Action Plan framework that is consistent with government national priorities as envisioned in the current policies and plans for legal aid services.


Assisted in Reviewing of Climate Change Policy and Legislative Framework for Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia and how they integrate and address gender issues in the context of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies (CGIAR)


Assisted in the research on integrating constitutional values and right based approach to health service delivery in Bungoma County for Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution of Kenya (CIC)


I undertook research to develop a background paper on gender, agriculture and climate change in Africa for UNECA


Reviewing and auditing the Gender Bills (Marriage Bill 2011, Matrimonial Property Bill 2011 and Family Protection Domestic Violence Bill 2011) under guidance by Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution


Land tenure system, access to, control and ownership of land by women and other vulnerable population in South Sudan to secure land tenure and improve land use planning, Assistance from ARD Washington DC


Assessment in the Mau Forest Complex for USAID/KENYA in the Upper Mara- River Basin Mau Ecosystem in relation to gender and vulnerable populations in light of the current government conservation initiatives for Mau Ecosystem under guidance of ARD Washington- USAID Kenya


Research on FGM/CUT that culminated in Policy Document: The National Policy for accelerating the Abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation FGM/CUT for the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development, Government of Kenya


Conducted impact assessment for East African Women’s Property and Inheritance Rights on activities carried out by NGOs in Tanzania and Kenya under USAID grant 2001/2002


Developed gender and human rights framework on HIV/AIDS for effective responses among the mobile population within the Lake Victoria Basin Region within East Africa Community member states in collaboration AMREF Kenya



  • International Human Rights Law
  • Human Rights Based Approach
  • Gender and Law
  • Labour Law
  • Research 
  • Business law
  • Family Law
  • Land and Women’s Property Rights
  • Law and Policy
  • Law and Development
  • Governance and Policy Making
  • Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
  • Legal Aid
  • Social Justice
  • Access to Justice
  • Gender and Climate Change


  1. Monitoring and Evaluating Legal Aid Services Provisions: Gaps, Challenges and Opportunities. Egerton Law Journal Vol.2 2021 pg. 191-220 ISSN 2789 3421 Egerton University Press. 
  2. Enhancing Access to Justice through Law School Legal Aid Clinics: The duale Role. Egerton Law Journal Vol.1 2021 pg. 14-41 ISSN 2789 3421 Egerton University Press.
  3. Relationship Between Categories of Masculinities and Incidences of Family Crises in Modern Family: A Case of Selected Faith-Based Organizations in Bahati Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya Nduati S. K, Aura R, Parsitau D, Mbugua S. N (2020) DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-4-07 ISSN 2224-5766 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0484 (Online) Vol.10, No.4, 2020 
  4. Relationship Between Perceptions of Masculinities and Incidences of Family Crises Facing the Modern Family: A Case of Selected Faith-Based Organizations in Bahati Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya Nduati S. K, Parsitau D, Aura R, Mbugua S. N DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-4-08 ISSN 2224-5766 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0484 (Online)Vol.10, No.4, 2020 
  5. Influence of Male Spouse Participation in Maternal Utilisation of Antenatal Care in Njoro Town, Nakuru County, Kenya,  B Rotich, R. Aura-Odhiambo & S. Muthoka International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology ISSN 2412-0294 Vol IV Issue IX, September 2019  available online at
  6. Dr. Ruth Aura-Odhiambo, Prof. Patricia Kameri-Mbote & Catherine Mumma “Devolved Health Care Service Delivery in Kenya within the Human Rights Based Approach: A Mirage or Success?” East African Law Journal (2017) School of Law, University of Nairobi (40-58)
  7. Review of Gender Responsive Climate Change legislative and policy framework and strategies in East Africa Working Paper No. 209 CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) (2017) Available at
  8. The Two- Thirds Gender Rule: Is it A Pipe Dream? 2015 Inspiring Transformation Integrity Matters Magazine, A publication of Ethics and Integrity Institute October- December 2015 Issue No.04, Nairobi.
  9. Xavier Okado Lugaga, Prof. Kennedy Ondimu, Dr. Ruth Aura-Odhiambo; Factors Determining Women’s Participation in the management of Co-operatives Society-Njoro Sub County, Nakuru County, Kenya IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Vol. 20, Issue 9, Ver. III (Sep2015) Pp.140-150 e- ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845        
  10. Dr. Ruth Aura-Odhiambo ‘International Law Protecting Women from Domestic Abuse: Is it a Fallacy?’ Africa Nazarene University Law Journal  (ANULJ) VOL. 2(1) 2014 JUTA Publishers (94-118)
  11. Dr. Ruth Aura-Odhiambo ‘Situational Analysis and the Legal Framework on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Kenya: Challenges and Opportunities’ (2014) UON School of Law, Kenya Law Reporting. Available at 
  12. Ruth Aura-Odhiambo ‘Analysis of the East African Court of Justice: Enhancing its Capacity as a Regional Judicial Organ to Handle Human Rights Related Issues’ in EAC Widening and Deepening EAC Integration: The Call for Protection and Promotion of Human Rights in East Africa (2012) EAC Occasional Papers Issue No. 3 Published by EAC Secretariat.(5-79)


