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Faculty of Agriculture

The Faculty of Agriculture (FOA) is headed by a Dean who is the administrative and academic head. Assisting the Dean on the day-to-day administrative matters, are two Assistant Registrars.

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The Faculty of Agriculture is the heir to Egerton College whose history dates back to 1939.

However, the Faculty as it is today, came into being in August 1986, when Egerton College was, by an Act of Parliament, elevated to the status of University College, affiliated to the University of Nairobi for the purpose of awarding degrees.

The deanship is happy you visited our page to explore the training, research and networking treasures. Given FOA’s rich history, the future can only be one of opportunities. Having given birth to more faculties and departments in Egerton University, FOA remains a strong pillar in the existence of Egerton University. Read More...

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