  1. Parsitau, D S and Aura, R. O (2020) The Role of Religion and Faith Actors in Violence against Women and Girls in Africa: Challenges, Tensions and Promise, in Olajumoke and Toyin Falola eds, (2020), The Palgrave Handbook of African Women’s Studies, Palgrave Macmillan,
  2. Parsitau, D S and Aura, R.O (2020) Alternative Rites of Passage and Other Responses to Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Global Perspective: Case Studies and Lessons from Africa Olajumoke and Toyin Falola eds, (2020), The Palgrave Handbook of African Women’s Studies, Palgrave Macmillan,
  3. Ruth Aura, Gender Equality: Integration of Women in the Judiciary in Kenya (2018) in Changing the Mainstream : Towards Women’s Empowerment in Kenya Edited by Wanjiku Kabira, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Nkatha Kaira & Agnes Meroka (2018) University of Nairobi
  4. Aura R, Nyasimi M, Cramer L, and Thornton P, Review of Gender Responsive Climate Change legislative and policy framework and strategies in East Africa Working Paper No. 209 CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) (2017)
  5. Ruth Aura, Public Participation to Judicial Processes: Post-2010 Responses by the Kenyan Courts  in Effective Citizens’  Participation: Broadening Citizens’ Opportunities under the Constitution of Kenya 2010  Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC)- December 2015) (pg 85-103)
  6. Ruth Aura- Odhiambo, The Two- Thirds Gender Rule: Is it A Pipe Dream?  Inspiring Transformation Integrity Matters Magazine, a Publication of Ethics and Integrity Institute October- December 2015 Issue No.04, Nairobi.
  7. Ruth Aura- Odhiambo & Dr. Kennedy Manyonyi Integration of Constitutional Values and Principles and the Right Based Approach into Health Service Delivery: Report of the Assessment of Bungoma County Health Facility 20th November 2015, a Publication of The Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC)
  8. Ruth Aura-Odhiambo, Judicial responses to women’s rights violations in Kenya in the post-2007 context (2015, July) in Human Rights and Democratic Governance in Kenya: A post-2007 appraisal, Prof. M.K. Mbondenyi Etal (Eds) Pretoria University Law Press.
  9. Ruth Aura-Odhiambo & Maurice Oduor ‘Gender Equality’(2011) in The Constitution of Kenya: Contemporary Readings PLO Lumumba et al, (Eds) Published by Law Africa, Chapter 4:99-151
  10. Ruth Aura-Odhiambo ‘A baseline Survey on Legal Aid Services Provision in Kenya’ (2011) Published by National Legal Aid and Awareness Programme MOJCCA
  11. Ruth Aura-Odhiambo, Tom Ojienda & Sam Ogolla ‘A baseline Survey on Gender Based Violence In Kenya’ (2010) Published by National Commission on Gender and Development
  12. Ruth Aura-Odhiambo, Tom Ojienda & Dr. Rose Odhiambo ‘Protection and Restitution for Survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence: A case for Kenya’ (2010) Published by ACORD
  13. Integrating a gender perspective in science and technology policies and programmes in learning and research institutions in Kenya. (2009)
  14. Towards Eliminating Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV): The need for compensation and protection of SGBV Survivors. (2008) Available at 
  15. Developing a framework for the Protection and Restitution for Survivors of Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Kenya’s 2007 Post Election Crisis. ACORD Publication 2009 
  16. Ruth Odhiambo & Dr. Rose A. Odhiambo, Conclusion and Recommendation in “Gender Inequalities in Kenya”: Edited by  Colin Creighton and Felicia Yieke.  A UNESCO 2006 Publication  (2006). Available at 


  1. Edited/Reviewed Land Law and Conveyancing: Principles and Practice by Prof. Tom Odhiambo published by LawAfrica Publishing (K) Limited, 2015 ISBN 9966031847, 9789966031846 Available online at
  2. Edited ‘The Right to Land and Justice for Women in Africa: African Women’s Land Rights’ (2012) Published by ACORD, Oxfam, Action Aid   


  1. Africa Union, (AU-CIEFFA) – Compendium for Girls’ and Women’s Education, June 2020. Available at
  2. Developed the National Action Plan on Legal Aid, (2017-2022) aimed at operationalizing the Legal Aid Act 2016 and National Legal Aid Policy for the Office of the Attorney General, December 2017. Available at and 
  3. Developed Model Policy Framework on Sexual and Gender Base Violence for County Governments, July 2017. Available at
  4. Developed Model Legislative Framework on Sexual and Gender Base Violence for County Governments, 2017. Available at
  5. Contributed to writing “Improving Access to Justice and Ending Impunity for SGBV in the ICGLR Member States. Available at   
  6. Engendering Climate Smart Agricultural Innovations in East Africa Published by International Livestock Institute (ILRI) 2015. Available at
  7. Contributed in Reviewing of Climate Change Policy and Legislative Framework for Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia and how they integrate and address gender issues in the context of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies (CGIAR) available at
  8. “Thematic briefing on women’s land rights – Rural women and land/property rights” Submitted to the CEDAW Committee, February 20 2013; page 7-8, Section C
  9. National policy on Acceleration and Abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation/ Cut, 2009 which led informed the development of Anti-FGM legislation, 2010.
  1. Participated, Facilitated, and presented papers during the Third National Legal Aid Conference aptly themed “Access to Justice During Electioneering Period in Africa in the 21st Century” held 14th -19th November 2022, Simba Lodge, Naivasha.
  2. Participated and presented a paper on “Women’s Agency in Addressing the Planetary Crisis of Climate Change, Nature Loss and Pollution: The Missing Link” at the conference for Oxford Handbook on Women and International Law held virtually 10th - 11th February 2022 Virtual. (Co- presented with Prof. Patricia Kameri-Mbote) 
  3. Participated, Facilitated, and presented papers during the Second National Legal Aid Conference aptly themed “Access to Justice in a Socio-Economic Crisis: Lessons from COVID 19 Pandemic” held 29th Nov -4th December 2021, Simba Lodge, Naivasha.

  4. Participated, Facilitated, and presented papers during the First National Legal Aid Conference themed “Strengthening Access to Justice through Legal Aid” held 8th -12th December 2020, Elmentaita Lodge, Naivasha.

  5. Participated and made a presentation Virtually about “Women delivering Justice: Achieving Gender Parity in the Justice Sector” a Side Event organized by the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ), the American Bar Association (ABA), the Institute for African Women in Law (IAWL), the Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations and the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations on the occasion of the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women New York 18th March 2021, Organised by IDLO, Rome

  6. “Training To Advance Girls’ Education In Africa” AU/CIEFFA: Presented on ‘Understanding  the legal implications of regional and international instruments’ on the 4th  November 2020 - virtual
  7. Provided technical support to Narok County in developing a draft Implementation Matrix for Anti-FGM Policy, August 2020.
  8. Provided technical support to the Members of County Assembly, Busia County in developing a draft Policy on Sexual and Gender Based Violence, July 2020.
  9. Participated and made a presentation on Monitoring Framework for Monitoring the Implementation of Existing Legal Instruments and Policies on Girls and Women’s Education in Africa virtually on 15th June 2020.
  10. Provided technical support to the judges for the review of the Judiciary Sexual Harassment Policy and the Judiciary Gender Policy at conference organised by the International Association of Women Judges Kenyan Chapter with the support of IDLO, 7th -8th November 2019, at the Sentrine Elementaita Lodge in Naivasha, Kenya
  11. Conducted training on Gender Mainstreaming for the African Union Gender Focal Persons at a Gender Mainstreaming Workshop for African Union Gender Focal Persons organised by the AU women Gender and Development Directorate with the support of UNDP and UN Women, 1st -4th October 2019, at the Sheraton Kampala, Uganda
  12. Participated and presented a paper on Understanding land and Land Resources: Advocacy strategies Women can adopt in Championing for Gender Sensitive Land and Land Resources Reforms during the Women Conference on Indigenous Women’s Access, Ownership, Use and Control of Land and Land resources organised by Ogiek’s People Development Programme 13th June 2019, Lake Nakuru Flamingo Lodge, Nakuru, Kenya
  13. Conducted training on Anti- Sexual Harassment for Staff of African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) 20th May 2019, AFIDEP Boardroom, Nairobi, Kenya
  14. Trained Judges, Participated and presented a paper on “Gender, employment and labour: emerging concerns, best practices, case management interactions with female and male witnesses and litigants; the court in a broader context” at the Employment and Labour Relations Court Annual Judges Conference 7th -11th May 2019, Sarova Whitesands, Mombasa.
  15. Trained judges, Participated and presented a paper on “Access to justice through an equality perspective: Gender sensitivity, gender blindness and impartiality” at the Employment and Labour Relations Court Annual Judges Conference 7th -11th May 2019, Sarova Whitesands, Mombasa.
  16. Trained Judges, Participated and presented a paper on “Experiences in application of gender equality in administration of employment and labour relations” at the Employment and Labour Relations Court Annual Judges Conference 7th -11th May 2019, Sarova Whitesands, Mombasa,
  17. Participated and presented a paper on “Unemployment and Economics of Poverty: Appraising Barriers to Youth Employment in Africa” at a Regional Conference Organised by the World Council of Muslims on the theme “Role of Muslim Youths in Building the Africa Tomorrow”, 26th -28th April 2019, Pearl of Africa, Kampala, Uganda.
  18. Trained Equality Now Civil Society Organisation Partners on the model legislative and policy framework on Sexual and Gender Based Violence for County Governments” March 27 – March 29, 2019, Bamburi Beach Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya
  19. Moderated, facilitated and participated in a Regional conference for Women Justice Actors in Africa on Knowledge Sharing, Creating Partnerships and Combating Systemic Impunity towards Gender Based Violence organized jointly by International Development Law Organization (IDLO) and the Kenya Women Judges Association (KWJA) on the theme: “Strengthening the Role and Contribution of Women Justice Actions in the Adjudication of GBV Cases” November 29 – December 1, 2018, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
  20. Served as a panellist at the Leadership Training Retreat organized by MAWAZO Institute on the theme; Women in Academia and Research: Leading and Inspiring Transformational Change in Africa, 29th November 2018, West Wood Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
  21. Participated and served as a moderator in one of the sessions during a Regional conference on Access to Justice through Legal Aid: Understanding Approaches to Legal Aid in Enhancing Access to Justice and Harnessing the Engagement with Formal and Informal Justice Systems in Dispensing Justice, 5th - 8th November 2018, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
  22. Participated and presented a paper “Strategy Framework Monitoring the Implementation of the Legislation on the Rights of Girls and Women’s Education in Africa”. The 5th Ordinary Session of the 5th Pan African Parliament during the Conference on the theme Enhancing our Institutional and Legal Environment for the Rights of Girls and Women’s Education, 17-18th May 2018, Midrand, South Africa
  23. Participated and represented Egerton University in a conference for the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) on the theme “Symposium on Campus Climate Policy.” I presented Egerton’s response and strategies in addressing Sexual Harassment on Campus, 24th -28th July 2017, Farmasina Palm Beach Sally-Dakar, Senegal.
  24. Participated and presented a paper on “Legal and institutional environment to support right to quality Education for girls and young women.” in a conference organised by the African Union on the theme “Strategies for Retention of Girls & Young Women in Education Systems.” 10th -12th July 2017, Intercontinental Hotel, Balaclava, Mauritius
  25. Participated and presented a paper “Strategy Framework Monitoring the Implementation of the Legislation on the Rights of Girls and Women’s Education in Africa”. The 4th Ordinary Session of the 4th Pan African Parliament during the Conference on the theme Enhancing our Institutional and Legal Environment for the Rights of Girls and Women’s Education, 13th May 2017, Midrand, South Africa.
  26. Participated and presented a paper on “Equal opportunities and effective participation of women in leadership positions in security organs,” conference organised by Uganda Police Force and Kigali International Conference Declaration, on the theme Combating Violence against Women and Girls: The Role Security Agencies and Community, 6th – 7th March 2017, Kampala Serena Hotel, Uganda.
  27. Participated in the High Level Dialogue on Gender Equality and Education in Africa aimed at recognition of importance of education and gender equality as a foundation for social and economic development in Africa, organised by AU-CIEFA 26th January 2017, UNECA Conference Hall No-5, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  28. Participated and presented a Strategy Paper and Compendium on Framework for Monitoring the Implementation of Existing Legal Instruments and Policies on Girls and Women’s Education in Africa, during a Regional Workshop on Institutional and Legal Environment for the Rights and Women’s Education organised by AU CIEFA; 7th -8th December, 2016, Laico Hotel, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
  29. Participated in the Global Strategy meeting on Confronting Global Systems that Perpetuate Inequality, Impoverishment and Dispossession organised by ESCR-Net 15th -19th November 2016, NH Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  30. Participated in working sessions on preparation of Submission of Africa’s Position Lima Work Programme on Gender and Climate Change Consideration during COP22 Session for the UNFCCC framework. 6th -7th September 2016, Eka Hotel Nairobi.
  31. Participated and presented a paper on   Access to Justice for Survivors of and Fighting impunity for Sexual and Gender based Violence in Kenya, during the Regional symposium on Gender Access to Justice and fighting impunity for SGBV; 7th -9th July, 2016, Kampala, in Uganda at Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort.
  32. Participated and presented a paper on “Commitment to integrity, ethical values and the rule of law,” conference organised by Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya, On the theme Role of Legislature in Promoting Good Governance in Africa,       22nd - 24th April 2015, Intercontinental Hotel, Port Louis Mauritius
  33. Participated in working sessions on preparation of Submission of Africa’s Position on issues related to Agriculture and Gender and Consideration of Land Use Sector in 2015 Agreement for the UNFCCC framework. 8th -10th April 2015, Eka Hotel Nairobi.
  34. Participated and presented a paper: “African Women Embracing Climate Smart Agriculture: Successful Evidence Stories from Kenya” conference organised by United Nations Economic Commission for Africa CCDA –IV, on the theme “African Can Feed Africa Now: Translating Climate Knowledge into Action” 8th -10th October 2014, Ryad Mogador Agdal & Palais des Congres Mogador, Marrakesh, Morocco.
  35. Participated in National stakeholders Forum on Post 58th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women and Beijing Platform for Action +20 Review Process. Served as one of the panellists in the Panel Discussion on the theme: Lessons learnt and moving forward with recommendations/outcomes of the 58 CSW. 21st May 2014, Hilton Hotel Nairobi.
  36. Participated in the 58th Session on the Commission on the Status of Women as Adviser to government and head of Fida Kenya delegation, on the theme “Challenges and Achievements in the Implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for Women and Girls. 10th -21st March 2014, UN Complex, New York, USA.
  37. Participated and presented a paper: “Situational Analysis and Legal Framework SGBV in Kenya” workshop organised by University of Nairobi School of Law, on the theme “State Responsibility for Investigation of Sexual Violence Cases: The 160 Girls Decision Petition No. 8 of 2012” 18th February 2014, Main Campus, UON, Nairobi
  38. Participated and presented a paper: “Women’s political participation and decision making in Kenya” at the FIDA International, Africa regional conference on the theme “After so much advocacy what next?” 5th -9th November 2013, Congress Palace, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
  39. Participated and facilitated in a workshop organised by FIDA-Kenya and Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) on the theme “The Role of Women in Promoting Ethical Leadership within the Framework of Devolution” 23rd -24th October 2013, Green Hills, Nyeri, Kenya.
  40. Participated and presented a paper: “Inclusiveness in women’s leadership in the Post 2015 Agenda” at the UN Women regional conference on the theme “The Post 2015 Development Agenda and gender Equality in Africa” 16th -18th October 2013, Enashipai Hotel, Naivasha, Kenya.
  41. Participated and presented a summary of one of the research papers: “Analysis of the East African Court of Justice to enhancing its jurisdiction to determine governance and human rights issues” at the regional launch and dissemination workshop for East African Community (EAC) Research Papers 10th -12th July 2013, Bujumbura, Burundi.
  42. Participated in ‘The Rivonia Trial 50 Years On: The Court Room as a Space of Resistance’ Conference organised by University of Pretoria, Faculty of Law 18th-19th June 2013, Pretoria, South Africa
  43. Served as a panellist at the East African Community Dialogue on Political Integration on the theme “EAC Women Leaders as Drivers of Political Integration Agenda” 3rd – 5th June 2013, Kigali, Rwanda.
  44. Served as the panellist presenting the rural women’s land and property rights in Kenya focusing on legislation at the Thematic Briefing on Rural Women and Land and Property Rights with the United Nations CEDAW Committee organised by the Global Initiative for Economic Social and Cultural Rights 20th February 2013, Geneva Switzerland
  45. Participated in Training workshop on improving gender equality and grassroots participation through good land governance organized by UNHABITAT and Global Land Tool Network, ECA 12th- 14th February 2013 in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
  46. Participated in the 7th African Union Pre-Summit on Gender the theme Pan- Africanism and Renaissance at the African Union Commission 17-18th January 2013, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  47. Facilitated and participated in the African Union (AU) Fourth (4) Training of Trainers Workshop on Gender and Conflict for AU Peace Support Operations in Africa 23rd -26th August 2012 Hill Park Tiwi Beach Hotel. Mombasa, Kenya
  48. Participated in the 105th Session of the Committee on the International Civil, Political and Civil Rights (ICCPR) organised by the office of United Nations High Commission for Human Rights, from the 16th–18th July 2012, Geneva, Switzerland.
  49. Facilitated and participated in the African Union (AU) Third Training of Trainers Workshop on Gender and Conflict for AU Peace Support Operations in Africa 14th -16th May 2012 Kofi Annan Peace Centre, Accra, Ghana
  50. Facilitated and participated and presented a paper on analysis of the East Court of Justice: Enhancing its capacity as a regional judicial organ to handle human rights related cases, during the East African Community validation, peer review workshop on the its second research paper series on various issues in the region touching on constitutionalism, democracy and human rights 13th -15th February 2012, Kunduchi Beach, Dar-e-Salam, Tanzania
  51. Facilitated and participated in a regional workshop and presented a paper on CEDAW, MAPUTO Protocol and SDGEA and Violence against Women (VAW) organised by OXFAM-GB at Lamada Hotel, Nairobi on 28th -30th November 2011.
  52. Participated in a regional stakeholders’ workshop for the first East African Community Dialogue on Political Integration, organised by the East African Community and UNDP, at Imperial Royale Hotel, Kampala Uganda, on 17th -19th November 2011.
  53. Participated in a national stakeholders’ workshop for the review of the Refugee Bill 2011, Identification & Registration of Kenya Citizens Bill 2011 and Birth and Death Registration Bill 2011, organised by the Commission Implementing the Constitution of Kenya (CIC), at the Great Rift Valley Lodge 16th-17th November 2011, Naivasha.
  54. Facilitated in a national stakeholders workshop for the review of the Family Bills (Marriage Bill 2011, Matrimonial Property Bill 2011 & Family Protection (Domestic Violence) Bill 2011),       organised by the Commission Implementing the Constitution of Kenya (CIC), at the Utali Hotel, Nairobi, 31st October -1st November 2011
  55. Facilitated and trained participants from the immigration office, Police force, prisons department and department of refugee affairs on Refugee Bill 2011 and Citizenship & Immigration Bill 2011. Training organised by UNHCR 17th -19th October 2011 Great Rift Valley Lodge, Naivasha.
  56. Facilitated and participated in the African Union (AU) validation peer review consultation and Training of Trainers Workshop for AU Peace Support Operations in Africa 26th -30th September 2011 Nazareth, Ethiopia
  57. Participated and facilitated in a regional workshop for Women’s Land Rights In Africa organised by ACORD and OXFAM-Kenya at the Red Court Hotel, Nairobi, 30th May -2nd June 2011
  58. Participated and a key facilitator in the workshop for development of Egerton University GBV and Sexual Harassment Policy and Prevention Procedures, Rift Valley Sports Club, Nakuru, 23-25th May 2011.
  59. Participated in the African Union Conference on the Launch of the African Women’s Decade, Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC), Nairobi, 10-15 October 2010. Was part of the team that drafted the Nairobi Declaration on the African Women’s Decade (2010-2020).
  60. Presented a paper entitled “Civic Education Strategies to Promote the Land Provisions in the New Constitution focusing on Women’s Land Rights” at a High Level Seminar Workshop on the Implementation of the New Constitution, organised by UNIFEM/RECESSPA on 25th September 2010 Sirikwa, Eldoret.
  61. Participated in the African Union (AU) validation Workshop for Gender Training Manual for Peace Keepers in Africa 3rd -7th May 2010 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  62. Facilitated in a workshop to validate the findings of Mau Ecosystem land administration/natural resource management on the Upper Mara River Basin on the aspects of gender and vulnerable population emanating from the people’s views on the Mau Conservation, organised by the USAID-Kenya and ARD Incorporation Washington DC, at the Pan Afric Hotel, Nairobi, 8th March 2010.
  63. Participated in the 3rd AU Pre-Summit on Gender and ICT, held from the 22nd -24th January 2010, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I was Rapporteur of the meeting, compiled the report which was taken for consideration to the Africa January Summit of 2010
  64. Participated in the AU Expert and Ministerial Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Gender and Women Affairs at the Margins of the 8th Africa Regional Conference on Women, Beijing +15 Reviews organised by the African Union Commission, Women, Gender and Development Directorate, 13-14 and 21st November 2009, Jerma Hotel, in Banjul, The Gambia
  65. Participated in the 8th Africa Regional Conference on Women, Beijing +15 Reviews organised by the United Nations Economic Commission of Africa (UNECA), 16-20th November 2009, in Kairaba Hotel, Banjul, The Gambia.
  66. Participated in a workshop organised by Pan African Parliament (PAP), European Parliamentarians for Africa (AWEPA) Ethiopian Women Parliamentary Caucus and UNICEF Ethiopia on Agenda on the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) Women Caucus Mission on FGM Abandonment in Ethiopia, held 25-28 August 2009 at Intercontinental Hotel, Addis Ababa.
  67. Participated in the meeting of Senior Officials on the implementation of Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the area of Peace and Security between the African Union, Regional Economic Communities and Coordinating Mechanisms of the Regional Standby Brigades of Eastern and Northern Africa, Addis Ababa, 8th -9th July 2009
  68. Participated in a workshop on Proposal Writing and Grant Management organised by Egerton University in collaboration with the United Nations University at Cathay Hotel, Nakuru 22nd -26th June 2009
  69. Participated in a workshop for the Regional Experts on the East African Community (EAC) Research Papers on Political Integration organised by the EAC Secretariat from 8th -10th June 2009, Laico Regency Hotel, Nairobi
  70. Facilitated in a workshop to validate the findings of FGM/C emanating from the peoples view towards developing the Kenya National FGM/C Policy, organised by the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development, UNICEF & UNFPA at the Hilton Hotel, Nairobi, 28th May 2008.
  71. Presented a paper on Intellectual Property Rights: Patents and Copy Rights at a workshop organised by Egerton University, on the 29th January 2009, CRMT Egerton, Njoro. The theme of the seminar was ‘Strengthening of University capacity for promoting, facilitating and teaching rural innovation process (SUCAPRI) EU-EDULINK.’
  73. Participated and facilitated at a workshop on Best Practices for Land Tenure and Natural Resource Governance in Africa organised by USAID from 1st -7th March 2009, at Holiday Inn, Nairobi
  74. Represented FIDA-Kenya and participated in the 41st Session of the Committee on the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights organised by the office of United Nations High Commission for Human Rights, from the 3rd – 8th November 2008, Geneva, Switzerland.
  75. Presented a paper entitled “Towards Eliminating Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV): The need for compensation and protection of SGBV Survivors” at a Regional consultative meeting held in Uganda organised by ACORD on 9th – 10th July 2008, Equatorial Hotel Kampala, Uganda.’
  76. Presented a paper on Legal and Ethical Issues arising at the Workplace in the Wake of HIV/AIDS at Workshop for the training on managing HIV/AIDS at workplace, organised by Kenya HIV/AIDS Private Sector Business Council (KHPSBC) 13th –14th of December 2007 Bontana Hotel, Nakuru.
  77. Participated in the Annual East African Law Society Conference from the 25th to the 28th of October 2007, Munyono Hotel, Kampala. The theme was: ‘Regional Economic Integration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Emerging Opportunities.’
  78. Presented a paper on the Implications of the Draft National Land Policy on Women’s Land and property rights (access and ownership) in Kenya, at a High level seminar organised by UNIFEM, on the 18th May 2007, Panafric Hotel, Nairobi. The theme of the seminar was ‘Gender and Human Rights: Enhancing Women Access to Justice in Kenya.’
  79. Participated at a Colloquium organised by the East Africa Law Society (EALS) on the proposed Amendment to the Treaty establishing the East African Community, from 15th -17th May 2007, Impala Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania.
  80. Represented FIDA–Kenya, and participated at the International Conference on sustaining Africa’s democratic momentum organised by South Africa Independent Electoral Commission, The African Union (AU) and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) from the 5th-7th March 2007, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg-South Africa.
  81. Participated at a workshop organised by the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional affairs and the International Law Development Organisation on Intellectual Property from the 3rd – 6th October 2006, Merica Hotel, Nakuru.
  82. Facilitated and trained stakeholders from Rift Valley Province on children’s rights and the juvenile justice system in Kenya from the 20th - 22nd of April 2006, Catholic Pastoral Centre, Nakuru. This was a consultancy done for the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru.  
  83. Participated at a workshop on the use of National, Regional and International accountability mechanisms in the advancement of reproductive rights, organised by FIDA-Kenya and the Centre for       Reproductive Rights-New York from the 30th -31st of March 2006, May Fair Holiday Inn, Nairobi.
  84. Participated at the Annual Regional Conference on Juvenile Justice and Pro – bono work organised by CRADLE, a Children’s NGO. The theme of the Conference was ‘Violence against and the Exploitation of Children’. It was held from the 7th – 9th of December 2005, The Grand Regency Hotel, Nairobi.
  85. Facilitated and trained FIDA-K pro bono lawyers on the use of International Human Rights Law (Conventions) and their application in litigation at a workshop organised by Federation of Women Lawyers Kenyan Chapter, which was       held from 1st - 3rd of December 2005, Whitesands Hotel, Mombasa.
  86. Facilitated and trained Flower Farm Committee Leaders on Human Rights, Gender and HIV/AIDS from the 7th – 11th November 2005 at the behest of Action Aid Kenya, North Rift office.
  87. Facilitated at a Workshop organised by Action Aid Kenya, the theme of the workshop was ‘Gender Strategy and Action Plan Development: Human Rights   and Gender issues at the work place,’ from the 13th -15th of April 2005, Yellow Green Hotel, Naivasha. Participants were taught on how to develop a gender and HIV/AIDS policy at the workplace.
  88. Facilitated at a Workshop for the training of Paralegals on Children’s rights, gender issues and the Law, organised by Action Aid Kenya from the 7th –11th of March 2005 in Kisumu.
  89. Participated in the East African Law Society Regional Conference held at Mombasa, from the 30th September- 3rd of October 2004.The theme was : ‘Building Bridges: From the East African Community to the African Union and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD)
  90. Participated at a Workshop organised by CRADLE at Outspan Nyeri, 29th August – 2nd September 2004 on the Rights of the Children.
  91. Facilitated at an International workshop organized by IUCN -The World Conservation Union and the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization held at Imperial Hotel, Kisumu-Kenya from the 7th – 10th of October 2003 on the Legal aspects of Co-Management on fisheries. The theme was: Community Participation on Fisheries Management on Lake Victoria’.
  92. Participated in the East African Law Society Regional Conference held at Entebbe, Uganda from the 10th –12th of October 2003. The theme was: ‘Globalization and Terrorism as challenges to Regional Integration.’
  93. Participated at the Annual Colloquium organized by the Southern Africa Political Economy Series Trust at the Harare Sheraton Hotel and Towers from the 23rd – 25th of September 2002. The theme was: ‘HIV/ AIDS and Social Development in Southern Africa’. o   Attended the Annual Conference of International Commission of Jurists and the Law Society of Kenya held at the Whitesands Beach Hotel in Mombasa from the 22nd -25th of August 2002.The theme was: ‘Constitutional Building and Reforms in Kenya’.o   Participated and consulted at a retreat organized by the Task Force on Legal Issues Relating to HIV and AIDS at the Fig Tree Camp, the Mara National Park, between the 16th and 19th of May, 2002. The theme was: HIV/AIDS, Criminal Law, Employment and Insurance issues as well as Human Rights.
  94. Participated at the Southern Africa Regional Institute for Policy Studies, Annual Colloquium from the 23rd – 26th of September 2001 at the Harare Sheraton Hotel, Harare, Zimbabwe. The theme was: ‘Social Policy and Development in Southern Africa.’
  95. Facilitated at a workshop for the Anglican Church of Kenya, Diocese of Nakuru at Diocesan Conference Centre (Normain) between the 17th and 20th of April       2001 on the Law of Inheritance and Women’s Rights.
  96. Facilitated at a Workshop whose theme was ‘Women and the Law of Inheritance’ for the Anglican Church, Diocese of Nakuru, from the 6th and 8th of December 2000, Stem Hotel, Nakuru.
  97. Participated actively in the Law Development Commission Meetings between March and April 2000, in the formulation of the Laws and policies relating to Domestic Violence in Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe Domestic Violence Draft Bill 2000), courtesy of the Women’s Law Centre, University of Zimbabwe.
  • 2015: Recognized by Harvard Kennedy School Carr Centre for Human Rights Policy -Initiative on Violence Against Women as founding Coalition Member and research support given to the initiative.
  • 2014: Recognized and honoured by Golden Key International Honour Society as one of the top 15% academic achievers in the University, through recommendation by University of Pretoria.
  • 2012: Recognized and awarded a certificate of appreciation by FIDA-Kenya in recognition of the long service under the ‘Pro Bono Scheme and dedication to FIDA-Kenya work.
  • 2006: Awarded a certificate by FIDA-Kenya for the ‘Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year for advocating for human rights of women.’
  • 2005/2006: An Award by NORAD Scholarship to do a Masters in Women’s Law at the University of Zimbabwe
  • 2004: Awarded a certificate by FIDA-Kenya for the ‘Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year for advocating for human rights of women.’
  • 2001/2003: Partial scholarship by SARIPS to do a Masters in Policy Studies at SAPES Trust Institute, Forte Hare and University of Zimbabwe
  • 2000: NORAD Scholarship to do a Postgraduate Diploma in Women’s Law at The University of Zimbabwe
  1. Xavier Okado Lugaga ‘Factors Affecting Women’s Participation in the Management of Cooperative Societies in Njoro District, Nakuru County’ (2012) (Co-supervising with Prof. Kennedy Ondimu) Student graduated in 2015
  2. Esther Akoth Onyango ‘Women Engaging in Capital Offences: A Case of Nakuru Maximum Prison’ (2014) Proposal Defended
  3. Justine Nyatete Nyakundi, ‘Trends and Patterns of Sexual Violence Against Children in Nakuru Town, Nakuru County’ (2014) Co Supervising with Dr. Damaris Parsitau. Student in the field
  4. Barnabas F. Rotich ‘Participation of male spouses in mothers utilization of antenatal care and their influence on infant and young child feeding patterns, Njoro Town, Nakuru County’ 2014 (Co- Supervising with Dr. Stellamaris Muthoka) Student graduated 2019
  5. Regina Wambui Nderitu (2013) ‘Towards a rights based approach to realization of the basic right to education under the compulsory free primary education in Kenya as a tool for social justice.’ Nairobi University School of Law. Student graduated in 2016
  6. N’kweli Siema Mwaguni (2017) “Confronting Domestic Violence: Kenyan and Comparative Perspectives” Moi University School of Law Student in awaiting Defence
  1.  Rev. Samuel K. Nduati ‘Transforming Masculinities in the Context of the Modern Family Crisis: A Case Study of Selected Faith- Based Organisations in Bahati Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya’ (Co-supervising with Prof. Stephen Ngari, Dr Damaris Parsitau) Student graduated 2020.
  2. Naomi Lanoi ‘Entrepreneurship as a means of reducing violence against rural Maasai women in Kenya. Case study of Ololulunga Division in Narok South Constituency’) 2018 (Co-supervising with Dr. Damaris Parsitau)
  3. Agnes Wangechi Mwangi ‘Protection of Out of School Adolescent Girl Child Against Abuse. Is It A Mirage? A Case of Turkana County.’ (2018) (Co-supervising with Dr. Lilian Chesikaw)


  • East African Law Society
  • East African Wildlife Society
  • Every Woman Everywhere
  • Golden Key International
  • International Economic Social and Cultural Rights Network (ESCR- Net)
  • FIDA-KENYA, Pro Bono Scheme
  • Africa Network of Constitutional Lawyers
  • Federation of Women Lawyers Kenyan Chapter (FIDA-Kenya)
  • Law Society of Kenya
  • Rift Valley Law Society


Professional Responsibilities

  • 2021- to date:  Member, National Legal Aid Board Service.
  • 2020- to date: Member Board of Advisers International Development Law Organization (IDLO) 
  • 2019-to date : Project Team Leader, Faculty of Law Legal Aid Project (FOLLAP)       
  • 2015-2019: Board Member International Economic Social and Cultural Rights Network (ESCR- Net) Headquartered in New York Representing Sub Sahara Africa    
  • 2012-2016: Chairperson Federation of Women Lawyers Kenyan Chapter (FIDA-Kenya): a lead national women’s lawyers human rights organisation
  • 2012-2016: Board Member Election Observation Group
  • 2012-2016   Member National Council of Administration of Justice
  • 2012-2016   Served as the Chair of Sexual Offences Technical Working group of National Council of Administration of Justice
  • 2010: 2013: Member UNESCO Bioethics Regional Committee, Egerton University   
  • 2010-2013: Council Member, National Council for Science & Technology      
  • 2009-2012: Co-Chairperson South Rift GBV Network      
  • 2005-2009: Board Member FIDA –KENYA     
  • 2003-2009: Executive Board Member of Moi Secondary School, Nakuru     
  • 1997-2000: Board Member of St. Xavier Primary School, Nakuru 
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